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Some powers were given to the states, some to the federal government, and some to both.

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Nat Olson

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āˆ™ 2y ago
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āˆ™ 12y ago

The Great Compromise (Connecticut Compromise): the writers of the Virginia Plan wanted a bicameral legislature with both houses controlled by population (which was beneficial to them). The writers of the New Jersey Plan wanted a unicameral legislature in which everyone had the same amount of representatives. The Connecticut delegates came up with the Great Plan -- a bicameral legislature, with one house controlled by population, the other would have two representatives from each state.

The 3/5 Compromise, this was done to appease the Southern states, which wanted to count their slaves as population as to gain more representatives. It was agreed that a slave would count as 3/5 of a person. This was important because it helped determine how many representatives in the House a state could have. If the Compromise hadn't been enacted, John Adams would have won the election of 1800 (Which was one of history's nastiest elections).

There was also the compromise on executive elections. Some delegates thought it should be a popular vote. Others thought that people could not be trusted with such a big decision, partly because people could not get information about the candidates easily. They compromised and created the electoral college.

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āˆ™ 9y ago

At the Constitutional Convention, the main compromise involved the issue of representation of small and large states in the federal government. The deal that was reached is known as the Connecticut Compromise. It was agreed upon that each state would have two senators and that the representation in the in the lower house would be based on population.

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āˆ™ 9y ago

In order to establish a new Constitution, many compromises had to be made at the Constitutional Convention. Some of the most important compromises to American history were the election of a president, slave trade, commerce compromise, and the three-fifths compromise.

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āˆ™ 13y ago

Some powers were given to the states, some to the federal government, and some to both.

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āˆ™ 11y ago

great compromise.3/5 compromise and slave trade compromise

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The convention made it so that each state would hold a convention to ratify the Constitution. This meant a series of compromises and ratifications which were heavily influenced by Benjamin Franklin.

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The convention made it so that each state would hold a convention to ratify the Constitution. This meant a series of compromises and ratifications which were heavily influenced by Benjamin Franklin.

What process did the constitutional convention set forth for states to ratifi the constitution?

The convention made it so that each state would hold a convention to ratify the Constitution. This meant a series of compromises and ratifications which were heavily influenced by Benjamin Franklin.

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The debates and compromises that went into creating the U.S. Constitution were done at a constitutional convention to which Rhode Island refused to send delegates.

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The debates and compromises that went into creating the U.S. Constitution were done at a constitutional convention to which Rhode Island refused to send delegates.

Why did the final paragraph of the constitution state done in convention by the unanimous consent of the states present..?

The debates and compromises that went into creating the U.S. Constitution were done at a constitutional convention to which Rhode Island refused to send delegates.

Why did the final paragraph of the constitution state done in convention by the unanimous consent of the states present...?

The debates and compromises that went into creating the U.S. Constitution were done at a constitutional convention to which Rhode Island refused to send delegates.