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Samuel Adams might be considered the leader of the movement for independence from Great Britain, while most others were still seeking compromise with the Mother Country. While not the only founder, Sam Adams was one of the first founder and organizer of a group known as the Sons of liberty. (Actually the term was coined by one of the Americans Whiggish parliamentary friends, Isaac Barre) The Sons of Liberty took the lead in organizing boycotts and other forms of protest against British policy.

Samuel Adams was the father of the American revolution he helped organize the Boston tea party......

a protest where Samuel Adams and over 300 colonists dressed as Mohawk Indian's (the local Indian tribe) and went aboard ships in the Boston harbor and together dumped over 350 chests of tea into the ocean.

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Q: What famous group did Samuel Adams organize that created propaganda for independence?
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What was Samuel de Champlain's character traits and can you give some evidence to support each trait?


How did Samuel Adams and other colonial protester use the shooting as propaganda?

The Boston Massacre was not really a massacre, but more like a riot. In fact only five people died. One of the most common myths is that the BM was the event that led to the Revolutionary War. In fact, many important events led up to the massacre. It was called a massacre by the use of Propaganda. It mainly started by the British trying to enforce laws. British Soldiers were sent to America to enforce the Proclamation and to maintain order but their presence just made matter worse. It all started March 5 by a couple of boys throwing snowballs at British soldiers. A crowd soon gathered throwing ice and making fun of them. Soon after, the British started firing wildly. Other weapons were clubs, knives, swords, and a popular weapon, your own bare hands.

How did Samuel Hahnemann develop the theory of homeopathy?

Experimenting on himself with the anti-malarial drug quinine, Hahnemann noticed that large doses of the medicine actually caused malaria-like symptoms, while smaller doses cured the symptoms.

What does the bible say about self-esteem?

One thought:Historically, those with 'low self-esteem', tend to treat others badly. On the other hand, the Bible, at Matthew 19:19, tells us that we must ... love our neighbor as obviously, we need to have a sense of personal dignity and self worth, in order to show love and respect to others.It's important to remember that humans are a creation of God, and he sent his precious son to die for each of us (1 John 4:7-10/John 3:16). We have worth. Those who respond loyally to this demonstration of love, who act on it, GIVING BACK to God and to OTHERS according to God's word(Acts 20:35/Proverbs 11:25) will be rewarded with inner peace and well-being(Psalm 37:4). When we do what's right and what's commendable in God's eyes, we feel GOOD about who we are(Mark 12:30-33). We feel joy, and will treat others accordingly.Though we should never feel superior to anyone else(1 Corinthians 4:7/Romans 12:3/Proverbs 8:13/1Peter 5:5/Proverbs 11:2/Romans 3:23), we can feel good about our worth in God's eyes(Galatians 5:26/6:3+4), even if we make mistakes, because God knows what's in our hearts(1 Samuel 16:7)(Psalm 103:13/Psalm 130:3+4). If we are doing our best to do God's will(Hebrews 6:10)(Acts 10:34+35) and trying hard to please him by applying his word(Galatians 5:22+23)(Ecclesiastes 12:13) we will feel GOOD about ourselves and be in a position to help build others up too. (John 13:34+35)(Philippians 2:1-4)(1 Thessalonians 5:14)

How to stop a teen from lying?

A lot of lying stems from lack of personal responsibility and from fear of others' reactions. Learning to say to yourself, "Yes, I'm responsible for this action or thought and it's okay" will help you not be afraid to tell the truth. If you are wrong, admit it. If you did harm, fix it. If you're ashamed to tell the truth, stop doing what makes you ashamed. Act with dignity and inner strength and you won't have to lie. i recently split up with my girlfriend because of my compulsive lying, it was over small things but she could not take anymore. I want to win her back but i need to prove to her that i can stop lying...does anybody have an answer...please? Where did lying begin? According to the bible, Lying began in Genesis 3V1-10. Lying came from the devil, when he persuaded Eve to eat from the forbidden tree by twisting what God had said. If you want to worship the devil- go ahead!, but you cannot say that you are worshipping God and proclaim to be a Christian. One of the commandments says 'thou shalt not bear false witness'. God does not like a lying tongue and those that lie will perish! Lying is a sin unto God . In Luke , 'the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy, but the Lord wants us to live life more abundantly. If you value your life and you are a compulsive liar- this is the time to stop. Lying can destroy and eventually take you life. 1st Samuel Chapt1v1-18 - the story of how the Amalekite killed Saul (the Anointed One). Because the Amalekite wanted to gain favour from David, he lied and said that he killed Saul, while in fact Saul fell on his own sword. Because the Amalekite lied to David - David killed him. Whether you are a Christian or a non believer, lying is a sin unto God and to everyone else. You can not only lose the ones that care about you and love you, but you can also lose you life because you have lied with an intention to deceive.

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What famous thing did Samuel Adams did?

Samuel Adams is most notable for his signature on the United States Declaration of Independence. He also helped to organize the Boston Tea Party.

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Samuel Adams.

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Samuel Adams!

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Yes, Samuel Adams did sign the Declaration of Independence in 1776. He is also known as the "Father of Independence".

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yes Samuel Adams did organize the commities of correspondence.

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Yes! Samuel Adams was fundamentally responsible for uniting colonies for the war on behalf of independence also!

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Samuel Adams was the second signer of the declaration of independence.

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