


Care of Rabbits

Rabbits have been raised by man for many centuries, both as companions and as a food source. The number of breeds designed specifically for companionship is diverse and growing. Hop into this category to explore the wonderful world of pet rabbits.

500 Questions

Does a snowshoe rabbit's coat become white?

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Yes, in the summer, the coat is brown, to blend in with the grasses, in the winter, it turns white to hide from predators and blend in with the snow.

Do rabbits eat rose bush leaves?

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Yes, rabbits in the wild will readily eat roses, both the flowers and leaves of the plant. In fact rose buds are particularly sweet and succulent, and even humans occasionally enjoy them. However, the leaves are somewhat more fibrous than many other plants and are most likely harder for a rabbit to digest.

Since there are several more easily digested and nutritious plants and vegetables readily available, rose leaves are lower on the list of items one would regularly feed to a pet rabbit. If yours happens to like them, there's no reason why the occasional sprig of fresh leaves wouldn't be a welcome addition to their diet.

What are 5 body types of rabbits?

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Semi-arch, Compact, Full Arch, Commmercial and Cylindrical are the 5 body types accepted by the ARBA.

How long does a rabbit live and what is a rabbit's weight?

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the average weight and height of a rabbit is 16 in and 6 lbs average.

How often can you feed bunnies parsley?

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Carrots are high in sugars and aren't very healthy for rabbits. Carrot greens are very healthy and you can safely include those as a regular part of your rabbit's daily "salad." The carrots themselves, though, should be limited as a treat food. The House Rabbit Society recommends no more than 2 tablespoons per day of treat food for a healthy, normal 6 pound rabbit. Ideally, rotate the treats you serve, otherwise that would be pretty boring for your rabbit. Other treats include fruits and vegetables like berries, apple, and squash. Too many carrots can lead to illness in rabbits. See the related question below for more information.

Another answer: Personally i feed my rabit carrots everyday :) also some pastley and for treats apples and banana

Is it possible for two rabbits to share one litter box?

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no.on mother will kill the other litter when she produces hers if in a small box.

but in a big box they might but chances are they will get into a fight

Well, I know that you mis-understood the question. You can litter box train 2 rabbits to the same box if you train them at the same time and they are young. Older rabbits use going to the bathroom as ways to MARK their territory. That is why even a litter box trained buck MIGHT start spraying all over the house. He is marking his territory.

What are the signs of rabbit phantom pregnancy?

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You can usually tell if a rabbit doe is pregnant within a few days after conception. She will become moody and more aggressive due to hormone fluctuations. You'll also be able to feel her nipples growing. And she may begin 'nesting' behaviour, such as piling up bedding in hidden places (other than her normal resting spot) and plucking fur from her neck and chest to line the nest.

A doe should not exhibit the above 'symptoms' until she is close to kindling, at least half way thru her pregnancy. If she starts nesting activity too early it is probably the signs of a false pregnancy. Does do not start to make milk until they are about 20 days into their pregnancy.

When you note that rabbit has white fur you are making a?

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qualitative observation

Why is hay completely dry before it is baled?

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The presence of excess moisture promotes mold making the hay unuseable for livestock.

How active is a pet cottontail rabbit?

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Asked by Splashstorm

As pets, Cottontail rabbits are much less active than domestic pet rabbits. They don't like to be caged, but when they are out of their cage they just sit there. They don't play with toys and generally don't walk/run around a lot.

If you have a shy Cottontail, he would sit in places where he is hidden. A non-shy rabbit will occasionally sit out in the living room with the family.

What happens to rabbits with myxomatosis?

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Mixamytosis causes localized skin tumors on the head and genitals of the rabbit. The affected rabbit will soon become listless, lose appetite, and develop a fever. The rabbit will die in an average of 13 days.

Why do rabbits lick humans?

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rabbits, like most animals, are very curious and need to find out everything that is around

How do you know when a small rabbit is old enough to live on its own?

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you dont need to know. they will do it on their own

What items can be used to make cheap rabbit cages?

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One of the things you will definitely need is some sturdy wood. You will also need things such as industrial glue or even some nails if you want. There is a how-to on what to do on the Home Garden Helium website.

Do pregnant rabbits hump other rabbits?

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Rabbits exhibit 'humping' behavior as they reach sexual maturity. They don't care about age. Actual humping behavior is acting out their future sexual behaviors. Rabbits are actually capable of procreating at 4 months. There is a difference between immature humping and actual sexual intercourse. I'm not sure which you are referring to.

What does if your rabbit is sneazing a lot?

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If your bunny sneezes every once in a while, it's no big deal...they can sneeze just like you or I. However, if a rabbit is constantly sneezing they may have a nasal or respiratory infection. An infection may also be accompanied by a runny nose, or discharge from the eyes or nose. If you don't notice any other symptoms it may just be in the beginning stages. If it is a type of infection, it will only get worse and can become fatal if left untreated. My advice would be to monitor your bunny for a day or two, if it goes away...great! If not, take him to the vet to get checked out. If you notice any other symptoms such as they wont eat or the discharge like I previously mentioned....get them to the vet asap!

How do you get rid of mice in rabbit hutch?

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Take out everything, from the hutch and fumigate everything! Dont kill the miceez they are tooo cute to be dead! ::(

What should you feed baby bunnies while their eyes are still shut?

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A rabbit that young is unlikely to survive without its mother. It is very difficult to hand-rear baby rabbits: it requires experience and skill. If it's a domestic rabbit, you feed it KMR (kitten milk replacer); if it's a wild species, you feed it goat's milk. See the related link below for details.

How do you calm down a wild baby rabbit?

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well you have too make sure you have one in your garden and then feed it tip bits the rabbit will then slowly get less timid.

How old do mini lop rabbits live to be?

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All rabbits live for 7-12 years and the longest living bunny was 19 years old.

What age can you hold bunnies?

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i didnt start playing with my litter of babies until they were out running around or at least exploring their surroundings. also it wold helpif the mother rabbt knew you scent and was not afraid of you. good luck with ur cute babies! :)

Do rabbits like being in cars?

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yeah. they can. rabbits need to go to vets and stuff like that. all u need to do is get a regular cat carrier, put in a blanket that either smells like u or the rabbit or even a clean one, a small dish of food, and bring some water cause rabbits need hydration. they also sell rabbit/weasle/guinea pigs carriers especially for them. just if u buy one make sure ur rabbit fits in it. be sure to put in ur rabbits fav snack so its happy. if it gets aggitated just talk to it in a low soothing way. and make sure not to slam the brakes and make the carrier fly. that might give ur rabbit a heart attack. hope this helps! and dont put anything in the carrier that u dont want to get pooped/peed on. :3

How heavy are adult rabbits?

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Domestic rabbits come in many different sizes, everywhere from dwarf to giant. As one would expect, dwarf rabbits are much smaller in size than standard rabbits; adults of this breed generally range from only 1 to 3 pounds. Standard rabbits have a wider range of sizes, depending on the specific breed, but adults commonly average from 4 to 8 pounds. And then there's breeds like the Flemish Giant, adults of which weigh in anywhere from 14 up to a whopping 22 pounds.