



Toys, whether used for diversion or education, provide hours of fun. From the simplest of baby toys to RC airplanes, toys are what makes life fun!

500 Questions

How do you be a earthbender in real life?

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Asked by Wiki User

Earthbending is a fictional skill from the animated series "Avatar: The Last Airbender." It is not possible to bend the elements in real life as depicted in the show. However, you can learn martial arts and meditation techniques inspired by earthbending to improve physical and mental well-being.

How do you make a whoopee cushion?

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Asked by Wiki User

The dollar tree, Chuck-E-Cheese, and any basic joke shop>

you can get self inflating whoopee cushions at Rite Aid or Walgreen's

you can get electronic whoopee cushions at Cvs Pharmacy, and the dollar store

How do you get silly putty out of a drain?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can try pouring boiling water down the drain to loosen the silly putty, followed by using a plunger or drain snake to dislodge it. If that doesn't work, you may need to call a plumber to professionally remove the blockage.

In elemental rock paper scissors can water beat earth?

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Asked by Tortoiseshellkitty

Depends on what earth is.

If earth is referring to plants that earth beats water.

However if earth is referring to minerals it could be either way as either water erodes earth or earth pollutes water.

Why are marbles called marbles when they are not made from marble?

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Asked by Wiki User

The name "marbles" comes from the historical practice of making toy balls from actual marble stone. Over time, the game evolved and modern marbles are made from various materials like glass, clay, or plastic. The name "marbles" has stuck even though the materials used have changed.

What is the main difference between a cell nucleus and a nucleoid?

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Asked by Wiki User

A cell nucleus is a membrane-bound organelle found in eukaryotic cells that contains the cell's genetic material. In contrast, a nucleoid is a region inside prokaryotic cells where the genetic material is found, but it is not enclosed by a membrane. Nucleoids are simpler in structure compared to cell nuclei.

How does infrared cook food?

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Asked by Wiki User

Infrared cooking uses electromagnetic radiation to heat food directly, rather than heating the surrounding air like traditional ovens or grills. Infrared waves penetrate the food and create molecular vibration, generating heat from within the food itself. This results in faster cooking times and can help food retain more moisture and nutrients.

Is silly putty explosive?

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Asked by Wiki User

The answer is yes, here is the story:

In WW1, it was first synthesized by the Ottoman Turks to use as the main explosive in their fragmentation artillery shells. The results were horrific. By the end of the war, Trihexlphene 114 explosives, as they were known, were being harnessed by the Central Powers, and Russia was investing research in the subject before the revolution. Over half a million allied soldiers were wounded by the very potent effects of massive Trihexlphene bombardments. After the Great War ended, it became apparent that the real toll of such weapons was not on Allied servicemen, but on the long term and dangerous effects that the substance had on the local environment. Massive toxic secretions from the explosions resulted in immediate vegetation loss, as well as long term species endangerment and watershed pollution.

After the war, the newly founded League of Nations permanently banned the use use of Trihexlphene 114 in any military conflict. For now, the world was safe for the effects of its pollutants.

In WW2, there were reports of the Japanese filling grenades with Trihexlphene, with detrimental results. In the second battle of Titian Atoll, these grenades were used against U.S. marine landings. Almost 30% of the islands vegetation was destroyed.

After WW2 all Trihexlphene stocks around the world were disarmed and destroyed.

All of the substance was thought to be gone, until a toy company in the 1990's found out the chemical formula ideal for its the construction of its newest product based on WW1 and WW2 eye-witness accounts, and named it "Silly Putty".

The formula was altered to prevent accidental combustion of the substance.

It is a safe product, but there have been rumored reports of the occasional shipment becoming flawed and exploding in transport.

What level does metagross learn earthquake?

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Metagross can only learn Earthquake with the use of a TM.

What is lava called when it is underground?

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Asked by Wiki User

When lava is underground, it is called magma. Magma is molten rock beneath the Earth's surface that can eventually erupt onto the surface as lava during a volcanic eruption.

Can you find marbles by digging in the dirt?

