



Slavery is the practice of taking ownership of another human being. All questions about slavery in history, the effects of slavery, or slavery in the modern world can be asked here.

500 Questions

What environmental factors influenced the development of the Atlantic slave trade?

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Environmental factors such as the availability of land suitable for cash crop cultivation like sugar and tobacco in the Americas, the spread of diseases that decimated native populations, and the desire for labor in European colonies all played a role in the development of the Atlantic slave trade. Additionally, the Atlantic Ocean provided a natural barrier that made it easier to transport enslaved individuals from Africa to the Americas.

What are some routes slaves used?

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Slaves used various routes to escape to freedom, including the Underground Railroad in the United States, which was a network of secret routes and safe houses. Some slaves also escaped by seeking refuge in free states or Canada, or by disguising themselves as free individuals while traveling. Additionally, some slaves were able to gain their freedom through self-purchase or by enlisting the help of abolitionist groups.

What longitude and latitude separate's slavery states during the civil war?

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The Mason-Dixon Line, which ran along the border between Pennsylvania and Maryland, was historically known as separating free states from slave states before the Civil War. Additionally, the 36°30' parallel was established as a boundary for slavery in new territories by the Missouri Compromise of 1820.

Where were most slaves sent?

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They were sent all over the world where they were needed, but mainly they were mostly sent to the Caribbean to work in sugar plantations also to America.

What areas were involved in the trade?

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The trade involved various regions around the world, including Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Goods, resources, and slaves were traded between these regions, creating complex economic networks and shaping the development of societies.

In what part of the country was wealth based on the amount of land and number of slaves you owned?

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The Southern part of the United States, particularly the states that were part of the Confederacy during the Civil War, based wealth on the amount of land and number of slaves owned. This system of wealth was built on the plantation economy that relied heavily on slave labor for agriculture.

What is the answer for where most West Africans live?

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Most West Africans live in urban areas, with major cities like Lagos, Abidjan, and Accra having some of the highest population concentrations. Rural areas also have significant populations, with many people engaged in agriculture and other rural livelihoods.

What did slaveholders support settlement of freed slaves in Africa?

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Slaveholders supported the settlement of freed slaves in Africa because they believed it would reduce the free Black population in the United States and reinforce ideas of racial superiority. Some also saw it as a way to eliminate potential threats of rebellion or social unrest by removing free Black people from American society. Additionally, they hoped it would serve as a way to promote colonization and Christian evangelism in Africa.

What part of the triangular trade system represents the area where crops furs and minerals were mined?

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The part of the triangular trade system that represents the area where crops, furs, and minerals were mined is the "New World," mainly referring to the Americas. This region played a significant role as a source of raw materials during the triangular trade system, with goods being exchanged for manufactured goods in Europe and slaves in Africa.

Why were some Trade routes called triangular trade Routes provided and example that explains the countries involved in the good traded between these countries?

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Triangular trade routes were named because they involved three legs: the Americas, Europe, and Africa. An example is the trade of slaves from Africa to the Americas, sugar and molasses from the Americas to Europe, and manufactured goods from Europe to Africa. This trade route connected these regions and facilitated the exchange of goods and people.

What part of the triangular trade system represents the location where the trade process originated?

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The part of the triangular trade system that represents the location where the trade process originated is Europe. Europe supplied goods such as firearms, textiles, and rum to Africa in exchange for slaves.

What is the geographic distribution of slaves to the new world?

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Slaves were forcibly brought to the New World from different regions in Africa, with significant numbers coming from West and Central Africa. The transatlantic slave trade introduced slaves to regions like the Caribbean, South America, and North America, contributing to the diverse ethnic makeup of these populations.

What is a Trade and transport were greatly benefited by?

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Trade and transport were greatly benefited by the development of advanced communication systems, such as the telegraph and later the internet, which improved connectivity and information exchange between different regions. Additionally, the invention of containerization revolutionized maritime transport by simplifying cargo handling and reducing shipping costs.

Where were the slaves located?

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Slaves were located in various regions around the world, including Africa, the Americas, Europe, and Asia. They were forcibly brought to different continents through the transatlantic slave trade, Arab slave trade, and other forms of enslavement.

What are the three parts of triangular trade?

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The three parts of triangular trade were: Europeans bringing manufactured goods to Africa in exchange for slaves; slaves being transported to the Americas to work on plantations; and raw materials such as sugar, tobacco, and cotton being sent back to Europe.

What was the southernmost African city on the sea trade route?

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The southernmost African city on the sea trade route was Cape Town in South Africa. It served as a crucial stop for ships traveling between Europe and Asia, offering a strategic location for replenishing supplies and trading goods.

How did an exaping slave know how to get to the north if heshe had never been of the plantation or slave home?

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Escaping slaves often relied on word-of-mouth knowledge passed on by other escaped slaves or sympathetic individuals, including details about directions, landmarks, and safe houses to navigate the journey to the north. Some also used the North Star as a guide, as it consistently indicated true north and helped them stay on course. Additionally, abolitionists and conductors on the Underground Railroad provided support and assistance to fleeing slaves, helping them find their way to freedom.

If the lands north of MO were closed to slavery what is the next logical direction pro-slavery pro-expansion people would turn to?

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If the lands north of Missouri were closed to slavery, pro-slavery and pro-expansion advocates might turn their focus to the lands west of Missouri, such as the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, as potential areas for further expansion of slavery. This could lead to increased tensions and conflicts over the expansion of slavery into these western territories.

In which part of the country was wealth based on ththe amount of land and number of slaves you owned?

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In the southern part of the United States, especially states like Virginia, South Carolina, and Georgia, wealth was heavily based on the amount of land and number of slaves that one owned. The plantation economy relied on slave labor for producing cash crops such as cotton, tobacco, and rice, which contributed greatly to the accumulation of wealth in the region.

Why did Tubman have to take the runaway all the way to Canada instead of to a place in the North?

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Tubman took runaways to Canada because it was outside the reach of the Fugitive Slave Act, which allowed slave owners to reclaim escaped slaves in the northern states. Canada offered true freedom and protection to escaped slaves.

What area was most affected by slavery?

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Slavery had a significant impact on Africa, where millions of people were captured and sold into slavery. The transatlantic slave trade had a devastating effect on many African societies, leading to social, economic, and political upheaval. However, it also had lasting consequences in the Americas, where enslaved people were exploited for labor in industries such as agriculture and mining.

What location was a departure point for slaves during the slave trade?

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Goree Island in Senegal was a departure point for slaves during the slave trade. This island housed one of the largest slave-trading centers on the west coast of Africa.