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Tecumseh was a great leader that understood Natives needed to work together to fight the Americans and use the British to their advantage. Once Tecumseh died the Natives confederacy fell apart and the British horrified by massacres committed by the Natives and having no Native leader to deal with abandoned the Natives and deals made.

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Q: Why was all hope lost for the natives when Tecumseh died?
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What makes Tecumseh famous?

He was a Indian military commander who lost many (if not all) of his battles.

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Through the French and Indian War, when the French were defeated they lost all of their colonial territory in North America. The french had lost all of their land, and also the natives.

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What Makes the expedition lose hope?

They lost much hope several times throughout the books, but never all. First, they lost Gandalf, their leader and protector. Then Boromir died, and the fellowship was split into three groups. Sam and Frodo in one, Pippin and Merry in the second, and Legolas, Gimli, and Aragorn in the last. Another time when Sam, in particular, lost hope is when he thought that Frodo was dead in Shelob's lair.

What connection did cornplanter have with Shawnee chief Tecumseh?

Both Tecumseh and Corn Planter were Native Americans who called upon their people to reject the influence of the Europeans and return to traditional Indian ways. Both believed their people had been worst off by having lost their own values.

What is the Origin of the expression the natives are restless?

The origin of the expression "the natives are restless" goes back to the 1933 film Island of Lost Souls. The saying is offered by Dr. Moreau when his human and beast creatures become agitated.