

US Constitution

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Ignacio Green

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What was the purpose of the Federalist Papers

ratify the Constitution and make the new nation a better place

What is the Electoral College

An electoral college is a group of people who formally elect the president of the USA. Their vote happens after the popular vote. There are 538 electors. An elector is chosen by the party and cannot be a senator or representative. Depending on the election rules in the state, the elector's name may or may not be on the ballot below the presidential candidate.

In November of the election year eligible American citizens can vote. This includes Americans that live abroad and Americans who have dual citizenship. The votes are tallied up by state. Which ever party wins that state gets all the electors in that state, except for Maine and Nebraska who split the votes.

In December each states' electors meet in their states capitol and vote for president and vice president. A candidate needs at least 270 votes to have majority.

In theory, the electoral college could switch candidates if enough electors switched sides. As the 2000 and 2016 elections have showed, the popular vote does not decide who receives the majority of electors. In the 2000 election Al Gore had over 500,000 more votes than George W. Bush and in 2016 Hillary Clinton had 800,000 more votes than Donald Trump.
Electoral votes in the U.S. Electoral College determine the President and Vice President of the United States.

Electoral votes in the U.S. Electoral College determine the President and Vice President of the United States. Every state and the District of Columbia are awarded a certain number of electoral votes with which to elect the President. Each state has electoral votes equal to the total of the 2 representative the state has in the U.S. Senate plus the number of representative the state has in the House of Representatives. Since every state has two senators and at least one representative to the House, every state has at least 3 electoral votes. The District of Columbia gets 3 electoral votes. Therefore, the total number of electoral votes is 538 - 100 (senators) + 435 (representatives) + 3 (for DC). A majority is 270 - one more than half of the total number of 538.

What was the result of the Treaty of Ghent

There was no official change in territory or policies.

Why did Federalists target immigrants in the Alien and Sedition Acts

Most immigrants supported the Democratic Republicans.

Which cabinet position was established by an act of congress

The Cabinet position of Attorney General was established by an Act of Congress.

Why did many Americans initially welcome news of the french revolution

They considered the French to be fellow republicans.(novanet)

How did the alien and sedition acts divide American political parties

Federalists supported the acts. Democratic Republicans opposed them.

Why were Alexander Hamilton's plans to tax the American people opposed by many southerners

They did not want to bail the northerners out.

During the early 1800s what factor most contributed to the south having an agricultural economy

the south had fertile soil and a warm climate

What was the goal of Macon's bill no.2

To persuade France and Great Britain to recognize neutrality

What effect did the sanctity of contracts have on state governments' power

it limited the power of states to regulate business

Which statement best describes us foreign policy during the Monroe

the u.s. sought to expand its borders into Spanish territories

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What was the purpose of the Federalist Papers

What is the Electoral College

What was the result of the Treaty of Ghent

Why did Federalists target immigrants in the Alien and Sedition Acts

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What was the purpose of the Federalist Papers

What is the Electoral College

Why did Federalists target immigrants in the Alien and Sedition Acts

Which cabinet position was established by an act of congress

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Why did Federalists target immigrants in the Alien and Sedition Acts

Which cabinet position was established by an act of congress

Why did many Americans initially welcome news of the french revolution

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What was the purpose of the Federalist Papers

What is the Electoral College

Which cabinet position was established by an act of congress

What was the Constitution's system of checks and balances designed to do

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