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Actually, with bettas it's the male that cared for the bubble nest rather than the female. You should leave the male with the nest and separate the female.

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Q: Will the betta eggs die if the male betta finds them?
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Will betta eggs die if they fall on the floor of the tank?

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What would you do if your betta fish didn't eat for months?

I am not certain but here is some information it will probably die but this will usually happen when your male betta fish is caring for the eggs because the betta is scared it might do an accident and eat one of its eggs instead of the betta foods that you give it

What happens to female Betta if they don't lay there eggs?

If you leave her with the male and she doesn't spawn he will probably end up killing her. She needs to be fed up well and in breeding condition before she is introduced to the male.

Why does your male betta fish chase your female betta fish after she has had babies?

The male will protect, tend, and clean the eggs after they have been laid. It's best to remove the female right after mating and the male after the babies are free swimming (3 or so days). The female will die if she is left in there and you could risk loosing your babies. Also after the baby's have hatched remove them from harm of the female or male. They will both tend to eat the fry's, or baby's.

How does a girl betta fish lay eggs?

The male will go over to the female and will almost "hug" her causing her to drop her egss, they will do this many times before they are done breeding. The male will then pick the eggs up in his mouth and carry them to a nest that he made before the female was even in the same tank with him.

Should the male betta be removed after breeding the female?

It is not normal for a female Betta splendens to die after spawning. In the wild the female would swim away and leave the male to look after the nest and its contents. When bred in a small aquarium that is not possible so the female should be removed before the male kills her.

What the bubbles on top of your betta fish bowl is and if i would not breed him will he die?

its a bubblenest .. its where the female bettafish keeps her eggs

What will happen if the male and female are separated before she lays her eggs?

i guess the eggs will just die if the eggs are white they have died

How do butterflies have eggs?

Normally a butterfly lays about 100 eggs. From those 100 eggs, only 2% survive. The survivors are a male and a female. The others will die in their eggs, as larva, as caterpillars, or as butterflies. Then when a male and a female meet, they mate, and the female lays her 100 eggs. then everything starts over.

How come when you tried to breed your female betta and your male betta and they just act like the other betta wasnt there?

Probably, your bettas were not ready. Remeber that in betta breeding both can be injured or die, so i would do extensive research before attempting it. To try again, put the female in a plastic container and float it in the male's tank, until he builds a good bubble nest. then put them together. if either get injured too much, separate them.

What do you do if your male betta is attracted to a female who wants to eat him?

Separate them or one will die. as the man says " keep them separated". Sex is good but not that

Can you put another fish with a male and female beta?

no because the male and femalebetas are the type of fish that live alone. therefor since their opposite sex then there is a chance of them being OK with each other, so if there is another fish with them then they will attack it and eventually killing each other.