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Any solute lowers the freezing point; there's nothing special about NaCl. One way to think about this is that the solute molecules "get in the way" of the freezing process: they don't fit into the regular crystalline lattice of the solid, which makes it harder to go from a liquid to a solid, which means the freezing point goes down.

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Q: How does NaCl lower the freezing point of water?
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The freezing point of water solutions containing sodium chloride is lower.

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Dissolved solute (NaCl, salt) will raise the boiling point and lower the freezing point of water. This is known as a colligative property.

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The freezing point of the solution depends on the NaCl concentration.

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100 moles of NaCl

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Can regular salt melt ice?

Yes, because the freezing point of salted water is lower; the heat of NaCl dissolution is released.

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Yes, because the heat of dissolution in water of NaCl is released and the freezing point of water lowered.

Why does an NaCl solution freeze at lower temperature than water but boils at higher temperature than water?

NaCl solution freezes at lower temp. than water but boils at higher temp.than water

What occurs when NaCl is added to water?

The boiling point of the solution increases, and the freezing point of the solution decreases.

Why is salt better than grit to melt ice?

when any substance is dissolved in water, it lowers the freezing point of the substance per concentration of solution. NaCl, commonly known as salt, dissolves very readily in water, lowering the freezing point and thus making water freeze at a lower temperature.

Can you lower freezing point of pure water?

The solution that will lower the freezing point of water the most is going to be the solution with the highest concentration of particles. This will likely depend on whether the salt dissociates into 2, 3, etc... particles.

What are the effects of impurities in boiling and freezing point?

AnswerImpurities tend to increase the boiling point and lower the freezing a way boiling point of salty water > boiling point of fresh waterfreezing properties of salty water < freezing properties of fresh watermelting properties of salty water < melting properties of fresh water.Salt water, contains NaCl, which ionizes into Na and Cl ions. when ions are added to a solvent, such as water, they tend to increase the boiling point and lower the melting point.