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Since there is no wind on the moon, any flag "flying" would have to be due to mechanical support -- exactly as was stated as having been done in 1969 (I recall that as I watched the flag being "unfurled").

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Q: Would gravity on the moon allow a flag to fly?
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How does the flag stay on the moon if there is no gravity?

There is gravity on the moon. Gravity comes from mass, which the moon has.

What flag would you find on the moon?

The flag that represents the moon is the moon!

Why isn't the American flag floating up when it's on the moon?

No gravity

If theres no gravity on the moon why was the flag blowing around?

There is in fact gravity on the moon, its just very small when compared to the Earth's. Flags don't blow on the moon because there is no wind on the moon.

What would happen if you were on the moon?

If you were on the moon your weight would lower, as there is no gravity.

What is the gravity of the moon with respect to that of the earth?

the moon has less gravity because if you walk on the moon you would bounce not properly walk.

Why did people think that armstrong faked the landing on the moon?

It was because the flag was not waving. And there were no stars in the sky. The flag was not waving as the moon has no wind , and the gravity is less. There are no stars asthe photo was taken in the day.

How deep would you have to drill into the moon to match earths gravity?

You could never match earth's gravity on the moon. You could not increase the amount of gravity on the moon by drilling.

Would there be gravity on earth if there was no moon orbiting it?

Yes. Gravity on Earth is caused by the mass of the Earth, not by the Moon.

Can gravity effect the moon?

Were it not for the interaction of the Moon's gravity with the Earth's, it would not be there. Gravity keeps it in its orbit, as it does all celestial bodies. The moon's gravity also affects the Earth, causing the tides and geological stresses.

The pull of gravity on the moon is 0.17 times on earth's on which planet would you weigh less?

Your question is very unclear, but the gravity of the Moon is 1/6 the amount of Earth's gravity. So, you would way 1/6 the amount on the Moon. You would way less on the Moon.

Why doesn't the US flag on the moon hang down?

Although there is gravity on the Moon, the flag had wire strips in it to stop it falling down. This also allowed the flag to look like it was "waving". The Apollo 11 mission flag fell over due to the exhaust blast of the returning flight.