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I believe it is 16.

I am not sure though.

my parents got divorced because my dad was caught drunk driving.
but now im all the way in Idaho with my mom.

so i'd like more info on this as well.


so i believe the age is 16 , but you obviously would have to go to court.

there is probably laws and regulations to this tha I would REALLY like to know more about.

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Only Indiana and Texas has laws setting out a specific age at which a child can make a choice the court is requiredto abide by, and even than there are some limitations. With those states, it is age 14. In all other states, the general rule of thumb is that a 12 year old can express and opinion, however the judge is under not legal obligation to consider, or even hear it. In either case, a motion to the court must be filed for a determination to be made. However, the child should be informed that there are alternatives to choosing to live with just one parent. The child should also be advised they can express a choice that they remain in one home and each parent can live with them for a designated period of time, than switch. This is called Bird Nest Custody.

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Q: What is the age in Vermont for children to be able to choose which parent they want to live with?
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Is there a difference in a parent who has custody of the children but not married vs the parent that does not have custody and is getting married and is fighting for custody of the children?

Being married or unmarried is not much of a determining factor when it comes to custody nowadays. In order to have custody changed you would need to prove that either your household and parenting abilities are substantially better than the other parent, or that their situation is detrimental to the children. Having a spouse does not necessarily mean that you are better able to care for the children, especially if the other parent has had custody for a significant length of time without the children having any problems in a single parent household.

What age can the child stop going to the other parent?

I think that the children should know both parents. If the home setting is wright. The child should be able to make up there own mind at the age of 12 if there are things going own that is not just wright, but how do you as the other parent prove that things are not wright.

Where do you get paper work to sign over your rights as a parent?

The parent would need to file a petition for the voluntary termination of parental rights (TPR) in the state court that has jurisdiction. After filing the petition a hearing date would be set and the judge would listen to the reasons for the request and allow any interested party to contest the action. TPR's are generally granted so that the child/children can become eligible for adoption, not for a parent to escape their financial obligations to their minor children.

Can the custodial parent bring a 15-year-old to the non-custodial parent and tell them if he is returned they will put him in boys school?

If a parent wishes to relinquish custodial rights it must be done through the court. Actions such as described obviously can happen, but threats and intimidation of anyone (especially children) is not advisable and certainly not acceptable. The welfare of the child is what is important. The custodial parent would not be able to place the child in any school (other than a private or boarding/educational facility) w/o ajudication via juvenile court.

How old do you have to be to choose what parent to live with if you live in Australia?

I am not sure about Australia, but in the US judges will take into consideration the request.This usually goes along with the kids desire to live with a parent, If the child appears to be genuine in their requests (in other words,is the child trying to get back at the other parent) and can the other parent provide for the kid. Is the other parent willing and able to care for thie kid. If this is something that you realy want to do,and you can talk with the parent you live with try that route first. If that is not an option, then start looking on line for the laws in Austraila that concerns about kids living with the other parent. You library is a good place to look also. There are many books on this subject. If you know of a lawyer,like maybe a freinds dad, or relative that are lawyers, ask them also. Hope this helps.

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Being married or unmarried is not much of a determining factor when it comes to custody nowadays. In order to have custody changed you would need to prove that either your household and parenting abilities are substantially better than the other parent, or that their situation is detrimental to the children. Having a spouse does not necessarily mean that you are better able to care for the children, especially if the other parent has had custody for a significant length of time without the children having any problems in a single parent household.

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There are multiple reasons why adopted children should not be allowed to contact their biological parents, however this is dependent on the reasons why the children was put into foster/adoptive care. For example, some children are removed from their biological parent's care due to a matter of them not being able to care for the child, they may have broken the law are not fit to have the child. Considering this, the child, at the age of 18 are allowed to look into their biological parents if they wish. This is because they will no longer need permission. Many children choose not to do this as they settle with the adoptive families and feel no reason to contact their biological parents. Some children are placed for adoption as their parents feel it is the better option for the well being of the child. However, in these case the parents often opt for an open adoption which is designed so that the biological parents are still allowed relatively regular contact with their child. In this case, i believe it is fully acceptable for the child to have contact with the parent As long as the biological parent did no wrong by the child, i believe they should be able to contact their parents