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Most likely not, the Iraq War is a very complicated and difficult situation for the U.S. to combat. The great psychic Nostradamus said that the Iraq war will last for 27 years. Lets see, the Iraq war started 0n September 11, 2001 and 27 years later would be September 11 2028. That's a long way to go! But even Nostradamus had false predictions.

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17y ago
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14y ago

Well, we can only hope that the war will end as soon as possible. However, the United States has been involved in the Mideast since the 1950s. We backed Saddam Hussein when Iraq was fighting Iran! We also backed the mujaheddin for 10 years while they were fighting Russia!

Nevertheless, at the rate that we are going now, the war should be over in one to 10 years. No one can really say when the war will end, since the terrorists are continually joining forces with Osama bin Laden.

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16y ago

No war will last forever, not even this one, though people are saying it will, all because of Bush. I sure hope it ends soon, not too soon, but soon, so the people over there can live free from the threat and fear of terrorism.

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15y ago

The United States of America ceased fighting amongst itself after the US Civil War (1861-1865). The US of America consists of 50 separate independent countries (minus US terroritories & possessions): Each of these independent nations; called STATES, have their own Flag, laws, and traditional life styles, and in some cases they have their own English dialect. Example: on the US east coast (notably New York) the word "Car" is sometimes pronounced as "Ka." In Texas, or other southern US state, the words "you all" is pronounced "Ya'll", or "yu'ns." Since these 50 independent nations come under the umbrella of one Federal Government, the United States Flag; federal law, the law of the land...which supercedes state law, there has been no more war amongst ourselves. We are ONE nation, but itemized into 50 smaller nations, which was designed to keep ONE government from becoming to powerful (power corrupts, ultimate power corrupts totally). Therefore, the United States of America "avoids" ultimate corruption. Ultimate corruption can lead to wars and ultimate destruction of the nation. So far, our fore fathers (1776), have designed a system of government that appears to work; we are a safe, productive, enjoyable country to live in. The United States of America only covers one continent (North America/with some islands in between); even though the Canadians ARE AMERICANS and live upon the North American continent, they are not part of the United States. "IF" the US system of government (50 independent flags living under one federal flag) can work well for a continent, then it may prove an acceptable model for the rest of the world to follow.

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15y ago

no one knows for sure it might last a while it might not.

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12y ago

The Iraq War officially ended on December 15, 2011, when President Obama withdrew the last combat troops from Iraq.

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14y ago

The war in Iraq is still going on til this very day

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11y ago

The Iraq War ended on December 16, 2011.

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13y ago

hasn't yet, its an ongoing process

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When is the war supposed to be over in Iraq?

The Iraq War has ended as December 16, 2011.

Is the Iraq war over?


How many American casualties of Iraq war?

so far there are over 4,200 U.S. dead in the Iraq war and over 30,000 wounded.

What do you call the war over in Iraq?

It is called the Iraq War or Occupation of Iraq and also the Second Gulf War. The American troops have recently pulled out on the 19th of August 2010. Much to the relief of many Americans.

What is the Iran-Iraq war?

This was known as the Iran-Iraq War and lasted about 8 years over control of the Persian Gulf, and territorial disputes along the Iran/Iraq border. Prior to Operation Desert Storm in 1991, the Iran-Iraq war (1980-1989) was known as the Gulf War.

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over the course of the last 6 years the average cost of a soldier in IRAQ annually is $390,000.00

What was the name of the war with Iraq?

Iraq war

How was oil related to the Iraq invasion?

It was not related. We are not taking over Iraq and stealing its oil, the "war" is not actually a war, it is a joint military effort between the US military and the military of Iraq against Islamic radicals.

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stop the war in Iraq please stop the war in Iraq please stop the war in Iraq please stop the war in Iraq please

Is the War in Afghanistan almost over?

You would have to be in military or watch the news to know. The war in Iraq stared after Afghanistan and it's over so proably soon. Now they can send the solders from Iraq to there to speed it up

Who was in the Iraq war?

The people involved in the war in Iraq are the US, Iraq and the UK.

Which war was caused by a dispute over oil?

The Iraq War. Also known as the Iraqi War.Hope that helps! :)