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Cumberland slider turtles take a wile to grow. they are not adults until they are 5.

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Q: Why won't my cumberland slider turtle grow bigger?
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What is the biggest length red eared slider turtle can grow into?

12 inches

How do you care for red eared slider turtles?

The way to take care of a baby slider is u have 2 go 2 a pet store and ask 4 repto min its the smallest bottle feed the turtle about 3 or 4 it depends thoe..... If it eats half of them then that's how many they are feeden..........then as they grow get the bigger bottles till they are the size of the plate. Resource:

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terrapin can grow bigger than a moss turtle.

What is the largest turtle?

A turtle is bigger because tortoises are minnie

Can a sucker fish live with red eared slider if the turtle is 6 years old?

Its really a gamble to put any fish with a red eared slider , it depends how big the sucker fish is if it is small the turtle with probably eat it , you are supposed to let them grow up together i have a sucker fish with my red eared slider but they are baby's so they have not bothered it.

Can a red eared slider turtle live with ouachita map turtle?

I'm pretty sure. I've had a red eared slider and an Ouachita map turtle living together in the same tank for about... I don't know exactly... Maybe about 3 years? They are friendly toward each other (well, they aren't mean to each other) so I'm pretty sure they can be in the same tank. But my red eared slider did grow up together.

Do quarter size small turtles get large or stay small?

Depends on the type of turtle. Most of them will grow bigger then that. But they grow very slow.

Will a turtle grow bigger just becauxe you keep putting him in a larger tank?

Turtles grow according to their genetic make-up. They will grow until they reach their adult size - regardless of the size of the tank they're kept in !

How much does it cost to care for a turtle?

The way to take care of a baby slider is u have 2 go 2 a pet store and ask 4 repto min its the smallest bottle feed the turtle about 3 or 4 it depends thoe..... If it eats half of them then that's how many they are feeden..........then as they grow get the bigger bottles till they are the size of the plate. Resource:

Is a turtle bigger than a pig?

Depends on what type of 🐢 some grow up to be larger than a 🐷

Is a red eared slider turtle a carnivore?

A Red eared slider turtle is an omnivore. They tend to stick to a more carnivore diet as a baby, and grow into being more herbivorous as they age. You can buy turtle pellet food from a local pet store to feed them as a base diet but you should also feed them a variety of different food such as: earthworms, crickets, feeder fish (they can work, though they can also carry diseases), etc.

How long does a baby red eared turtle grow?

Answer 1If properly cared for by the provision of the proper environment [temperature, light, water, sun, etc.] and proper feeding, the turtle will grow as you and I, and all living things, continuously. If all is optimal, the rate of growth will be dictated and limited only by it's genetic make-up. j3h. A baby turtle in the proper habitat, and being fed the right amount regularly, will grow about 1/4 inches per month. But growth rates do vary per turtle.