Check your spelling ! - Are you asking about 'router' or 'ruler' - because there is no such thing as a "rouler"
rouler ceci OR rouler ça
let the good times roll, my friend
'Let the good times and money roll"
"laisse le bon temps rouler"
"laissez les bon temps (rouler)" is a translation from "let the good times (roll)"
do you mean cycle on the right side of the road? That reads 'rouler à droite, tenir sa droite' in French.
French for "good times", as in the phrase "Laissez le bon temps rouler" (let the good times roll)
"Laissez le bon temps rouler", in French creole, means "let the good times roll"
Faire rouler ("to make roll around"), rouler ("to roll around"), and se rouler ("to make oneself roll around") are French equivalents of the English phrase "to roll around." The respective pronunciations of the present infinitive will be "feh-roo-ley," "roo-ley," and "sroo-ley" in French.
se rouler sur une moto
It is the vous formof the verb rouler(pronounced the same as roulez) and means to drive (a car) (intransitively).Vous roulez à la fac - You'redriving to university.