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possible clogged or damaged heater core

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Q: Why does cold air come from the heater?
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What causes cold air to come out of air vents when heater not on?

The heater may not be on - but the fan still blows air through the vents when they're open !

How come your heater blows cold air in a 2000 silverado?

The heater might blow cold air in a 2000 Silverado because the thermostat is sticking and not changing from cold to heat. The thermostat is usually located in a hose that leads from the radiator to the motor.

If the heater works but blows cold air and heater core is good what do i check next?

Get the air out of your heater core.

Why do cold air come from heater on 2000 Nissan max?

You may need to add water to your cooling system.

How will the heater react if the heater core is stopped up?

Your heater will blow cold air only.

What causes a cars heater to blow cold air?

THE CAUSE for this is that when your cold air is on the petrol is used to create air. and that is how cars create cold air

What is wrong if cold air blows out when heater is on?

I assume your car heater is blowing cold air, when the heater is on. It seems that, you have air on your coolant. that air pockets blocks the cooland to travel through your heater. it may be a sign of a bigger problem such as blown head gasket in the old cars, such acura legend

Why is the heater in my 99 ford windstar only blowing cold air?

The most common reason the heater is blows cold air on a 1999 Ford Winstar is a bad thermostat or blocked heater core.

Why would a house heater blow out cold air?

It doesn't really blow it out it just warms the cold air.

Why is your 93 GA GT runs cold and the heater does not work?

If you are saying the heater is blowing out cold air you need to change the heater core which is located inside the dash

1998 Mazda b2500and when you turn the heater buttom to make it blow cold air doesn't change and still on heat?

if youre trying to turn the heater on and cold air comes out, then its most likely the heater core

Ac works but heater blows cold air?

heater hoses might have been disconected