



Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML for short, is a programming language most commonly used to develop websites and offline applications, such as manuals. Though the initial intent of the language was to exchange information from a small network of computers, it is now most often used to share information and allow engagement in online activities throughout a network with an increasing number of host computers. Questions about the development of applications and pages through HTML belong in this category.

500 Questions

How are paragraphs recognized in HTML?

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Asked by Wiki User

Paragraphs can be delineated with the p tag. ie:

<p>This is a very short paragraph, but it works for me. As a responsible coder I use p tags for accessibility purposes.</p>

One could also fail to specify text as a paragraph even though it may be formatted like one. ie:

<div>This division is holding my paragraph, but a screen reader wouldn't detect my text as a paragraph. This is bad, since I can use the p tag with CSS to style the paragraph to look just as it would inside of this div tag.</div>

What are skin tags on your tongue from?

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Asked by Wiki User

See your dentist or GP about this.

What is a diplomatic yellow tag?

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Asked by Wiki User

The easiest way is to become a diplomatic courier, approved by the country issuing you a diplomatic passport, registered with the country into which you seek admission.
You could probably buy a counterfeit one, but not a real one. Keep in mind that a counterfeit bag would not make it through customs because it would be lacking documentation.

How many section of HTML document?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are six headings that are available to be used in HTML. The range from H1 to H6. An H1 is more important then H6 heading. There should only be one H1 heading on any single HTML page.

What is a wing top or flame spreader and how is it used?

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Asked by Wiki User

A wing top is an accessory that can be used with a Bunsen burner to provide a broad flat fan flame, similar to that of a fishtail burner. It is often used to bend glass as it spread out the heat over a larger area, making it more uniform.

See the Web Links to the left for a picture.

What markup language specifies how Web pages should be displayed?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) determines how web pages are displayed. Hyper-Text Markup Language (HTML) determines the content of the pages.

Hardware requirements for HTML editor?

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Asked by Wiki User

HTML is not a programming language and does not create programs, so it is not run. It is read or rendered or interpreted by using a browser. This results in a page being displayed in the browser.

What is HTML 1.0?

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Asked by Wiki User

Web 1.0 is an old internet that only allows people to read from the internet. Now the new one, Web 2.0 allows us to read and be authors of it like Wikipedia allows everybody to write articles of what they think something is and people can just edit it like, "What is a Dolphin?" people with a account of Wikipedia can say, "A dolphin is a monster." Web 2.0 examples: -MSN




-My Space




Why did Tim berners- lee invent HTML?

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Asked by Wiki User

Tim Berners-Lee was a scientist at CERN. He invented HTML so that his colleagues could use it to share scientific papers and data with one another. Originally, HTML didn't have a lot of the features we take for granted today (like images) because they were either too much of a hassle to put in at the time, or it didn't seem like there was a need for them in dry, scientific papers.

What is the difference between the Class attribute and the ID attribute in HTML and CSS?

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Asked by Wiki User

An ID is used to define the style properties of a specific thing whereas a class is used to define something you may use multiple times. For instance, if you are going to make a loginbox you will use an id because you will only have one identical loginbox on the page whereas if you wanted every quote to be given the same style you would use a class, this would mean all elements with class=quote (after you define it in the CSS) would always style quotes to your needs. In short, you could use either as they have pretty much the same outcome, but organised CSS is good CSS so you are better off using classes and ID's as i have defined them above.

How hyperlinks used in HTML?

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Asked by Wiki User

if you want to insert a hyperlink you write some code before and after the words you want to act as a link like: this is a link

What are four basic tags needed for every single webpage?

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Asked by Wiki User

These are the Basic Eight: <html>


<title> Data Value


<body> </body>

</html> A good site to check out would be

What type of pages are created with the help of HTML?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can create any type of pages using HTML because html is a language used to create web pages for display in browser.

And you can also create a static page by using HTML.

How run vb script?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hi! VBScript (Visual Basic Script) is very simple to learn easy! Open Notepad and type a coding language. Try this one:

x=msgbox("Hello there this is VBScript!",0,"VBScript")

Take this and save it as WHATeveryYOUwant.vbs

(you must have .vbs at the end!)

The x symbolizes a value. It's unneeded now. The msgbox means what box it uses. The first " " is the message. the 0 is the message type. 0 says ok. (try changing it!) The second " " is the title at the top bar. Wanna make you own? take out the words PUTTEXTHERE with what you want. also change # with a random number 0-140 i think. Good luck:


You can make multiple lines. That's basic VBScript!

How do you highlight words using HTML?

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Asked by Fwhorsegirl


for example:

this text would have a yellow background

What is a bold text?

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Asked by Wiki User

HTML are instructions for the browser that are incorporated into HTML documents?

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Asked by Wiki User

In definition, HTML is "Hyper Text Markup Language". This kind of language is use in a web-based application, also known as a browser ( Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, ..) As you said it, what is written in the HTML document, is many instructions for the browser.

Those instructions can be use to:

write a paragraph, draw a table, show a picture, etc...

Many things can be done using HTML or XHTML ( Extensible Hyper Text Markup Language), but the use of CSS ( Cascading Style Sheet ) is needed almost for anything you want to do.

Hope this solves your question.

How do you close a browser window with HTML code?

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Asked by Jinomunnar

You can't do it with HTML code.

You can use the Javascript method window.close() but for security reasons, you can only close a window if you opened it with Javascript. For instance

This code isn't worth much, because it's not connected to any event (so it opens a window that it immediately closes) but that's the basic idea.

What is a website HTML code?

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Asked by Wiki User

Every website would have a different HTML code.

You can right click on the page body and choose "View Source" to view the HTML source of that web page.

HTML mean?

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Asked by Yaris Gonzalez Montes [STUDENT]

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Why do you use the External style sheet?

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Asked by Wiki User

An internal style sheet is located inside the header tag of an HTML or similar markup language. The CSS rules located in the internal style sheet take a higher precedence then rules located in an external style sheet. Typically, an internal style sheet is used when the rules you are writing are only being used on that one page, or you are needing to override particular rules on just one page.

What is a shoulder heading?

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Asked by Wiki User

A heading which is side-headed to a paragraph

How do you change font text color sizes and style?

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Asked by Wiki User

For your color you will just put in this code before your writing that you want a certain color.

Color Code- <"font color= "pink">

To end Color Code-

You can use any color you can think of.

For your sizes use- ==

What tag do you use to create a link?

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Asked by Wiki User

The anchor tag is the one used to create a hyperlink in HTML. The base of the tag is the letter "a" and it requires are least one attribute--href--which tells the browser the address to which the link points.

The href attribute be a full URL with the protocol, or it can be relative to the current document. To link to a page called "landing.html" our anchor tag might look something like this.

Click Here!

The text contained after the initial tag and before the closing () will be the "clickable" text, and the browser will render it that way (normally blue, and underlined, by default.)

You can also place an image tag inside the anchor, and that will turn the image into a link.