


Computer Network Security

Network security is any form of computer security dealing with multiple computers linked through a network. Questions about everything from firewalls to viruses to denial-of-service attacks belong here.

1,029 Questions

What guidelines is a measure for preventing a social engineering attack?

Guidelines for preventing a social engineering attack include implementing thorough employee training programs to increase awareness of potential threats, enforcing strict password policies to ensure secure access to sensitive information, regularly updating security software and systems to protect against evolving tactics, and implementing multi-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security against unauthorized access. Additionally, establishing clear protocols for verifying identities and information before sharing sensitive data can help mitigate the risk of falling victim to social engineering attacks.

Where is your WPA2 key?

The WPA2 key is a security passphrase used to connect to a Wi-Fi network. It is typically set by the network administrator or the person who set up the Wi-Fi router. The WPA2 key is stored in the router's settings and can usually be accessed by logging into the router's configuration page through a web browser. It is important to keep the WPA2 key secure and not share it with unauthorized users to prevent unauthorized access to the network.

What are the procedures for dealing with different types of security breaches within a salon?

In a salon setting, different types of security breaches may include theft, vandalism, or unauthorized access to client information. Procedures for dealing with these breaches typically involve immediately notifying the salon manager or owner, documenting the incident with details such as time, location, and individuals involved, and contacting the appropriate authorities if necessary. Additionally, implementing security measures such as surveillance cameras, alarm systems, and secure storage for client information can help prevent future breaches. Regular staff training on security protocols is also crucial to maintain a safe and secure salon environment.

What is considered an environmental threat a fire b firewall c spies d hackers?

That would depend on the environment, but fire is the common environmental threat. Hackers also threaten the environment of computers. Spies also threaten business and government environments. Firewalls are not a threat of any kind.

What is a STP and VTP?

STP stands for Spanning Tree Protocol, which is used to prevent loops in a network by blocking redundant paths. VTP stands for VLAN Trunking Protocol, which is used to manage VLAN configurations across a network by automatically synchronizing VLAN information. Both protocols help in optimizing network performance and ensuring network reliability.

What All of the following techniques are used in a social engineering attack except?

Social engineering techniques include phishing, pretexting, baiting, and tailgating. These techniques are used to manipulate individuals into divulging confidential information or performing actions they normally wouldn't. "Denial of Service" attacks, however, do not involve deception or manipulation of individuals but rather target network resources to disrupt services or applications.

Concepts of hacking and cracking?

Long answer made short: * learn what asm is (short for assembly code) * learn how to reverse engineer (get the assembly code of a program, a debugger is most commonly used) * learn a programming language basics (mainly how to read and write to memory) You can then reverse your program, find what you need to change, and create an external program to edit the part you wish to change. (otherwise known as memory hacking, or mem hacks) to crack, its the same, reverse, locate, however, you then have to permantly change part of the program. this is often done to bypass serial codes. a JE is changed to JNZ, or simply JMP.

How do you see what other people are doing on your WiFi network?

Depending on what firmware is on your router you can check out the log files. Though the most you are going to get from this a MAC address, which really isn't much good for finding the person. The only real upside is you can block their MAC and most attackers seem to have a hard time to figure out why they cant get back on all of a sudden. Usually I just put a password on the actual router but leave wep/wpa key off. Set-up Vlan. Set-up QoS. Give myself the best stream and set everybody else to a setting that makes dial-up look fast. Most people give up when they see the terrible speeds they are getting and wont bother the network again. If you want to be nasty, let them connect and sniff their traffic. Next time they go online they will see their emails are all deleted except one which pretty much warns about the dangers off connecting to open networks.

What do the letters RSA stand for?

RSA is a data-encryption technology utilizing prime factorization. Its name is derived from the developers who created it: Rivest, Shamir and Adelman.

What is the name of a type of attack where the intruder observes authentication secrets sich as a combination or pin?

They use the attack called shoulder surfing, which is looking over someone's shoulder to get personal information.

What are the advantage and disadvantage of security in computer network?

First the advantages. A secure network has much less likelihood of unauthorized access which could result in corrupted data, stolen data, or malicious damage to a database. Some form of encryption is usually used to make data unreadable even if it is stolen. The chief disadvantage is slowdown of the system. Encrypted data must be un-encrypted, users have to be verified, some IP addresses have to be blocked, etc.

How can you see on your computer who is using your wlan network?

click on start menu botton than click run and tape cmd, a black window will be open tape "net view"

What IT companies produce software for network security?

The company McAfee is the largest company that produces security technology. There are also several other companies that offer similar services, such as Skybox Security, Inc; eEye digital security; Symantec Corporation and Tenable Network Security.

What activities and tasks would like to focus on during the next year?

There are many activities and tasks a person could focus on. If in school a student would need to focus on their classes and assignments first and the. Any clubs or activities such as sports, band, or color guard. If a person is not in school they would need to focus on work and twit family. Some activities could be family game night, knitting or crocheting, and painting.

What is the role of cryptography in information security?

While the term security arises the cryptography or cryptology always comes at the top of the list on the topic of security of any system, device and whatever else. The technique of transforming and storing information or in the ease of communication between two parties cryptography helps to connect, store and transform with security.

How do you be secure on an unsecured network?

You con not be totally secure on any network, secured or unsecured. There is always someone out there that would "love to show us what we don't know about computers". Not my words, someone else's that I used to work with. However, you can be relatively secure. You can use SSL. You can use a secured VPN. You can ... It hard to quantify security. Is it 99%? Is it 99.997%? It comes down to safe practices - Updated OS - Current Antivirus - not doing unsafe things.

What is a SOA record?

A start of authority (SOA) record is information stored in a domain name system (DNS) zone about that zone and about other DNS records. A DNS zone is the part of a domain for which an individual DNS server is responsible. Each zone contains a single SOA record. SOA records are defined in IETF RFC 1035, What_is_SOA_records- Implementation and Specification.

Read more: What_is_SOA_records

Anil Bankey