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Q: Why were antidemocrstic leaders able to take power in the soviet union and Italy after world war 1?
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In which countries did authoritarian leaders come to power?

Germany, Soviet Union, and Spain.

Which soviet leader stayed in power longer than the other leaders?

Joseph Stalin, who was in power from 1924 until his death in 1953, was the soviet leader who stayed in power the longest.

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Joseph Stalin was the Soviet leader responsible.

How do you think the leaders of the Soviet Union viewed the formation of the Marshall Plan and NATO?

The Soviet leaders probably viewed the Marshall Plan and NATO as direct threats to Soviet security. Soviet leaders felt the United States was using its wealth to buy influence and power in Europe. They feared that strong, rebuilt Western European nations would be a threat to its satellite nations in Eastern Europe.

What four nations in the 1930s were trying to expand their power and territories?

Japan, Germany, Italy, and the soviet union

What 2 leaders were both fascist leaders and members of axis power?

Both Adolph Hitler of Germany and Benito Mussolini of Italy were Fascist Leaders and members of the Axis in WW2

Did the Soviet Union collapse or transform?

Basically the Soviet Union collapsed. Many of its leaders retained power in the new states that arose from its ashes. Still, the old organization able to exert its power from Moscow no longer exists.

What types of leaders came to power in italygermany and the soviet union before world war 2?

fascist leaders- Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin. all three had totalitarian views.

Who are the axis power leaders?

Adolph Hitler (Germany) Emperor Hirohito (Japan) Mussolini (Italy)

What were the leaders that gained power in the years following World War 1 in Italy the soviet union and Germany and what type of government did they turn out to be?

The leader of Italy was Benito Mussolini, who ruled under totalitarianism. The leader of the Soviet Union was Joseph Stalin who was a totalitarian dictator and also a communist. The leader of Germany was Adolf Hitler who also was a totalitarian dictator. All three of these countries were called the Axis powers because they all had similar governments and economic systems, along with a common goal of acquiring land.

Who was against Germany in the world war 2?

Almsot every world power with the exception of Italy and Japan. the 'big three' were The US, Britian, and the Soviet Union.

Who were the dictators in the Soviet Union after WWII?

In Communist Russia the leaders - with the exeption of Josef Stalin - cannot really be called 'dictators'. Although they had considerable executive powers, they were answerable to the Politbureau of the Soviet Union, which had the very real power to appoint them, control them and fire them. The postwar Soviet leaders were succesively: Josef Stalin, Georgy Malenkov (very briefly); Nikita Krushchev, Leonid Brezhnev, Yuri Andropov, Konstantin Chernenko and Mikhail Gorbachev.