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The college students had gathered in protest of the widening effort in Vietnam War. The Ohio national guard was called into keep the peace. The ROTC building was set on fire and surrounded by 1000 protesters burned to the ground.

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14y ago

The criticism of the war in Vietnam started out mainly as a conservative reaction to President Johnson's policy of fighting for a limited purpose, a negotiated peace, rather than all out victory in Vietnam. Those critics included Senator Barry Goldwater, retired military men, and even some extreme members of the John Birch Society. These people were known as "hawks." As the President escalated the war effort, and became a hawk himself, his chief critics became known as "doves" and included antiwar protesters, college students and faculty, liberal Democrats, and many other people in various walks of life who felt that the war was immoral, dragging on to no benefit for the US, and was causing increased casualty lists to mount. Many believed the US was fighting a war against the wishes of the majority of the Vietnamese people. These critics felt the war was a civil war in Vietnam between north and south and we had no business interfering. Some supported the communist effort in Vietnam and hoped for a defeat of the "imperialist capitalist" United States. Many Americans felt we were fighting a small, unimportant county, while the real enemy was China and the Soviet Union. There were many demonstrations against the war which took the form of sit ins in college and high school campuses, marches both for and against the war, and editorials written for and against the war. One of the most infamous demonstrations took place at Kent State University, 1970, when National Guard troops fired on Kent State students and protesters and four were killed and eleven were wounded.

For the best eye witness accounts of the Kent State shootings by various Kent students and national guardsmen who shot students, check out the Emmy Award winning documentary, "Kent State, The Day the War Cam Home." It was just released on DVD for the upcoming 40th anniversary. In its review of the program, The Hollywood Reporter stated, "This extraordinary hour long doc is so good, so well constructed, that it can't help but leave viewers feeling as if they themselves were on the bloody scene of the Kent State carnage..." for more go to

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On May 4, l970 members of the Ohio National Guard fired into a crowd of Kent State University demonstrators, killing four and wounding nine Kent State students.

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12y ago

The protested the Cambodian Incursion and the National Guard opened fire, much like the Boston Massacre of the Colonial Period.

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Q: Why were 4 students killed at Kent State University in 1970?
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What was the incident at Kent State University?

In 1970, 4 students were shot and killed by the National Guard at Kent State University in Ohio, during an anti-war protest. Students had been throwing rocks at the soldiers, who felt that they had to defend themselves. In retrospect, it appeared to have been an error for the governor to have called out the guard in the first place. It remains one of the most tragic events of that period.

What happened after the Kent State shootings?

After the Kent State shootings of May 4, 1970, student protests continued to some extent until the end of the Vietnam War. There were convictions of three students involved, but a conviction of guardsmen and officials was overturned due to jury intimidation. The case was settled with the payment of reparations to the families of those injured and killed. The use of armed guardsmen was restricted after recommendations by public commissions. The use of lethal ammunition by the Guard became severely restricted.

Effects of the Kent State shootings?

The shooting at Kent State on May 4, 1970 occurred as armed National Guard troops fired on a crowd of student anti-war demonstrators. Four students were killed and nine were wounded. There had been violent confrontations between the Guard and the students, and the Guard was attempting to disperse the demonstrators. When a small group of soldiers faced a much larger crowd of students, they fired into the crowd. Although the federal proceedings against guardsmen and authorities were concluded in 1974, an audio tape analyzed in 2010 provided additional information, and could potentially result in further proceedings on a state level. However, double jeopardy and the passage of 40 years make this unlikely.

In 1970 after the kent state shootings what happened?

The shootings led to protests by over four million students and the closing of over 900 campuses across the country. This was the only nationwide student strike in the history of the United States.

Who became South America's first avowed Marxist to be elected head of state?

The first avowed Marxist to be elected head of state was Salvador Allende. He became president in 1970

Related questions

What happened at Kent State University in May of 1970?

National Guardsmen killed four students.

The Ohio university where four students were killed during protests against the 1970 invasion of Cambodia?

Kent State University

The site of a 1970 tragedy in which four students were killed by National Guard troops was the?

kent state university

What is th University where 4 students were killed by National Guard troops during a anti-war demonstration in 1970?

Kent State University.

In 1970 where were college students killed while protesting the war?

At Kent State University they were shot by Guardsmen after rocks/bricks had been thrown at the men.

How many people were killed in the antiwar demostration at Ohio university in 1970?

Four students.

Where were two students killed by National Guard?

"FOUR Dead in Ohio...", by Crosby, Stills, and Nash (and Young); Kent State University, state of Ohio, 04 May 1970.

During an antiwar protest four students were killed by National Guard soldiers at what college?

On May 4, 1970, four students were killed and nine wounded by National Guard troops at Kent State University in Ohio. The students were protesting the invasion of Cambodia, announced by Richard Nixon the week before. Kent State University

What happen to students on the university of Wisconsin during the Vietnam war?

Kent State University, OHIO...four students shot and killed by Ohio Army Guardsmen during a riot (04 May '70) against Nixon's invasion of Cambodia which occurred on 01 May 1970.

Why were four students killed at kent state and two students killed at Jackson state on may 1970?

At Kent State, it was believed a soldier fired a round accidentlly which resulted in other soldiers to fire their weapons. I am not familiar with the story at Jackson State.

What event took place on the campus of kent state university in may 1970?

That was the time of what became known as the Kent State Massacre, in which 4 students were shot and killed by the national guard, during a student anti-war protest.

How would you describe the Kent State Tragedy?

A Shooting at Kent State University in 1970, where guardsmen opened fire on students protesting, leaving 4 students dead.