

Business Magnates

Business Magnates are men and women who have risen through the ranks to gain prominence in their industrial field. These fields can vary greatly. Magnates can be internet geniuses, financial pioneers, or oil tycoons.

500 Questions

What is JP Walker well known for?

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Asked by Wiki User

JP Walker is well known for his career as a professional snowboarder. He was a major part of the sport in the early 1990s and laid the platform for others to follow him.

Was Andrew Carnegie a good guy or a bad guy?

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Asked by Wiki User

This is a hard question to answer, because things are rarely all black or all white. While Andrew Carnegie was a brilliant businessman who made millions in the steel industry, by many accounts, he was also a relentless and driven boss who did not want to give his workers the pay they deserved. But while it would be easy to dismiss him as just another greedy business executive, he also seems to have realized that life should not just be about making millions. When he was in his 60s, he sold his businesses and devoted the rest of his life to charitable work and philanthropy. He funded libraries and museums, he created an institute for the study of peace, and he even founded a university. So, as you can see, at some points in his life, you might be able to make a case for him being a bad guy, yet at other times, he was absolutely what we would consider a good guy.

Where is the headquarters for JP Cycles?

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Asked by Wiki User

JP Cycles Headquarters is based in the sunny state of Iowa, in America. You can write or visit them at 13225 Circle Drive, Anamosa, Iowa 52205 and please take your camera for some awesome pics.

How much would it cost to build a Casino?

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Asked by Wiki User

The total cost depends on many factors. The casino itself will range from $400 to $1,000 per square foot. Following that, parking and street modifications have to be made to meet local codes that can add another $150 to $500 per square foot for parking (realize drainage is often a significant cost depending upon where it is located). Security also has up-front costs that can vary as well, and insurance is an expense that cannot be overlooked.

The bottom line is that even the smallest casino takes millions to build, and millions to get permitting and training and to get running before it can be revenue producing. In the US, as of 2012, it is highly unlikely you can go from concept to having an operating casino, of any size, with less than 30 million dollars, though most are many times that.

Does a Chief Executive Officer of a Company have a higher rank then a Chief Operating Officer?

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Asked by Wiki User

CEO is usually the boss of bosses & COO is the guy that actually gets to pull the strings & make the day to day stuff happen. Many companies have Sr managers that hold both titles, which just means someone or some group still does the day to day & doesn't get as much credit for it..

How did a holding company help buisnesses such as the Carnegie Company and tycoons like Andrew Carnegie?

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Asked by Wiki User

because they had monopoly it helped them crush others companies that were lower than them