


Childcare and Babysitting

Babycare and the provision of care for older children both inside and outside the home

500 Questions

Can a 11 year old babysit a baby under 1 years old?

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Its is depending on your country's laws in most cases the sitter should be 14 years old plus

Which way do you hang a horseshoe to display?

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Opened End Up., Like a Cup, to "catch" the good luck. The idea is that if hung with the open end down, all of the good luck will pour out! :-)

How do fridges keep things cool?

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Refrigerators keep their interiors cool by transferring heat out of the interior of the system to the outside. In reality the total system (the inside of the refrigerator and the room it's in) winds up with more heat but the part we want cold has less heat energy. A bit confusing, but lets step through the process.

A bit of background and a few facts:

  • When liquids evaporate they need heat to change to a gas and remove it from their environment.
  • When gases are compressed into liquids they increase in heat content.
  • When something is hot (like a cup of fresh coffee) it cools off by losing heat to the air around it.
  • Some liquids change into gas easily and can be compressed back into liquids easily. Freon and other similar chemical compounds, the liquid in a refrigerator cooling system, is one of these.
  • Insulation is used to keep heat from flowing into or out of a volume. The box of the fridge is insulated to prevent heat flow into the volume we want to be cold

Following the freon in the refrigeration and see what happens!

  1. Liquid freon is released into the cooling coils in the fridge walls. The liquid expands as it removes heat from the air in the fridge. The air in turn cools the food in the fridge. All the cooling coils are gas tight so no freon escapes into the room.
  2. The freon gas is taken from the coils by the compressor system. The gas being removed has more heat than the freon coming in as it has absorbed heat from the fridge air.
  3. The compressor reduced the volume of the gas until the pressure is high enough for it to become a liquid. The liquid is relatively warm.
  4. The warm liquid flows out of the compressor into the heat exchanger coils. In old fridges these were at the back and looked like a lot of 1/4" tubes with wires holding them in position.
  5. Like the cup of hot coffee the warm freon in the exchanger cools down by losing heat to the room.
  6. The outlet from the heat exchanger is the discharge of liquid freon discussed in step 1.

So where did this take us. The freon absorbed the heat from inside the heat. It then lost this heat to the room. So the inside of the fridge got cooler and the room got warmer.


Heat differs from temperature, a cup of tea has a higher temperature than the pacific ocean, however it has incredibly less heat. I.e heat represents the total kinetic energy of the particles, and temperature represents the average kinetic energy.

heat transfers from the body with the higher temperature to the body with the lower temp ( not the one that has lower amount of heat) till both reach equilibrium status.

when we have a certain amount of gas and we pressure it to a smaller volume the average kinetic energy (temperature) increases.

when energy is transfered to a certain object it increases its temperature, however sometimes the energy dedicates it self not to increase the object's temp. rather to change its status e.g from solid to liquid or from liquid to gas.

now the fridge contains what we call freon, when it is liquidated it seeks its original ,gaseous, status, so it absorbs energy from the air inside the fridge so it can free it self. It does not absorb energy from the room because it is insulated.

later the freon is compressed, thus its average kinetic energy (temp) increases, and the thermal equilibrium achieved is disturbed. Note that the total kenetic energy is the same before and after compression.

to achieve equilibrium again the freon shall lose heat to the outside medium (the total K.E is decreased )

then the freon is left free again and its volume increases while its average kenetic energy decreases and thus it shall absorb heat from inside the fridge till equilibrium is achieved , and so on.

How do you stop a baby from crying?

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It is very hard to get your child to stop crying but, this might help.

First thing you do is check it's diaper.

If it hasn't used the bathroom

Then you make a bottle.

If the bottle doesn't help.

Then walk around the house singing your baby a lullaby.

If that doesn't help

Then go see your doctor.

It might have a tooth infection or something.

When should a mom stop seeing her son naked?

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I'm 16 years old and my mom still sees me naked. She gives me a bath and makes sure that I'm developing properly.

How can you lose 65 lbs and you are 16 years old and 225 lbs in 2 months?

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Asked by Jess87

You can't safely lose that much weight in that timeframe. Consult a doctor for a safe weight loss plan. Eat right and exercise- but you simply can't safely lose weight at that rate (more than a pound a day).

How do you supervise children safely modifying your approach according to their age needs and abilities The balances between safety and risk and challenge and protection for children?

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You did not specify their ages

4 or 5 and under you do not let them out of your sight.

They may have developed modesty though so let them have their privacy, you can ask them top leave the door ajar if you worried.

What age do most people get type diabetes and what age do it end?

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Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed as either a child or teenager (more rarely, as a young adult). Very few people ever develop Type 1 diabetes after about age 25.

Type 2 diabetes typically has an onset around middle age, normally sometime in one's 40s or 50s, though in one's 30s is becoming more common with the increased population obesity rate.

How long can you leave a year-old navel piercing empty before it closes?

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it depends on how recent you got it done 1 day to a week -- dont take it out at all a week to a month -- only for a hour tops a month to healing period is over - no more than 12 hours after that --- whenever you want

How much cholesterol per day is too much?

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The Daily Value of 300 milligrams per day is actually an upper limit, not a minimum daily requirement. You don't actually need to consume any cholesterol.

