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When the German economy failed during the Great Depression, more people started voting for Hitler because he promised to change the country. A lot of Germans hated Jews so Hitler blamed the Jews for losing World War 1, so he promised to get rid of them. Hitler killed his political rivals with his private army before taking power, after taking power he also used his private army to kill people who opposed him. During World War 2 Hitler used Propaganda such as showing films about great battles that the Germans won and he also had massive rallies and a good relation with the Pope who endorsed Hitler to Europe.

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11y ago

he was a true leader unlike the western countries (US and Canada) along with its British system of oppression have to offer Hitler was a much much better leader ... all the west has ever done is feed its people made them diabetic comfort them and hid from them from what is going in the east not to mention there societies are filled with spies who constantly check up on immigrants from school to retirement home until they make you mentally weak into a coward that adheres to their system, never ever trust these people ... we need another Hitler to hit these western countries.

I am not going to comment what he did to Jews I dont want to get into that but always prefer Dictatorship like N.Korea these are true leaders true man with bravery strength and might. I am expecting another war soon with the destruction of these nonsense countries. Whenever I look at N.Korea even though I am not from there but do realize there is might of power bravery I respect it and respect its people for not "selling" its leader like Iraq did to the Western countries, other countries have totally surrendered to West and British System; west needs to pay up for its atrocities and it will not be a beautiful picture whoever wishes to join it may do so.

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14y ago

Hitler and the Nazi party were popular in Germany because of the fact that they said that they could bring Germany out of poverty, and that Germans were a 'Master Race' and that they would rule the world for the next 1000 years. They tricked the people into fighting for them, and tricking them into killing millions of Jews because the government told them that they were the cause of all there problems.

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14y ago

The Nazis and Adolf Hitler are commonly thought of as representing the antithesis of Christianity and Christian values. If that's true, why did tens of millions of German Christians adore Hitler, join the Nazis, and participate in the Holocaust Hitler and the Nazis promoted a Christian nationalism, anti-communism, anti-Semitism, and return to traditional values which most Christians appreciated. The Nazi party platform specifically endorsed 'positive' Christianity.

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12y ago

Germany had just lost World War I, and USA and England had demanded Germany to pay, which had made it very poor. Hitler promised that he would make the people rich again, by attacking lands. Anyway, Hitler was an good speaker, and became popular very fast. He understood to use the body language.

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Women loved him because he was young, single and strong willed. There was a shortage of men in Germany after WW1. Men loved him because he wanted to make Germany great again.

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He charmed them, by telling them things they wanted to hear.

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Q: Why was Hitler and the Nazis so pupular in Germany?
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Who was in power during the Holocaust?

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No. Hitler did not let freedom of speech in their country because the Nazis took over Germany's government and made Germany a communist country so they were not allowed to have freedom of speech.

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Adolph Hitler was the leader of the Nazi party who governed Germany from 1933-1945, so he was the Fuhrer (dictator) of Germany. During his rule the Nazis killed millions of people.

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The Nazi Party formed from the National Socialist German Workers' Party after Hitler too power. Much of Hitler's rise was attributed to the fact that Germany was in such a depression after the Treaty of Versailles demolished their economy. The people clung to Hitler's promises because they were, at that time, their only hope after getting out of the depression. So with Germany's support Hitler rose to great power and with him so did the Nazi Party.

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The German's who felt there life was recovering... So almost all of Germany. The German's who felt there life was recovering... So almost all of Germany.German Nazis

What is happening in germanyabout Jews and the Nazis?

Hitler the founder of the Nazi party becomed Fuhrer of germeny in august 1934 and before and after that the nazis were agressive and since january 1933 hitler had the power to send people to concentration camps and sent them to their deaths. So the nazis was a dominate group in germany from late 20s-early 30s. The jews in germany was always discriminated by germans and they was unabled to be living like normal people so jews were being treated very poorly.

Who Hitler was to Germany?

Hitler was a leader of the National Socialist movement in the 1930s. He became Chancellor of Germany and then the Furher (leader is the translation of that word). So he was the equivilent of a Prime Minister or President of Germany. He eventually was the DICTATOR of the Third Reich and the Nazis. The poor Germans were sucked into his insane mania and leadership. He ruled with an iron fist.

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The Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei - secret state police) was an instrument of the nazi state. It was set up by the Nazis, run by one of Hitler's closest allies (Heinrich Himmler) and each member had sworn a personal oath of loyalty to Hitler.

Why did Hitler disperse the Jews?

There seems to be a misunderstanding here. From 1933 till about 1940-41 the Nazis did their utmost to bully Jews in Germany into emigrating. Those who able to did so. From about October 1941 onwards, the Nazis moved to extermination as the sole policy.

Who is to blame for the holocaust?

The government of Germany under the leadership of Hitler.