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The color of eyes is determined by the amount of melanin in them. If one eye happens to have more or less than the other eye, the eyes can appear as different colors from each other. The White-Spotted gene in some cats is what causes the difference in melanin amounts of their two eyes.

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The effect you're referring to is called eyeshine. It is very simmilar to redeye in humans, but looks different due to the differences between a human's eyes and those of a cat or a dog. Cats and dogs (and other animals - mainly nocturnal ones) have a membrane called the tapetum lucidum which lies immediately behind the retina. It's job is to reflect additional light back into the retina, increasing the animal's night vision. In flash Photography, light reflects back from the flash, creating the shine. The reason that the colour of the shine is not always the same is because the effect is a form of iridescence, so the colour varies according to the angle at which the reflection occurs.

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You´ll find lots of pictures of lovely cats at and not only that, you could also learn cares, breeding and lots of things about cats!

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Cats can be so many different colors that it is hard to list. There are gray cats, black cats, white cats, brown cats, golden cats, cream-colored cats, rose-colored cats, and even blue cats! Then there are the cats that have mixtures, like the stripped tabby, the patched calico, or the torbie, a mixture of both. Different breeds of cats can have even stranger patterns. For example, the Siamese and Himalayan breeds tend to be a cream color with darker patches on their face, ears, paws, and tail.

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it's tonkinese genetics that come simply were born with.

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Yes. They come in brown, too.

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It depends on some religions, cultures, and where in the world and in what time this questioned is posed.

Where can someone see pictures of scary cats?

To view pictures of scary cats, one may check the Google Images website. The website Tumblr also has pictures of scary cats. Another place to view these pictures is the website SMOSH.

What are the most popular clipart pictures?

The most popular clipart pictures are of cartoon characters like smiling stars, and animal pictures like cats, dogs and elephants. Pictures of rainbows and different types of cars are also popular.

Where can you find pictures of cats on the internet?

Do you mean just cats themselves or memes of cats? You can do a google search for "images of cats" for regular pictures. If there's a breed you want put it in the search criteria.