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Q: What symbol represents a chlorine ion that has to have a stable electron configuration?
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Which symbol represents a chlorine ion that has ionized to have a stable electron configuration?


What symbol represents a chlorine ion that has ionized to have a stable electron configuration?

Cl - This means that Chlorine has an extra electron, so it's negative. Chlorine already has 7 electrons and in order to be stable, it only needs one more electron.

What symbol would represent a chlorine ion that has ionized to have a stable electron configuration?

What symbol would represent a chlorine ion that has ionized to have a stable electron configuration?

A barium atom attains a stable electron configuration when it bonds with?

two chlorine atoms

Is a chlorine atom stable even if it has seven atoms in the outer third shell?

No. Chlorine's electron configuration is unstable. As a result, chlorine is a highly reactive element.

Why is sodium chloride not reactive but sodium and chlorine are very reactive?

The atomic number of Sodium is 11 (2,8,1), so there is one electron in the outer-most shell. As soon as sodium looses this outer-most one electron, it acquires the stable most structure with a 2,8. That';s why sodium ion is stabler than sodium metal. The electronic configuration of a sodium ion is 2,8. Same thing happens with Chlorine. The electronic configuration of chlorine is 2,8,7. Chlorine needs just one electron to stabilize itself with a configuration of 2,8,8. When the chlorine atom gains one electron, it forms the chlorine ion which has the configuration 2,8,8 which is stable.

What is the model of atoms with charges in chlorine?

Chlorine is an element from group 17. It needs one electron from another atom to obtain the stable electron configuration. In ionic compounds it becomes the chloride ion with -1 charge.

Why do sodium and chloride ions bond together?

Sodium has 1 electron to "donate" and chlorine has space to "accept" 1 electron, so this electron transfer occurs and both have a stable octet electron configuration

What is a pseudo-noble gas?

Although the formation of an octet is the most stable electron configuration, other electron configurations provide stability. These relatively stable electron arrangements are referred to a pseudo-noble gas configuration. Although the formation of an octet is the most stable electron configuration, other electron configurations provide stability. These relatively stable electron arrangements are referred to a pseudo-noble gas configuration.

Does Chlorine (Cl) reacts by losing electrons?

Chlorine is a non metal and it reacts by gaining electrons rather than losing inorder to attain a stable electron configuration of the noble gases.

Why does chlorine want to gain 1 electron?

Generally, atoms would want to fulfill the octet rule: 8 electrons in the valence shell. This gives the atom a noble gas configuration and is seen as stable. Since the Chlorine atom is in group 7 of the periodic table, it "prefers" to gain one electron instead of losing 7 to attain the stable octet configuration.

How many neutrons does chloride have?

Chlorine atom has 17 electrons. It is readily accepting an electron from another atom to obtain its stable electron configuration (of argon). A chloride ion has 18 electrons.