



Leather is any treated animal skin or rawhide. The tough, flexible, and aesthetically pleasing characteristics of leather have made it a staple in the production of shoes, clothes, furniture and many other goods.

500 Questions

What ball bounces higher a leather ball or a rubber ball?

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Asked by Wiki User

A rubber ball will bounce higher than a leather ball due to its higher elasticity and ability to store and release energy more efficiently. Leather balls are typically less bouncy and absorb more of the impact energy upon contact with the ground.

Where does the leather fern live?

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Leather ferns typically grow in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. They thrive in moist, shady areas such as forests, along riverbanks, or in wetlands. In the United States, leather ferns can be found in states like Florida and Hawaii.

How do you get human urine smell out of leather shoes?

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To remove human urine smell from leather shoes, you can try sprinkling baking soda inside the shoes and leaving it overnight to absorb the odor. Alternatively, wiping the shoes with a mixture of white vinegar and water can also help eliminate the smell. Make sure to air out the shoes afterwards to let them dry completely.

Is leather magnetic?

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No, leather is not magnetic. Magnetic materials are those that are attracted to a magnet or can be magnetized, which does not apply to leather since it is not a magnetic material.

Does leather burn And if so how easily?

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Yes, leather can burn. The ease at which it burns depends on the type of leather and its thickness. Generally, due to its high density, leather can be difficult to ignite but once it catches fire, it burns slowly and releases toxic fumes.

What is Diamond plate leather?

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Diamond plate leather is a type of embossed leather that has a textured pattern resembling a diamond plate or checker plate, commonly seen on metal surfaces. It is created by pressing a design onto the leather surface, giving it a rugged and industrial look. This type of leather is often used in accessories and apparel to add a unique and edgy touch.

How do you remove black color dye from leather boots?

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Asked by Mikroll

You can try using a mixture of equal parts water and vinegar to gently scrub away the dye from the leather boots. Alternatively, using a commercial leather cleaner or saddle soap specifically designed for removing stains may also be effective. It's important to test any cleaning method on a hidden area of the boots first to ensure it does not cause damage.

Is calfskin leather flammable?

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Calfskin leather is flammable, as it is a natural material. When exposed to a heat source, such as an open flame, calfskin leather can catch fire and continue to burn. It is important to keep calfskin leather away from sources of ignition and open flames to prevent fire hazards.

What is the formula of chemistry for leather?

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There isn't a specific formula for leather as it is a complex material made up of primarily collagen proteins. However, the general chemical composition of leather includes proteins, lipids, water, and some trace minerals.

When a ball bounces back to the ground because of gravity right?

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Yes, when a ball is thrown upwards, it will eventually fall back down to the ground due to the force of gravity acting upon it. Gravity causes objects to be attracted towards the center of the Earth, making them fall downwards when they are not supported.

Which of the following items would have the lowest density?

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postural muscles of the back

Is leather a mineral?

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No, leather is not a mineral. Minerals are naturally occurring inorganic substances with a specific chemical composition and crystalline structure, whereas leather is a material produced from processed animal hides.

What happens to leather in cold heat and water?

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In cold temperatures, leather can become stiff and brittle, making it more prone to cracking. When exposed to heat, leather can shrink, warp, or lose its shape due to moisture loss. Water can cause leather to become discolored, stained, or warped if not properly dried and treated.

Is leather ductile?

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Yes, leather is ductile. It is known for its flexibility and ability to be molded into different shapes without breaking. However, the level of ductility in leather can vary depending on the type and quality of the leather.

Does leather burn from electricity?

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Yes, leather can burn when exposed to electricity, especially if it is in direct contact with a high-voltage source. The heat generated by the electrical current can cause the leather to catch fire. It is important to exercise caution and keep leather materials away from potential electrical hazards.

How do you remove human urine out of leather chair?

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Asked by Wiki User

To remove human urine from a leather chair, start by blotting up as much of the urine as possible with a clean cloth. Then, mix a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar and gently dab it onto the stained area. Allow it to sit for a few minutes before blotting it up with a clean, damp cloth. Finally, let the area dry completely and consider using a leather conditioner to restore moisture and shine to the leather.

You can pick up static electricity by walking on a wool rug in leather-soled shoes Explain why you are then negatively charged and what happens when you grab for a metal object such as a doorknob?

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Asked by Narnian

When you walk on a wool rug in leather-soled shoes, static electricity is created due to friction between the materials. Electrons transfer from the rug to your shoes, leaving you with a net positive charge and the rug with a net negative charge. When you reach for a metal object like a doorknob, the excess electrons on your body will flow to the metal through a spark, resulting in a static shock.

Who is Alan H Meyer who aujthored the quoteThe best ad is a good product?

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Alan H Meyer is a scientist and engineer known for his work in the field of operations research and management science. He popularized the quote "The best ad is a good product" as a way to emphasize the importance of delivering quality products that speak for themselves and drive customer satisfaction. Meyer's work focuses on the intersection of marketing, advertising, and product development.

How do you remove deodorant stains?

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You can try rubbing a damp cloth with white vinegar onto the stain before washing the garment. Alternatively, applying a paste of baking soda and water onto the stain and letting it sit for a few hours before washing can also help remove deodorant stains. Remember to check the care label of the garment before trying these methods.

What is bounce?

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Bounce refers to the action of an email being returned to the sender because it cannot be delivered to the recipient's inbox. This can happen for various reasons such as an invalid email address, the recipient's inbox being full, or the email server being down. Bounces are categorized as hard bounces (permanent delivery failure) or soft bounces (temporary delivery issue).

How do balls bounce?

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When a ball hits a surface, the surface deforms due to the impact. The surface then exerts an equal and opposite force on the ball, causing it to bounce back. This bouncing motion continues until the energy from the impact is dissipated through friction and air resistance.

How do you remove ball point ink from an electric clothes dryer?

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One way to remove ballpoint ink from an electric clothes dryer is to apply rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover to a clean cloth and gently rub the stained area. Make sure to rinse thoroughly with water after cleaning to remove any residue and prevent damage to the dryer. Avoid using abrasive materials or cleaners that could scratch the dryer's interior.

Why do balls bounce?

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Asked by Wiki User

Balls bounce because of the conservation of energy. When the ball is pressed down, energy is stored in it due to compression. Upon release, this stored energy is transferred into kinetic energy, causing the ball to spring back up.

Why does a ball bounce?

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Asked by Wiki User

A ball, falling through space, loses potential energy and gains kinetic energy. This is a way to say (in Physics equations) that it goes faster the longer it falls. When the ball strikes a hard surface, the ball is deformed and changes all the kinetic energy to elastic energy. This energy then changes back to kinetic energy as the ball recovers its shape. This is an example of an elastic collision.

There is some loss due to air resistance and thermal loss in the conversion from kinetic to elastic and back again, but the ball acts as a good demonstration that energy is conserved in physical processes.

How does a ball bounce?

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When a ball is dropped, it compresses upon impact with the ground and stores potential energy. This potential energy is then converted into kinetic energy as the ball rebounds off the surface, causing it to bounce back up. The elasticity of the ball material determines how high it will bounce.