


Acetaminophen (Tylenol)

Tylenol is a drug brand in North America that reduces fever and pain and relieves the symptoms of flu, cough, cold and certain allergies. The active ingredient of this drug is acetaminophen, an antipyretic and analgesic drug.

500 Questions

Can you use Ibuprofen if you have asthma?

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it can bring on asthma attacks especially if you are allergic to aspirin.To be safe I would ask your Dr as the packet does give warnings to people with asthma not to take it.

Can you give your dog Tylenol for leg pain?

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NO!!!!! Go see a Vet for proper medication.

AnswerWhile Tylenol is an analgesic drug to relieve pain and fever like symptoms, they are not advisable to be given to pets, especially dogs and cats. These drugs are made for human and was never tested for animals. Even over-the-counter aspirin can be dangerous to your dog.

You may want to read more about aspirin for dogs visit the related link below

To help your dog relieve pain without the side effects of NSAIDs, it would be better to give your dog joint supplements such as Arthro-Ionx that is FDA approved as a natural remedy. Arthro-Ionx helps to relieve muscle pain and eliminate joint pain in dogs naturally

Even pets with hip dysplasia can also benefit from it.

For more information about Arthro-Ionx, visit the related link below

Can a child have Children's Tylenol cold while on Children's Zyrtec?

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No .. unless you doctor has told you other wise wait at least 4 hours before using the second dose.

Can you take Tylenol cold medication with clarithromycin?

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z pack is an antibiotic LOL...of course you can

What could happen if one takes acetaminophen with codeine while on coumadin?

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Acetaminophen (Tylenol) can increase the effect of Coumadin, so it should be discussed with your doctor or pharmacist before taking it. There a many, many drugs that should not be taken with Coumadin, including many herbal medicines/supplements, such as garlic, ginko biloba, chamomile and ginseng. You need to tell your doctor and your pharmacist every med you are taking, including all OTC (over the counter) meds and herbal supplements.

Is paracetamol a stimulant ordepressant?

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No. Paracetamol=Acetaminophen=Tylenol. Has no stimulant or depressant side effects.

Can you mix oycodone and Tylenol with codeine together?

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Absolutely NOT. This is called a "duplication of therapy" and in the case of oxycodone and Tylenol with codeine, it can cause a person to stop breathing, or potentially aspirate (breathe in) their vomit during periods of unconsciousness. Only do this if a pharmacist or doctor tells you to, as they can guarantee that you will not overdose.

What is the difference between Tylenol tablets and geltabs?

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The geltabs are tablets which are coated with a smooth gelatin coating, (supposedly) making them easier to swallow than the plain kind.

What is the recommended daily dose for Tylenol?

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No more than 4000 mg in a 24 hour period for a healthy adult and it should be divided into doses not larger than 1000 mg each

Is taking 650 miligram of acetaminophen a day to much?

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The question what amount of time? 4000mg of acetaminophen is the maximum that should be taken in one 24hr period. 8 x 500mg doses.

What happens if you take 32 paracetamol?

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In adults, single doses above 10 grams or 140 mg/kg have a reasonable likelihood of causing toxicity. In adults, single doses of more than 25 grams have a high risk of lethality.

A paracetamol tablet usually has 500mg of active ingredient.

This means that doses over 20 tablets at once are probably toxic, and doses of 50 tablets are very likely to kill an adult human.

If you need more pain relief than paracetamol provides at normal doses, then perhaps something containing both paracetamol and codeine is a better choice.

If that doesn't help, perhaps oxycodone would be helpful, but AFAIK it is only available on prescription.

If you have serious pain, seeing your doctor is probably your best bet.

I've been told that people who try to commit suicide by taking a large dose of paracetamol frequently die some days later in hospital in intense pain from irreversible liver failure. Not fun.

Can you take 15 mg of hydrocodone and 975 mg of Tylenol?

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Why don't you just take the whole bottle while your at it ?!

47 mg of codeine is quite a large amount the 30/300 mg pill should do the job.

Most i ever taken at once was 20mg and i felt like i was on a cloud.

But I dont weight more than a buck fifty so who knows.

One more thing id like to say, my friend died from taking 1 and 3/4 of a strong strong pain killer. So please take with moderation. My friend was only 18.

Oh please man he can definitely take both. I weigh 130, took 80 mg today and I don't have a tolerance. I felt alright nothing crazy. Oh and I drank a few beers

If am allergy on penicillin can you take Tylenol?

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can you take Tylenol when I have allergy to aspirin

How long does it take for a normal Tylenol pill to wear off?

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Advil PM is in effect for anywhere from 4 - 8 hours, depending on the person's chemistry.

At what temperature paracetamol should be taken?

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Paracetamol tablets and syrup should be stored in tightly closed containers and kept protected from light. The temperature should not drop below 25°C. Suppositories should be stored below 15°C.

Will oxycodone hci acetaminophen show up in a pre job urine test?

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Oxycodone hcl and acitaminophen is the generic name for percocet, and it will show up on a pre-employment drug screen since it is an opiate.

Can you take Tylenol with codeine with ulcer?

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Chronic use of certain drugs can cause gastric ulcers, but Tylenol is not one of them. On the other hand ibuprophen, or other NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) can cause gastric ulcers.

Can you take acetaminophen and Ibuprofen together with Naprosin?

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You might take acetaminophen with ibuprofen. You might take acetaminophen with Naprosyn. But you CAN'T take ibuprofen and naproxen (Naprosyn) together, as long as both drugs are NSAID and works on the same receptors. Naproxen is a little bit more powerful than ibuprofen.

Does ultram have Tylenol in it?

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Yes providing they are both at lower doses - both act as analgesics (pain relief) and compliment each other in severe pain. However you should not self prescribe this combination i.e. from old medicine stocks and consult your doctor if you are unsure


Can you take Tylenol while on Lovenox?

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Please indicate if one can take Tylenol while on lovenox