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because you get more colour

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Q: Why do you use hot water when making indicator from red cabbage leaves?
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red cabbage is a good universal indicator you need a red cabbage hot water and a pestle and mortar put hot water into the mortar and crush the red cabbage leaves with the pestle the water should turn purple. your own universal indicator!

Why should a minimal amount of water be used to cover the red cabbage leaves?

because it will yield a higher concentration of indicator molecules

What is the name of the method used to separate the cabbage water indicator from the pieces of red cabbage?


Why does cabbage juice work as an indicator?

put small pieces of purple cabbage in hot water and stir it and leave it for 20 min and take only water. if indicator turns substance red it is acidic ,if blue then basic if no change then neutral

Why are the leaves on the inside of a cabbage paler?

because they have less water

Why does cabbage indicator stay the same colour in water?

because the water is neutral in nature, i.e neither acidic nor basic

What colour does red cabbage indicator go in water?

it goes bluey purpley when it is in water and red in acid and yellow - green in alkali

What is a cabbage indicator?

The phrase "cabbage indicator" refers to the use of red cabbage juice to indicate the pH of a solution. For red cabbage contains the pigment molecule ka flavin, which is an anthocyanin. In fact, anthocyanin also is responsible for the reds of certain tree leaves such as sassafras [Sassafras albidum] and sourwood [Oxydendrum arboreum]. Anthocyanin has the advantage of being a water soluble pigment. Its color varies depending upon the acidity/neutrality/alkalinity of the solution in which it's found. For example, the anthocyanin pigments in red cabbage juice turn red in acidic, purplish in neutral, and greenish-yellow in basic solutions.

What is red cabbage powder?

Red cabbage powder is made by extracting the flavin pigment from red cabbage leaves. This is usually done by boiling in an ethanol and water mixture, resulting in a deep-red/purple solution. This solution is then evaporated under reduced pressure and heat to yield a red/purple powder. The powder smells like cabbage, is soluble in water, and can be used as a dye or acid/base indicator. Many food manufacturers use red cabbage dye as a more 'natural' alternative to synthetic dyes, which are all suspected carcinogens.

What are some cool science experiments?

Boil cabbage in acetone, the purple pigments from the cabbage transfer to the water, therefor the water becomes purple&tge cabbage turns white, This also works for leaves boiled in alcohol. Remember:wear goggles(;

How do you conduct an eighth grade science experiment?

You can show how chemists use indicators to determine if a substance is acid or base. You make the indicator by chopping up some red cabbage and soaking it in water.* The water will turn blue from the color in the cabbage. This water is your "indicator". Pour it off in one or more glasses and add various substances to see the color change. Acids will make the water red and bases (alkalies) will make the water blue again. Try vinegar (acedic acid) - a small amount will do. Try baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). *The indicator water will be much brighter colored if you heat the cabbage in the water for a minute or two.

How do you make red cabbage indicator?

In order to make this kind of an indicator, you need: RED CABBAGE, A MIXER, WATER, STRAINER, ACID, BASE, BEAKER (or a glass). Now, take a few of the red cabbage leaves and put them in the mixer, after that, put water into the mixer. Now: MIX! When you mix, strain off the cabbage-leaf parts into a beaker and you're ready to go. If you pour hydrochloric acid, the juice turns red, if you put ammonia, it turns green, if you put a solution of sodium hydroxide, it turns yellow. Of course, these are all lab-grade chemicals. You can also use (Lemon) Citric Acid, Acetic Acid(Vinegar), Sodium Bicarbonate(Baking Soda)...Hope I helped..! :)