



This category is for questions about biodiversity, or species diversity, which is composed of genetic, species, and ecosystem diversity.

500 Questions

What is gene flow?

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Gene flow is genes moving between two populations.

the transfer of genes from one gene pool to another

two populations transferring genes

What is 90 percent -95 percent of the cell cycle?

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Asked by Wiki User

The difference between 90% and 95% of the cell cycle is 5%. This means that 5% of the cell cycle is not overlapping between those two percentages.

How did diversity get together?

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Asked by Wiki User

Diversity occurs naturally in the world due to a combination of evolution, migration, and environmental factors. Over time, different populations of organisms adapted to their specific environments, leading to the vast array of species and genetic traits we see today. Additionally, the mixing of gene pools through migration and interbreeding has also contributed to diversity among populations.

Who is credited with the first proposing the concept of species extinction?

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Asked by Wiki User

Georges Cuvier, a French naturalist, is credited with proposing the concept of species extinction in the early 19th century. Cuvier observed fossil evidence of species that no longer existed and theorized that they had become extinct due to catastrophic events in the past.

What does NADPH provide in the Calvin benson cycle?

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Asked by Wiki User

NADPH provides reducing power in the Calvin cycle, enabling the conversion of carbon dioxide into sugars. It is essential for the reduction of 3-phosphoglycerate to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, which is a key step in the cycle for the production of carbohydrates.

Does meiosis increase or decrease biodiversity?

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Asked by Wiki User

Meiosis increases biodiversity by generating genetic variation through processes like crossing over, independent assortment, and random fertilization. These mechanisms shuffle and combine genetic material to produce a wide range of unique genetic combinations in offspring.

What is a cultarl diversity?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cultural diversity refers to the existence of a variety of cultural groups within a society, each with its own traditions, beliefs, and practices. It recognizes and values differences in ethnicity, language, religion, and other cultural aspects, promoting mutual respect and understanding among diverse communities.

Does biodiversity tend to increase as you get closer to the equator?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, typically biodiversity increases as you move closer to the equator. This is due to the warmer temperatures and more stable climate creating a wider range of habitats, allowing for a greater variety of species to thrive in tropical regions.

How do the light reactions and Calvin cycle work together to build glucose?

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Asked by Wiki User

The light reactions provide the energy carriers used in the Calvin cycle

Why fostering diversity important?

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Asked by Wiki User

equality and diversity is important because everyone should be treated in the same way everyone else does it doesn't matter what race or culture you belong to we are all equal in the eyes of god

What is a cause of the biodiversity of rainforests?

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Asked by Wiki User

The high biodiversity of rainforests is primarily due to the stable and warm climate that provides year-round growing conditions, as well as the diverse range of habitats within the forest that support a wide variety of plant and animal species. Additionally, the lack of severe seasonal changes allows for speciation and adaptation to occur at a faster rate.

Is carbon dioxide is reduced during the Calvin cycle in photosynthesis?

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Asked by Wiki User

Carbon dioxide is not reduced during the Calvin cycle in photosynthesis. Instead, carbon dioxide is fixed and converted into glucose through a series of reactions in the Calvin cycle. The reduction of carbon dioxide involves gaining electrons, which is not part of the Calvin cycle.

What type of ecosystem is waterfalls?

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Waterfalls are typically found in aquatic ecosystems such as rivers and streams. They provide important habitat and resources for aquatic organisms, and can influence the flow dynamics and nutrient cycling of the surrounding ecosystem.

How would a significant decrease in the pH of rainfall be likely to affect the biodiversity among organisms in an ecosystem over time?

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Asked by Wiki User

A significant decrease in the pH of rainfall, also known as acid rain, can lead to a decrease in biodiversity among organisms in an ecosystem over time. Acid rain can lower soil pH, affecting plant growth and reducing food sources for other organisms. It can also directly harm aquatic organisms living in bodies of water where the acidic rainwater flows. Over time, this can lead to a decrease in biodiversity as populations decline.

What things do you humans do in the garden to alter the abiotic elements of the ecosystem?

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Asked by Wiki User

Humans alter the abiotic elements of an ecosystem in a garden by adding fertilizers or soil amendments, controlling irrigation and drainage, adjusting sunlight exposure through pruning or shading, and regulating temperature by using covers or structures. These actions can impact factors such as nutrient availability, water levels, light intensity, and temperature, influencing plant growth and overall ecosystem dynamics.

What is enidarians?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cnidarians are a phylum of invertebrate animals that includes jellyfish, corals, and sea anemones. They are characterized by their radial symmetry and specialized stinging cells called cnidocytes, which they use to capture prey. Cnidarians are found in marine environments around the world.

How does a animal classification chart look like?

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Asked by Wiki User

An animal classification chart typically organizes organisms into a hierarchical system based on their common characteristics. It begins with broad categories like kingdom (e.g., Animalia), then branches into phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. Each level represents a progressively narrower group with more shared characteristics, allowing for the systematic categorization of different types of animals.

Could carbon dioxide be considered abiotic?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, carbon dioxide can be considered abiotic as it is a non-living component of the environment. It is a naturally occurring gas that is not associated with living organisms in the same way that other compounds such as sugars or proteins are.

What is the value of diversity in an organization?

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Asked by Wiki User

Diversity in an organization brings varied perspectives, experiences, and ideas to the table, fostering innovation and creativity. It also improves decision-making by considering a broader range of viewpoints and increases employee engagement and morale by creating a more inclusive work environment. Additionally, diverse teams can better understand and cater to a wider range of customers and clients.

What is the average temperature of the Madrean Pine-Oak Woodlands?

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The average temperature of the Madrean Pine-Oak Woodlands varies depending on the specific location within the woodlands. However, in general, these woodlands tend to have a moderate climate with average temperatures ranging from 50°F to 70°F. These woodlands experience distinct seasonal variations in temperature.

How do you control biodiversity?

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Asked by Wiki User

To control biodiversity, focus on conservation efforts such as protecting habitats, reducing pollution, and combating climate change. Implementing sustainable land management practices, preserving natural resources, and enforcing regulations to prevent overexploitation of species can help maintain biodiversity. Additionally, education and awareness campaigns can promote the importance of biodiversity conservation.

What 2 animals hate each other?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lions and hyenas are known to have a strong rivalry in the wild, often competing for food and territory. Another example is the red fox and the gray wolf, as they may compete for similar prey in their habitats.

What are the major cause of biodiversity loss in marine ecosystem?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some major causes of biodiversity loss in marine ecosystems include overfishing, habitat destruction (such as coral reef degradation and coastal development), pollution (such as oil spills and plastic waste), climate change (resulting in ocean acidification and rising sea temperatures), and invasive species. These factors all contribute to disrupting the delicate balance of marine ecosystems and can lead to declines in biodiversity.

How many photons must be absorbed to reduce one CO2 in the Calvin Cycle?

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Asked by Wiki User

Six photons must be absorbed to reduce one molecule of carbon dioxide in the Calvin Cycle. Each photon contributes two electrons needed for the reduction process.