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Eating fruit is very healthful

1 answer

There are a few healthful claims. Some claims like eating right and working out.

1 answer

Vegetables are really quite cheap. Fruit is fairly cheap.

1 answer

Planning your meals helps in healthy eating. Planning helps you to avoid cravings and binge eating. Planning helps you to see the overall picture of your eating habits.

1 answer

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You would not say "healthful" behavior - say healthy behavior instead. Healthy behavior makes you live longer. Eating healthy foods and getting enough exercise is healthy behavior.

1 answer

No, the word 'healthful' is not a noun, it is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun as good for the health of the body or mind (healthful exercise, healthful relaxation).

The noun form for the adjective healthful is healthfulness. A related noun form is health.

1 answer

Rice is by no means bad for you, as long as you get your other necessary nutrients in there: fruit, vegetables, protein, etc.

1 answer

Make sure they are eating often and regularly and are having a healthful diet, as well as plenty of fluids and sleep.

1 answer

The word healthful has two syllables. Health-ful.

1 answer

1st way: eating more fruits and vegetables and less cakes and candies.

2nd way: take your time while eating your food.

3rd way: eating healthy three times a day + healthy snacks along the way.

1 answer

Here's an easy way to remember: People are healthy, food is healthful.

1 answer

Exercise, Healthful Eating, Little Stress, Loving, Being Loved, Pets (See Previous Two), Not Drinking To Excess, Not Smoking...That's my short list.

1 answer

Eating a healthful diet is eswsential in lowering triglycerides. Limiting your sugar intake and eating kean meats, fish and chicken will promote a lowering of your triglycerides. Eating modest amounts of foods containing trans fats such as potato chips, candy, and cookies will also help

1 answer

A healthful snack should be low in sugar and low in cholesterol.

1 answer

There are at least 4 characteristics of a healthy diet. These characteristics include eating lots of green vegetables, eating some of every part of the food pyramid every day, drinking lots of water, and avoiding too many processed foods.

1 answer

A healthful snack is something not packed with extra sugars. Apple slices or a banana with peanut butter is a good snack.

1 answer

Unsaturated fat

1 answer

Unsaturated fat

1 answer

Low in sugar.

1 answer

balanced, beneficial, good, healthful

1 answer

Employee responsibilities to ensure a safe and healthful workplace include all of the following EXCEPT?

1 answer

Here's an easy way to remember: People are healthy, food is healthful.

2 answers

Employee responsibilities to ensure a safe and healthful workplace include all of the following EXCEPT?

1 answer

it will cause enlargement of the kidney

1 answer

it will cause enlargement of the kidney

1 answer

Grape Juice is a very healthful beverage.

1 answer

Healthful is an adjective.

2 answers

The adjective form for the word health is healthy. Healthy means having good health.

Another adjective form for the word health is healthful. Healthful means leading to good health, such as healthful foods.

4 answers

There are a few good health tips for avoiding stomach fat. The most important things one can do to avoid accruing stomach fat are eating healthful foods and performing strenuous aerobic exercise.

1 answer

active, athletic, healthful, able-bodied, muscular

1 answer

To be healthy in both your mind and body.

1 answer

expose you to healthful levels of vitamin D.

1 answer