


Troy was a city state that was most known for the being the center of a major war and the scene of the Iliad, one of the most well known stories of the ancient Greeks.

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What is the occupation of Heinrich Schliemann?

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Asked by Wiki User == == Heinrich Schliemann (1822-1890) was a German merchant, world traveler, and archeologist. A man of enormous linguistic ability and personal determination, he combined a romantic enthusiasm and the calculating abilities of a practical realist in his search for the historical sites of Homeric Greece. Most scholars believed that Homer's Troy was a fictional place. But Schliemann believed it had actually existed and began to search for it. He argued that a large mound at Hissarlik, on the northwest coast of Turkey, was the site of Troy. He began digging in 1870, passing through upper layers of human habitation. In 1873 his team of workers conclusively reached the remains of Troy, uncovering fortifications, a paved road, a double gate, buildings, and a hoard of magnificent gold jewelry. As Schliemann carried out further excavations, he discovered even earlier settlements beneath Troy. Schliemann also uncovered other ancient sites associated with heroes described by Homer, including Mycenae, the city ruled by King Agamemnon, who led the Greeks against Troy.

From Houghton Mifflin Company

Where is the site of Troy and how far is it from Greece?

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The site of troy is in Turkey and it is exactly 8,895 miles from Greece. Answer The site of Troy is, indeed, in Turkey, and is just across the Aegean Sea from Greece. From the northernmost part of ancient, Mycenaean Greece to Troy is about 190-200 miles by sea.

Who are Menelaus and Agamemnon?

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Menelaus and Agamemnon were brothers. Menelaus was the king of Sparta, and Agamemnon was the commander of the Achaeans in the Trojan war. Menelaus was married to Helen, and Agamemnon was married to Clytemnestra.

What are some black ships before troy Helen quotes?

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the metaphor isn't compatible with the book. so for that i will not answer

How did the city of troy fall?

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Troy was finally captured by the Greeks. Odysseus, a famous Greek warrior, built a giant horse which could fit 30 fully armed men inside. The Greeks made the horse beautiful and sent a 'pretend traitor' to the Trojans saying that the Greeks had sailed off and given up. there were mass celebrations and everyone got very drunk. The Trojans feel asleep then the Greek creeped out of the trapdoor of the horse and started killing every Trojan in sight. They were merciful and in some cases let some families go.

(This is a very summarised answer hope it's okay)

Was it right for the achaeans to destroy troy?

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Honestly not really it was a fight between 2 men.But King Agamemnon was greedy and wanted to power over Troy.

Why did Aeneas leave his wife at the fall of troy?

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Troy was on fire.

Who escaped troy and eventually went to Rome?

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Aeneas, whose tale is detailed by Virgil in the Aeneid, escaped Troy and ended up in Italy. Virgil elaborated on this minor character in the Iliad and enhanced Aeneas's demi-god status in order to relate a mythical origin to Emperor Augustus.

The citizens of troy?

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Some main characters are:

1. Agamemnon - The invading King

2. Achilles - Warrior from Greece

3. Hector - Prince of Troy

4. Helen - The lady who is the reason for the famous battle

Pelius and Aprodite who promised Paris Helen wife of Menalaus are also the main reasons for the war.The prestige of the Greeks was at stake because Paris and Helen committed adultery.That was the reason for the remaining greek nations going to battle against Troy.

Paris seduced Helen

Helen cuckholded Menelaus his brother

Agamemnon gathered generals like Achilles and

Odessyeus to raize Troy to the ground.

How did the Greeks conquer the city of troy?

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For a long time the battle was only held outside the walls of Troy. But after many years of warfare, Odysseus finally came up with a plan of the trojan horse. A wild tale was concocted that would lead the trojans to believe that they must allow the entrance of the horse. When night came and the trojans were all asleep after their drunken celebration, the greek soldiers came out of the horse and put fire on the houses and killed most of the trojans before the latter learned that they were tricked.

Who is the protagonist of war of troy?

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Agamemnon. However, most people don't consider there to be heroes or villains in Homer's story of The Iliad (which Troy is based on). The film is really about humans fighting humans.

