

Action & Adventure TV Shows

A TV show is deemed an action and adventure show when it presents bold, exciting, and dangerous tasks of uncertain outcome, occurring in a series of episodes. It leaves the hero with an interesting story to tell if he survives.

500 Questions

Is there a third season of Legend of the Seeker?

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I've seen it. Don't even bother watching. Waste of my time.

What does SAMBEL mean in sons of anarchy?

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Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club BELfast

SAMCRO is Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club Redwood Original

The reason they use Redwood as opposed to Charming is because John Teller didn't like the name Charming. He felt it was too cute for an MC name.

Since the club rode mainly in the area that extended from Big Bear down to Eureka, they adopted the name Redwood since this territory is Redwood country. Original refers to the fact that SAMCRO is the "mother chapter" or original charter of the MC.

When does bones episode 10 season 6 air?

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in the new season will both and bones fall in love with each other

Do chuck and Blair get back together in season 4?

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yes ......until episode 17, but then chuck tries his possible to get back Blair

When did Heroes air?

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Heroes isn't going to come back. I know, that sucks. The show was abruptly canceled due to the loss of a viewers.

However, I heard rumors that there will be a movie coming out so the show wouldn't just end on that cliff-hanger; if they can be sure it would bring in money, I'm sure. But don't loose hope!

Which actor play clark kent?

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Smallville Did you know:

Tom Welling starred in the film "Cheaper by the Dozen".

Who are the slayer'S on Buffy the vampire slayer?

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Buffy, Faith, Kendra and all the girls with the potential to be a slayer, so (in the comics) over 1,200 girls, some of which include Kennedy, Amanda, Rona, and Vi, although Amanda dies.

How many Nikita episodes are in Season One of Nikita?

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There was 22 episodes of season 1 of Nikita.

What channel is primeval on?

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If you have a netflix account you can watch seasons 1-3

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How many seasons does heroes have?

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The NBC will most likely decide wether there will be a next Heroes at all before May 17! ?

But there is already some good news:

NBC "Strongly Considering" Renewing Heroes for Season 5The Hollywood Reporter has updated their list of shows currently on the network bubble (that is, shows that can go either way - cancellation or renewal), and while Heroes remains a mystery (NBC still refuses to make a decision on it), THR does give Heroes fans room for optimism. They write about the show's chances:

On NBC, "Heroes" is the network's biggest question mark, with the Peacock strongly considering a final-season order. Like every bubble show, the quality of the network's pilots will play a key role in deciding how many shows return.


(Source: , a fanbased Heroes website)


Now that Heroes Season 4 has officially come to an end, but Heroes owner NBC has not yet confirmed a fifth season, fans all over the world are becoming truly worried. The internet, as the ultimate meetingpoint of gossip, displayes lots of rumors about Heroes coming back or not and a lot of webblogs are making lists about reasons pro and against. You can even sign an online Heroes petition to support a fifth season.

The series follows the lives of ordinary people across the globe who discover various superhumanabilities as they struggle to cope with their everyday lives and prevent foreseen disasters from occurring. Heroes is popular and carries a strong following, although the official ratings are weak. Additionally, Heroes was the MOST downloaded and streamed television show last year. So many people are watching it, but most are not tuning in the moment it airs.

Unfortunatly, at the end of the day, it's up to NBC to decide if the show is worth bringing back, financially speaking. Networks are in the money making business, and if the show can still make them enough, they'll bring it back regardless of criticisms leveled at the show by fans and critics. The expensive NBC series has always performed well overseas, but the network needs "Heroes" to pull decent numbers in its own backyard too. During season 4, Heroes continued its decline and has dropped to a level that would normally lead to cancellation. The deciding factor here is NBC's internal balance sheet for the production. Yes, it's all about the money…


The main question is not only if there's enough profit to be made but also if Heroes' writers can recover the award winning quality of the first season and thereby restore NBC's trust. The answer to these questions lead us to three possible outcomes, from which only two seem realistic to me. The first one is, obviously (and hopefully) a resumption of Heroes, either in it's current or (more likely) a renewed form. The second option is the release of one or more 'rap-it-all-up episodes' (don't be surprised if NBC announces a 12-hour "final chapter" for next fall). The third (to me most improbable) option is the series coming to a definite end, leaving all the fans on a limb wondering what happened after Claire did the unthinkable. At this point, it seems unlikely that NBC will leave us with so many loose ends to tie up.


