

Why would dex-cool leak out under truck?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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15y ago

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A container of dex-cool being stored in the truck has a loose cap or a hole in the container.

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Q: Why would dex-cool leak out under truck?
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been there done that, i had an 01 , 3.1 same situation, its the upper and lower intake gaskets, its a common problem with these gm models, its blamed on the dexcool antifreeze, u cant mix it with other antifreeze, there is a class action suiet going on now about the dexcool.. i replaced the gaskets but it had already been too hot...had to replace engine.....and used only dexcool, running excellent..

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Sounds like a loose connection at the coolant temperature sender. Or, the truck is low on coolant and air bubbles are passing by the sensor. This, along with a gurgling heater core, is a classic symptom of coolant that is too low before the truck overheats. Paying attention to these clues allowed me to fill up a friend's truck with coolant as it was almost a gallon low, and he didn't even know it was leaking (Dexcool). If you are losing coolant, you may have an intake leak. It is a common problem around 65 to 80 thousand miles. I would have this checked, you most likely won't see a leak, unless you look from below by the back of the intake. It ususally drips out there.

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If it is leaking under the truck it is not the heater core that is leaking. It would leak inside the vehicle on the passenger side. There is a drain tube for the A/C that is under the vehicle on the passenger side, and water from that with the A/C on is normal. If it is coolant, check the heater hose connections at the firewall. If you find that the heater core is actually leaking, replace it. No other repair is permanant.

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