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Asked by Wiki User

You may find marbles in dirt if someone has buried them there, but it is not a common occurrence. Marbles are typically found in places where they have been intentionally left or lost by people, such as playgrounds, homes, or retail stores.

Is Flame Libra better than Flame Sagittario?

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Asked by Wiki User

Flame Libra is considered to be better than Flame Sagittario due to its more balanced design with better stamina and defense capabilities. It also has a more versatile performance, making it a more popular choice among beyblade enthusiasts.

What usgs stand for and what do they do?

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Asked by Wiki User

USGS stands for United States Geological Survey. They are a scientific agency of the United States government that conducts research and provides unbiased information about the geology, natural hazards, and resources of the United States. This includes monitoring earthquakes, volcanoes, and water resources, as well as mapping and studying the landscape.

How did the drinking bird from the 1960s work to continue to bob its head into a glass of water?

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Asked by D4est

The drinking bird works by using a combination of temperature differences, evaporation, and condensation to create a pressure difference in the body of the bird. This pressure difference causes the liquid inside to move back and forth, allowing the bird to continuously dip its head into a glass of water.

What is the coolest tech deck in the world?

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The "coolness" of a tech deck can be subjective, but the Lexus hoverboard, developed with magnetic levitation technology, is often considered one of the coolest tech decks. It allows riders to hover and glide over surfaces, creating a futuristic and exhilarating experience.

What was the coolest pinball machine in history?

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The "Addams Family" pinball machine released in 1992 is often considered one of the coolest and most popular pinball machines in history. It featured unique gameplay elements, engaging sound effects, and iconic imagery from the Addams Family TV show and movies, making it a favorite among pinball enthusiasts.

What causes the air pressure inside an inflated balloon?

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The air pressure inside an inflated balloon is caused by the molecules of gas (air) inside the balloon colliding with the walls of the balloon. As more air is pumped in, the number of collisions increases, leading to higher pressure inside the balloon.

Where is the carnival in round rock?

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Asked by Wiki User

The carnival in Round Rock is typically held at the Old Settlers Park during specific events or festivals. It's best to check the official Round Rock city website or local event listings for exact dates and location.

Which of these is a zone in which one plate is pushed down into the mantle underneath another plate?

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Asked by Wiki User

This is known as a subduction zone. It is where one tectonic plate is forced beneath another due to tectonic forces, resulting in the recycling of crustal material back into the mantle. These zones are often associated with deep ocean trenches and volcanic arcs.

How do you make bouncy balls with borax?

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Asked by Wiki User

To make bouncy balls with borax, you will need borax, cornstarch, white glue, warm water, and food coloring. Mix warm water and borax in a bowl. In a separate bowl, mix cornstarch, white glue, and food coloring. Slowly pour the borax mixture into the glue mixture and stir until a ball forms. Remove from the bowl and play with your homemade bouncy ball!

When you hold a yo-yo in your hand what kind of energy does the yo-yo have?

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Asked by SeckChikhoufb9225

When you hold a yo-yo in your hand, it has potential energy due to its position above the ground. This potential energy would transform into kinetic energy as the yo-yo falls and unwinds when released.

How do you win in a snowball fight?

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Asked by Wiki User

To win a snowball fight, aim for your opponent's body, particularly their torso or head. Move quickly and stay agile to avoid getting hit. Use teamwork and strategic positioning to outnumber and outmaneuver your opponents.

What is the mass of silly putty?

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Asked by Wiki User

The mass of a standard container of silly putty is typically around 13 grams.

What is the density of a wooden yo-yo?

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The density of a wooden yo-yo can vary depending on the type of wood used and the specific dimensions of the yo-yo. However, on average, the density of wood is around 0.5-0.8 grams per cubic centimeter.

Where to find Amargo fossils?

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Asked by Wiki User

Amargo fossils can be found in certain regions of South America, particularly in Argentina and Brazil. They are often discovered in sedimentary rock formations that date back to the Late Cretaceous period, about 70-80 million years ago. Paleontological sites such as Neuquén in Argentina are known for having yielded Amargo fossils.