We'll find out when they figure it out, I guess. But I do have a strong gutfeeling we can enjoy new Heroes episodes soon. And then there is hope! Greg Grunberg, who plays Matt Parkman on the show, said "I'm hearing rumors, I'm hearing good rumors". "We clearly did not wrap up the overall lure and story of Heroes (Source: TV Guide Magazine). Grunberg also said on his Twitter that he "Can't imagine not coming back" when a fan asked him if Heroes will come back for season 5. If the NBC is really considering to pull out the plug, we should all pray for the help of some true Heroes out there working hard to prevent this disaster from becoming a reality.

What happens in the movie after Prison Break?

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Sara has been jailed for murder. Wanting to make an example of her, the government has sent her to a women's prison and she faces 25 years to life. Pregnant and fearful for her life, Sara must survive by making an alliance with an old enemy... but she's a marked woman and various attempts on her life lead Michael to take drastic action.

In LOST how does Shannon die?

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Michael did.. He was captured by the others and they told him that if he wanted his Son back (Walt) then he would have to free Henery gale (Benjamin Linus) and then bring Jack, Kate, Hugo (Hurley), and Sawyer (Jamesford) to them. While freeing Ben, he was forced to kill Ana Lucia and just when he did Libby came down and frightened him so he shot her too. He later said that shooting her was a mistake.

In Buffy the Vampire Slayer which episode does willow become a witch?

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its never really blatantly stated when exactly willow became a full-fledged witch. her first spell was during season two when she tried to summon angel's soul. and in season three, when Buffy comes back, willow mentions that she's been dabbling in witchcraft. so...season two, episode 21 becoming part 1.

Does brian krause love holly Marie combs?

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Definately not! They never dated... except for in the series of Charmed... and that was written for them. Alyssa dated Brian though!

Where is the TV show sons of anarchy filmed?

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pretty much the entire show is filmed in sun valley and north Hollywood

On Buffy the Vampire slayer who was Buffy's mother's machine boyfriend?

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A strong argument can be made that Angel is her first boyfriend - by merit of the show's overall direction in the first three years. Those years are all about establishing that entire relationship. However, they're very "hot and cold" early on, and their relationship doesn't blossom until the second year. Buffy has reasons each year to hide her relationship with Angel from her friends, family, and other students, which brings up the question of whether they're actually "together" or not. During season one, she dates a normal high school boy named Owen in the episode "Never Kill a Boy on the First Date." This is treated like a typical high school relationship, albeit only for one episode. So even though the sparks are flying left and right between Angel and Buffy, they don't actually become "boyfriend and girlfriend" until the second year when it's made "official."

Owen is her first real boyfriend on the tv show, though not as emotionally engulfing as her other relationships / flings, which are (in order:) Angel (on-and-off throughout the first 3 years)

Scott Hope Parker Abrams

Riley Finn Spike Buffy's first boyfriend (as far as we know) was Pike, whom she dated back in L.A. at Hemery High before the start of the show. This relationship was covered in the original movie starring Kristy Swanson (not Sarah Michelle Gellar,) and was briefly referenced in the show. Buffy also had a one-night stand in season 8 (a comic book written by Joss Whedon, the show's creator) with a girl.

What is the movie Buffy the vampire slayer about?

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It's a TV show that began in 1997 and went to 2003. Also a movie and a comic book. And of course the character. Also many fiction books and a couple of video games, and an unfinished cartoon, and a magazine

Where can you watch sea patrol online?

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Asked by Tomsticks15

When do Buffy and angel start dating?

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In the episode: "Reptile Boy" there is a lot of discussion about a date between our two favorite characters but there is no moment when they suddenly start dating, but I guess you could say it's in the following episode "Halloween."

Did Wild Bill Hickok Have Descendants?

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my family claims to be descendants of wild bill. My uncle does the geneology for our family so he says he can prove it I ve never seen it so who knows. My in laws say they are related to claminty Jane so if this is all true my daughter is related to both no wonder she is a handful.

How can you contact Haim Saban?

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  1. В нтервью Нью Йорк Таймс в 2012 г. господин Хаим Сабан выразил озабоченность политической жизнью страны и Израиля.
  2. Мною разработана модель эволюционного преобразования современного общества и человека в 21 веке, внедрение которого будет означать новую эру в истории человечества и будет способствовать обновлению и гуманизации общества.
  3. Израиль и США могу стать пионерами в преобразовании современного общественного строя без насилия и каких -либо жертв.

    С уважением Анатолий Биньяминов

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