


"Magnesium is a chemical element with the atomic number 12 and the symbol Mg. This alkaline earth metal is one of the most abundant elements, the eighth most abundant element in the Earth’s crust and ninth in the universe as a whole."

500 Questions

Is magnesia milk an acid or base?

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Magnesia milk, also known as milk of magnesia, is a base. It contains magnesium hydroxide, which reacts with acids in the stomach to neutralize excess stomach acid and provide relief from heartburn or indigestion.

Does Magnesium chloride share electrons?

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Yes, magnesium chloride does share electrons, but not in the same way as covalent molecules. In magnesium chloride, magnesium donates two electrons to chlorine to form an ionic bond, resulting in the formation of Mg2+ and Cl- ions.

Why is it necessary to shake the milk of magnesia bottle?

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Shaking the milk of magnesia bottle helps to evenly distribute the active ingredient, magnesium hydroxide, throughout the liquid. This ensures that you get a consistent dose of the medication when you take it.

Which elements are in milk of magnesia?

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Milk of magnesia contains the element magnesium, typically in the form of magnesium hydroxide. Other ingredients may include purified water and sodium hypochlorite as a preservative.

Can magnesium kill you?

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Yes, consuming very high doses of magnesium in supplement form can be toxic and potentially fatal. It can lead to symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, and in extreme cases, cardiac arrest. It is important to always follow recommended dosages and consult a healthcare professional before taking magnesium supplements.

Why does milk of magnesia help to treat heartburn?

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Milk of magnesia contains magnesium hydroxide, which is an antacid that helps neutralize stomach acid. By reducing the acidity in the stomach, milk of magnesia can help alleviate heartburn symptoms. Additionally, it can act as a mild laxative, which may also help with indigestion and discomfort.

What type of solution is milk of magnesia?

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Milk of magnesia is a suspension of magnesium hydroxide in water. It is commonly used as an antacid and laxative to treat symptoms of heartburn, indigestion, and constipation.

Does the element magnesium have isotopes?

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Yes, magnesium does have isotopes. There are three stable isotopes of magnesium: magnesium-24, magnesium-25, and magnesium-26, with magnesium-24 being the most abundant. Additionally, there are a few unstable isotopes of magnesium that have been synthesized in laboratories.

What color would litmus paper turn in the presence of milk of magnesia?

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Milk of magnesia is chemically known as magnesium hydroxide. Although this compound isn't very water soluble, the small amount that does dissolve acts as a base. Thus, milk of magnesia is somewhat basic, and litmus paper would turn blue if exposed to it.

Is magnesium soft?

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Yes, magnesium is a lightweight metal that is soft and can be easily cut with a knife.

Do camphor and magnesium form flame?

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Camphor and magnesium can react vigorously when ignited, creating a bright flame. This reaction is often used in chemistry demonstrations to show the high reactivity of magnesium. However, it is important to exercise caution when performing such experiments due to the intense heat and light produced.

Is magnesium a vitamin?

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No, magnesium is not a vitamin. It is a mineral that is essential for many bodily functions, including muscle and nerve function, blood sugar regulation, and bone health.

What is the number of neutrons in magnesium 24?

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The # of nuetrons in any element is the Atomic Mass - the # of protons In this case the atomic mass was 24.3 minus the protons (12) equals 12

Is magnesium chloride the same as milk of magnesium?

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No, magnesium chloride and milk of magnesia are not the same. Magnesium chloride is a supplement that contains magnesium in the form of chloride, while milk of magnesia is a medication containing magnesium hydroxide commonly used to treat constipation.

What is milk magnesia?

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Milk of magnesia, also known as magnesium hydroxide, is a common over-the-counter medication used to relieve indigestion and constipation. It works by drawing water into the intestines to soften the stool and promote bowel movements. It is also sometimes used as a treatment for heartburn and sour stomach.

Can you mix Ibuprofen and magnesium?

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It is generally safe to take ibuprofen and magnesium together. However, it is always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or pharmacist before combining medications or supplements to ensure there are no potential interactions.

Is magnesium an ion or an atom?

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Magnesium can exist as an ion or an atom. In its natural state, magnesium is an atom, but it can form a magnesium ion by losing two electrons to have a full outer electron shell.

Does Magnesium Ribbon evaporate?

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Magnesium ribbon does not evaporate in the traditional sense. When heated to high temperatures, magnesium undergoes a chemical reaction known as oxidation, where it combines with oxygen from the air to form magnesium oxide. This process is not considered evaporation.

How flammable is magnesium?

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Magnesium is highly flammable and burns at very high temperatures, producing a bright white light. It can react with oxygen in the air and ignite spontaneously. Proper precautions should be taken when handling magnesium to prevent fire hazards.

Does magnesium oxide burn at a higher temperature than magnesium?

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Magnesium oxide burns at a higher temperature than magnesium because it requires more energy to break the bonds between magnesium and oxygen atoms in order to form magnesium oxide. Magnesium oxide has a higher melting point and boiling point compared to pure magnesium.

What original name of magnesium?

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Asked by Wiki User

Magnesium derives from name from the Magnesia region of Ancient Greece in which it was found.

The full story is a little more complex than that, but that's the essence of it.

What pH are the following eight substances lemon juice ammonia cleaner salt water tap water vinegar tea bicarbonate of soda and milk of magnesia tea?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lemon juice is 2.3 Household ammonia is 10.5-11.9 Salt water is 7.8-8.3 Tap water is about 6.6, (pure water is 7) Vinegar is 3 Tea is about 6.3 Bicarbonate is 8.1 Milk of magnesia is 10-10.5

What energy does magnesium ribbon contain?

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Magnesium ribbon contains chemical potential energy, which is released when the magnesium reacts with oxygen in the air to form magnesium oxide. This reaction releases heat and light energy.

Symbol equation for magnesium?

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The symbol equation for the reaction of magnesium with oxygen to form magnesium oxide is:
2Mg + O2 -> 2MgO