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Those symptoms are not likely to be pregnancy related 5 days post ovulation, since even if the ovum was fertilized - it is very unlikely to have implanted in the uterine lining yet (or is just begun to implant) - so technically you would not yet be pregnant.

While the cause of many of the symptoms of pregnancy are not well understood, they are most likely a result of hormonal changes that begin in the days after the blastocyst implants and is considered an embryo.

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Q: Will pregnancy symptoms like dizziness or fainiting not occur within 5 days of ovulation?
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Hormones will cause those symptoms. If the symptoms are happening around the middle of your cycle than it is probably ovulation symptoms and if it is near the end it is PMS. Either way do not worry those symptoms are quite normal and most woman get them. Just as a precaution you may want to get your blood pressure checked as those symptoms can also mean high blood pressure.

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The main symptoms aremissed period,nausea with or without vomiting,tiredness,dizziness,breast changes and breast tenderness, andfrequent urination.The main symptoms of pregnancy are nausea, dizziness, heartburn, missed period, strange food cravings, bloated stomach, mild cramping, gassy, sore breasts and having light implantation bleeding.

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Yes it can be, but if you're unsure I suggest paying your doctor a visit. Or getitng a pregnancy test

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Yes, they are all pregnancy symptoms. However, they are all also symptoms that your period is going to arrive soon. If you don't get your period and there's a chance you could be pregnant, you should take a pregnancy test

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Yes but you have to keep in mind that they are also pre menstrual symptoms.

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What are the Earlyest symptoms you have when your pregnant?

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