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Q: Why does bread get spores when kept outside?
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Why do bread molds form on bread that is kept in bread boxes or covered drawers?

Because there is mold spores everywhere. There would already be some in the air in the bread box/covered drawer, so the spores would just take root and grow.

What is mold on bread?

it is a type of fungus that you can find on bread when it is left outside for a few days. Mold spreads via spores.

Why do bread mold form on bread that is kept in boxes or covered drawers?

Because there is mold spores everywhere. There would already be some in the air in the bread box/covered drawer, so the spores would just take root and grow.

Does fresh bread contain spores?

Fresh bread does not contain spores. Spores grow in bread as the bread ages. From the spores mold grows and spreads throughout the bread. To prolong the life of your bread without spores place the loaf in the fridge in a sealed case.

Why does water increase mold growth?

because when you leave bread outside of its package there are thousands of spores in the air that land on it so when you put water on it then the water kind of reproduces with the spores and then starts to grow the mold

Do bread mold and ferns reproduce by spores?

Yes, but not the same sort of spores.

What mold contains spores?

bread mould


As mould spores are everywhere in the air, the bread would become mushy, and the spores would grow and turn the bread rather mouldy.

How did fungi get onto the bread?

Believe it or not, fungi can actually float around in the air. Fungi spores are found everywhere, and every time you open a package of bread, these spores will enter. After a few days, the spores will turn into the green mold that usually signals that it's time to throw away the bread.

What is needed to be present for bread to turn mouldy?

Mold spores, bread, moisture and the right temperature.

How do spores form in bread mold?

fish dick seeds travel from the air and contaminate the bread

Bread process decay why how mold?

Bread gets moldy when it comes in contact with mold spores that are present in the air. Bread is a good food source for mold. Moisture paired with warm air causes the mold spores to reproduce rapidly.