Is the battle of troy true?

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The opposing side gave Troy a wooden horse. The Trojans thought that it was a gift from Athena (goddess of battle strategy) and brought it into their city. Although they didn't know that the wooden horse was filled with their enemies and during the night the enemies opened the trap door of the wooden horse and destroyed Troy.

Greek hero who fought against troy?

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In Troy, it's the Trojans. Aeneas led the remaining Trojans to Carthage then Italy.

On the Greek Side, there were many heros,

The biggest one would be Achilles. (Demigod, dipped in the River of Styx, thus, the only spot that could kill him was his heel.)

Others include the witty Odysseus (led to the Odessy, his journey of returning home to ithica.)






Nestor etc.

How did the Greeks beat troy?

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Hiding the navy at a distant bay, and tricks the trojans into acceepting their tribute. A wooden horse which hides greek soldiers in it.

What is a summary of sailing from troy in The Odyssey?

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After twenty years from home, Odysseus departs from the goddess Calypso's island. He arrives in Phoenicia, which is ruled by Alcinous. Alcionous asks Odysseus to tell him the story of his adventures, in exchange for a ship back to his homeland. Odysseus then proceeds to tell Alcinous of the war in Troy, going to Ismarus, how his soldiers dismantled the town and losing several rows of men on each ship from the Cicones army.

What does Achilles stand for?

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Achilles was a immortal legend (real man ) aside from his heal but his mother was thetis a sea nympth that had a child with pelaus she was forced by the gods and goddess despite her hate for mortals, Achilles study with chiron and had a companion named patroclus there was a lot of rumours that they were lovers they met when patroclus was exiled to phtia. Then went to troy and faced may disturbances on the way to troy. Achilles war prizes were stripped of him by aggamenon king of mycenae Achilles then refused to fight so in a desparate attempt to save Achilles honour patroclus dressed in his armour and lead the myridoms into battle by his was killed by prince hektor in a rage Achilles set out to kill hektor a god tried to stop Achilles but Achilles wounded the god then killed hektor he was later killed in battle when paris shot a arrow guided by apollo into Achilles heal the only part of him vulerable and Achilles died.

Is Troy Aikman married?

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its in gods handswhat god has put together let noman separate

What does Aeneas take with him when he leaves Troy?

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He carried with him the Lares and Penates, statues of the household gods of Troy; however, on his back was his father Anichises.

Where Troy is located?

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Troy was an ancient city. It was conquered by the Greeks as described by Homer in The Iliad. It was

located in what is now Turkey, east of Greece across the Aegean Sea and overlooking the Hellespont/Dardanelles.

What ancient country is troy located?

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Troy was, of course, a city state, so it was in, well, Troy. The site of the ancient city is now in Turkey - the Asian part of Turkey, which theRomans called Asia Minor. The Troy of the Trojan War period was in Wilusa, a country that the Hittites referred to as an Arzawan Land, meaning that it was once part of greater Arzawa, a country that extended from Wilusa south to modern Miletos, and inland several hundred kilometers. At the time of the Trojan War, Wilusa was a vassal state of Hatti, paying tribute to Hatti and supplying soldiers to Hatti's Great King when called upon to do so based on situations carefully spelled out in a treaty that has been found and translated.

What happened to the Greeks after they defeated Troy?

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That story contains many amazing adventures of the Greeks as they attempt to get home. It is a long one and is what you can read about in the "Odyssey". Enjoy.


On the broader picture, Greece was rolled into turmoil by the movement of peoples from the north and across the eastern Mediterranean area. The Dorian Greeks moved into southern Greece, the Sea Peoples around the Aegean and Mediterranean coast. As the Greeks overpopulated, they sent out colonies to the east and west, establishing humdreds of new cities in Sicily, Italy, Asia Minor and the Black Sea.

How was life in ancient troy?

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There was no ancient troy

How did the mycenaeans capture troy?

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They built a huge honking horse. A small number of Greek soldiers hid inside it. When night fall came, the soldiers killed the guards and opened the gate for the Greek Army that was hiding. Troy was then burned to the ground.