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100 moles of NaCl

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Q: Which would lower the freezing point more 100 moles of sugar or 100 moles of NaCl?
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How much would the freezing point of water decrease if 4 mol of sugar were added to 1kg of water?

The normal freezing temperature for pure water is 0c. Howeverif sugar is added in the pure water, the freezing point will be lower than zero. How far below zero will depend on the sugar concentration in the water.

What is the problem for sugar and salt in the freezing point of water?

mixing of sugar and salt in water make a different solution . The freezing point of pure water and the solution is different due to the extra contents added in pure water.

What has the lowest freezing point salt water sugar water plain water?

Saturated salt water freezes at a lower temp than saturated sugar water, which freezes at a lower temp than plain water. So plain water will freeze first then sugar water then salt water. Thank you QUIRKIE @

Can you lower freezing point of pure water?

The solution that will lower the freezing point of water the most is going to be the solution with the highest concentration of particles. This will likely depend on whether the salt dissociates into 2, 3, etc... particles.

What is the solution's freezing point depression?

To solve freezing point depression problems, you need to know the following things:-- the identity of the solute (the thing you are adding to the liquid)-- the identity of the solvent (the liquid)-- whether the solute is molecular or ionic, and if ionic, how many ions it forms-- the amount of solute (in grams or moles)-- the amount of solvent (in kilograms)-- the value of Kf of the solvent (for water, it is -1.858 K·kg/mol (or -1.858 °C molal-1)Then you use the following equation:∆T = i * Kf * mwhere ∆T is the change in the freezing point, "i" is the number of molecules or ions formed upon addition to the solvent, Kf is the freezing point depression constant, and "m" is the molality of the solution.The Kf of water for a freezing point depression is known and is equal to -1.858 °C·kg/mol (or -1.858 °C molal-1)The value of "i" has to do with what you add to the water. If you added sugar, a molecular compound the value of "i" is 1.0. If you add a ionic compound like NaCl, the value of "i" is 2.0 because for every 1 molecule of NaCl, you make 2 ions: one Na+ and one Cl- in water. For MgCl2, the value of "i" is thus 3.0 (for each MgCl2 you get one Mg2+ and two Cl- ions, so a total of 3 ions).To find "m," the molality of a solution you need to know the number of moles of solute and the number of kilograms of solvent (m = moles/kg). If you are given the number of grams of solute, the number of moles is found from the mass and the molar mass of the solute.grams of solute ÷ molar mass of solute = moles of soluteTo find the molality, just divide the moles of solute by the kilograms of solvent moles of solute ÷ kilograms solvent = molality Note: If you are given the volume of the solvent instead of the mass, use the density of the solvent to convert -- the density of water is 1 kilogram per liter)Liters of solvent * density of solvent = kilograms of solventNow just plug all the numbers into the equation at the top of the answer!

Related questions

Does sugar lower the freezing point of water?

Yes because of the sugar molecules and temperature.

What effect did the addition of sugar to Beaker B and salt to Beaker C have on the freezing point of the water in these beakers?

The freezing point is lower for a saline solution.

Does changing the amount of sugar in water affect how quickly and completely it freezes?

Water with sugar in it freezes at a lower temperature. The more the sugar, the lower the freezing point of water.

The freezing point of water can be lowered by adding?

By adding any "foreign" molecules or ions. Such as if u add sugar or salt to water, it will lower the freezing point of water.

What is the purpose of salt or sugar dissolving in water?

Sugar turns water into gatorade. Salt can be used to raise the boiling point or lower the freezing point of water.

What would the final freezing point of water be if 3 mole of sugar were added to 1 kg of water?

The CHANGE in freezing point can be determined from ∆T = imK where ∆T is the change in freezing point, i is van't Hoff factor (1 for sugar, a non electrolyte), m is molality (moles solute/kg solvent), and K is the freezing point constant for water (1.86). Thus ∆T = (1)(3)(1.86) = 5.58ºC. So, the FINAL freezing point will be -5.58ºC

How much would the freezing point of water decreases if 4 mol of sugar were added to 1kg of water?

The normal freezing temperature for pure water is 0c. Howeverif sugar is added in the pure water, the freezing point will be lower than zero. How far below zero will depend on the sugar concentration in the water.

How much would the freezing point of water decrease if 4 mol of sugar were added to 1kg of water?

The normal freezing temperature for pure water is 0c. Howeverif sugar is added in the pure water, the freezing point will be lower than zero. How far below zero will depend on the sugar concentration in the water.

What is the freezing point of soda?

the freezing point of soad is approxamitley 30 degrees ferheight

What is the freezing point of Fanta?

We do not monitor the exact freezing temperatures of each of our products. However, our diet products freeze at a temperature similar to water, 32 degrees. Coca-Cola classic freezes at a slightly lower temperature, about 30 degrees. The pressure in an unopened bottle or can will cause the freezing point to be even lower. All diet beverages will freeze before their sugar counterparts. Sugars lower the freezing point of liquids. This means that the temperature must get lower than the normal freezing point of water before it freezes. from coca cola's website

Does sugar the time it takes water to freeze?

The freezing point of solution is always less than that of the freezing point of the pure solvent. The freezing point of pure water is 0 (zero) degree celsius. The freezing point of the water decreases with the increase in the sugar concentration. for ex. a 10 grams of sugar when dissolved in 100 grams of water, the freezing point depression of -0.56 degree Celsius A 10 molal sucrose will bring about the depression in freezing point of water to about -20 degree celsius

What happens to sugar when put in water at freezing and boiling point?

Sugar lowers the freezing point of a liquid by a process called "freezing point depression". The same idea is used when salt is sprinkled on icy roads to melt the ice. Sugar only works half as well as salt however.