According to Dr. John McDougall, MD, “As an animal, you make all the cholesterol you need. Unfortunately, your capacity to eliminate it is limited to a little more than the amount you make. As a result, the cholesterol added by eating animal foods accumulates in your body parts, including your skin, tendons, and arteries. Cholesterol deposited in your arteries is a major contributor to vascular diseases of your heart and brain. Cholesterol also facilitates cancer development.”

Is it safe to give a 3 year old children's aspirin?

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There are elixirs and tablet forumlations of Children's Aspirin which, as the name implies, are specially formulated for children. With aspirin, it's a good idea to check with your doctor before using it. If you can't do that, at least be sure to read the label and follow the recommended dosage.

Child-rearing practices of Filipinos with the other nationalities.?

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Filipinos raise their children according to Filipino values and culture. Most likely, parents prefer to nurture the child by themselves instead of leaving them to formal child care or with a nanny.

Filipino parents are strict, they often make rules to be followed by the children.

Filipinos are naturally religious, so they stick to values being taught by the Church, and it is strictly imposed at home.

What is the average hourly pay for a high school babysitter in Brooklyn NY?

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It all depends on how experienced you are then you can figure out a rate

What is the legal age to babysit in Nevada?

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Nevada Minimum Wage RatesBasic Minimum Rate (per hour) $8.25 without recognized health insurance and $7.25 with insurance.

The premium overtime pay requirement on either a daily or weekly basis is not applicable to employees who are compensated at not less than one and one-half times the minimum rate or to employees of enterprises having a gross annual sales volume of less than $250,000.

What is the legal age to babysit in New Jersey?

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What is the legal age for babysitting?There is no law that says what age you must be before you can babysit. The parents decide the age they want their kids to babysit and the person that wants them to babysit. Don't let anyone tell you that you need to have a babysitter's license because there is no such thing. Only a couple of states have set laws regarding this. Typically a 12 or 13 year old will be okay for a younger sibling. The parents think about...1. Age and Maturity2. Your Experience as a Babysitter3. The Age and Number of their children4. How long will you be babysitting{A few hours, one evening, overnight}5. Whether you can handle any special needs of the children.

What is the legal age to move out in New Hampshire?

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in newhampshire what is the legal age to move out if pregnant

Legal age in Michigan to babysit.?

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if you take a course, any age or it depends on the person you are babysitting

What are the laws for babysitting without a license in Florida?

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Babysitters in Florida should comply with the babysitting laws. Some of the laws include that a babysitter must not be younger than 16 years old and have a licensed in child care. Babysitters with the age ranged from 16-18 cannot babysit more than 3 children and they are only limited to babysitting in 24 hours.

What is the legal age to babysit overnight in Idaho?

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Age Guidelines for Washington:7 & underShould not be left alone for any period of time. This may include leaving children unattended in cars, playgrounds, and backyards. The determining consideration would be the dangers in the environment and the ability of the caretaker to intervene.8 to 10 yrs.Should not be left alone for more than 1½ hours and only during daylight and early evening hours.11 to 12 yrs.May be left alone for up to 3 hours but not late at night or in circumstances requiring inappropriate responsibility.13 to 15 yrs.May be left unsupervised, but not overnight.16 to 17 yrs.May be left unsupervised (in some cases, for up to two consecutive overnight periods).

How old do you have to be to babysit in Washington state?

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You have to be at least 12 years old or about that and then you have to take a babysitting class

How many children can you babysit without license in Massachusetts?

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There is no law in Massachusetts that sets the age. Whenever the child is old enough to stay home alone is one factor. I am 14 and I babysit the kids across the street all the time.

I'm 11 and i really want to start babysitting. i have taken a class at my local hospital and have a certificate... i love children and think that i am mature enough to handle this responsibility is 11 too young?

Most authorities believe that a 12 or 13 year old can be left alone for a few hours alone during the day. I certainly would not leave my children with an 11 year old.

Thank you for the advice. I'm going to be 12 in November. Do you think you would hire me then when i turned twelve? i mean, not YOU but from you point of view from being a mother would you leave me alone with your children for a couple of hours? i am very responsible, i am a great student going into sixth grade this year and i love children and again i am very mature.i have been around kids ages 6 and 3 and 1

What is the legal age to babysit overnight in FL?

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Florida does not have a specific law about when children can be left home alone. Instead, Florida expects parents to evaluate their child's capabilities. The National SAFE KIDS campaign recommends that children not be left alone before the age of 12, however, some children may not be ready until later than that.

How many children can you babysit in the state of New Mexico without a license?

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If you are operating a consistent daycare, you need a license in Arkansas. Occasionally babysitting children doesn't have a limit.

What is the legal age to babysit in New York?

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  • Answer: 11 years
  • The child must be competent to take care of themselves and the other children safely and able to handle contingencies. It is recommended to take a babysitting course.

What is the legal babysitting age in the state of Washington?

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There is no 'legal' age to babysit in most states, including Montana. Most authorities would say that a 12 to 13 year old can be left alone for a couple of hours during the day. Their ability to watch another child is more limited.

However, leaving a child in a car is never considered a safe thing to do.