

Business Magnates

Business Magnates are men and women who have risen through the ranks to gain prominence in their industrial field. These fields can vary greatly. Magnates can be internet geniuses, financial pioneers, or oil tycoons.

500 Questions

What is some info about JP Morgan?

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Asked by Silenesayago

JP Morgan

Family/Early Years

JP Morgan was born on April 17, 1837 in Hartford, Connecticut. His uncle, James Pierpont, wrote "One horse open sleigh", which later became known as "Jingle Bells". Morgan's father trained him to take over the banking business, And after his father did die, he took over the banking business .Also, Morgan had two sisters, Sarah and Mary.

Time line

  • April 17, 1837- JP Morgan's birth.
  • 1890-Takes over father's business.
  • 1895- saves government.
  • March 31,1934- Dies in Rome, Italy.

Impact on America

When he joined Carnage's steel company, It then quickly became United States steel company. It was the largest company in the world. When he made a new company in 1895, it quickly became one of the most powerful.

Why is he Eli lilly famous?

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Asked by Wiki User

he built the 10th biggest pharmaceuitcal company in the world.

What is warren buffet's cost in byd?

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Asked by Wiki User

US$1.03 or HK$7.98

Why are both horizontal and vertical dimensions important to organization structure and design?

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Asked by Wiki User

Horizontal dimension is very important because it involves the merger of two organisations which lead to high capital which results in fast growth as the main objective

What is the compsition of JP 8 fuel?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gasoline and kerosene.

What type of questions should be avoided in a questionnaire?

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Asked by Wiki User

'what is your tax file number'


'what are your credit card details'

Hope this helped! :)

Where would someone go to purchase Security Analysis by Warren Buffett?

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Asked by Wiki User

Security Analysis is a book written by Warren Buffett. It can be found at any local bookstore or at some Wal-Mart locations. If you are interested in purchasing online it can also be found at Amazon or ebay.