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Q: Why does your body cramp up when its hot?
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Do you get cramps on knee?

Any muscle in your body can cramp

How do you get a cramp?

Muscular cramp occurs when the oxygen demand by muscles is greater than what the body can provide. When the supply is less than the demand, the muscles start to undergo anaerobic respiration - this results in a build-up of lactate in the muscles. When the levels of lactate become too high, the muscles cramp.

What happens to the muscle when experiencing a cramp?

When a muscle cramp occurs, the muscle contracts forcibly and involuntarily and doesn't relax for the time the cramp lasts. The cramp can last from few seconds up to few minutes.

What should you do in case of cramps?

There are many diverse methods in solving cramps. For example, exercising. Also, you could avoid and caffeine or alcohol and rest in a comfortable chair. Do not eat while you have cramps, and take deep breaths. Sometimes I double over and that solves them for me, but hey. Everyone has a different way :)

Is showering inmediately after a workout bad?

It actually isn't recommend. Since your body is all worked up from the workout, the sudden change in temperature would put your body into shock, give you a asthma/ heart attack, or it may cramp up your body

What is the lump on your leg or muscle during cramp?

When you experience a leg or muscle cramp, it is because the muscle has constricted or tightened up. The lump you are referring to is the muscle itself that has tightened up. When your muscle relaxes, the cramp goes away.

Why might someone with a cramp be given pure oxygen to breathe?

The "Someone" with a cramp will be given pure oxygen because when the "someone" inhales & exhales the oxygen, it releases the soar and cramped body part. university hospitals

How do you loosen up a muscle after a cramp?

I recommend massage.

How do streches help your body?

They keep your muscles from tightening up during/or after a workout. If your muscles get too tight, they may snap. The blood moves to the area you've stretched and keeps your body going. Don't skip them, or you'll cramp up.

How do you get cramps away?

- take a nice relaxing hot bath - take a cramp pill - place a hot water bottle on the cramped area

What type 0f fermentation is responsible for a leg cramp?

A leg cramp is caused by a build up of lactic acid in your muscles, so the type of fermentation responsible for a leg cramp is lactic acid fermentation.

What should you do when you get A muscle cramp?

Stop doing whatever activity triggered the cramp, Gently stretch and massage the cramping muscle, holding it in stretched position until the cramp stops, and Apply heat to tense/tight muscles, or cold to sore/tender muscles.