


Computer Viruses

Computer viruses are harmful pieces of software which can reproduce themselves and automatically spread to other computers and networks. Questions about computer virus techniques and specific computer viruses belong here.

500 Questions

How small can viruses be?

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Viruses can be as small as 20 nanometers in diameter, which is about 100 times smaller than a typical bacteria cell. They are considered the smallest infectious agents and require an electron microscope to be viewed.

What is a virus surrounded by?

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A virus is surrounded by a protein coat called a capsid, which protects its genetic material. Some viruses also have an outer envelope made of lipids and proteins that helps them infect host cells.

What is the difference between a virulent phage and a temperate phage?

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A virulent phage only follows the lytic lifecycle, where it infects the host cell, replicates, and then lyses the cell to release new phages. In contrast, a temperate phage can follow both the lytic and lysogenic lifecycle. In the lysogenic cycle, the temperate phage integrates its DNA into the host genome, replicating as part of the host cell's DNA without causing immediate cell lysis.

Is viruses solid?

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Viruses are not solid objects. They are microscopic infectious agents that consist of genetic material (either DNA or RNA) enclosed in a protein coat. They are considered to be particles rather than solid structures.

How do enveloped viruses differ from nonenveloped viruses?

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Asked by Wiki User

DNA or RNA + Structural Proteins + Enzymes and nucleic acid binding proteins = Nucleocapsid (may be the same as a virion or surrounded by an envelope)

If there is only a Nucleocapsid, then it is considered a Naked Capsid Virus

If there is a Nucleocapsid with the addition of Glycoproteins and a Membrane, then the virus is considered enveloped.

Does virus use photosynthesis?

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No, viruses do not have the ability to perform photosynthesis. Viruses are considered to be non-living entities that require a host cell to replicate and carry out their life cycle. Photosynthesis is a process unique to plants, algae, and some bacteria that enables them to convert sunlight into energy.

Is phage cure virus?

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A bacteriophage (from 'bacteria' and Greek φᾰγεῖν phagein "to eat") is any one of a number of viruses that infect bacteria. Bacteriophages are among the most common organisms on Earth.The term is commonly used in its shortened form, phage.

Typically, bacteriophages consist of an outer protein capsid enclosing genetic material. The genetic material can be ssRNA, dsRNA, ssDNA, or dsDNA ('ss-' or 'ds-' prefix denotes single-strand or double-strand) between 5,000 and 500,000 nucleotides long with either circular or linear arrangement. Bacteriophages are much smaller than the bacteria they destroy - usually between 20 and 200 nm in size.

Phages are estimated to be the most widely distributed and diverse entities in the biosphere. Phages are ubiquitous and can be found in all reservoirs populated by bacterial hosts, such as soil or the intestines of animals. One of the densest natural sources for phages and other viruses is sea water, where up to 9×108 virions per milliliter have been found in microbial mats at the surface, and up to 70% of marine bacteria may be infected by phages.

They have been used for over 60 years as an alternative to antibiotics in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. They are seen as a possible therapy against multi drug resistant strains of many bacteria.

Do viruses attack healthy cells?

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Yes, viruses can infect and attack healthy cells in the body to replicate and spread. This can lead to disease and a range of symptoms depending on the type of virus and the cells affected.

What are the advantages of computer virus?

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Asked by Wiki User

Programs create computer viruses for several reasons

  1. to show off their programming skills and brag to their peers. Many "hackers" get jobs with software firms by finding and exploiting problems with software.
  2. Make money. Click Jacking (overriding searches to send traffic to an affiliate site) or run adword scams (making it look like you clicked on an Ad)

What must be true for viruses to be able to replicate?

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Viruses must infect a host cell in order to replicate. Once inside the host cell, the virus can hijack the cell's machinery to produce new viral particles. Without a host cell, viruses are unable to replicate.

What is the difference in a virus family and virus genus?

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A virus family is a higher taxonomic rank that encompasses multiple related virus genera, which are more specific groups of viruses within a family. Think of it as the difference between different branches on a family tree versus individual members within a branch.

Do viruses infect fungi?

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Yes, some viruses can infect fungi. These viruses are known as mycoviruses and they can have different effects on their fungal hosts, ranging from being asymptomatic to causing severe symptoms such as stunting or altered pigmentation.

How animals are exploited?

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Animals are often exploited for their labor, such as in agriculture or entertainment industries, where they are forced to work for human benefit. They are also exploited for their resources, such as in the fur and leather industries. Additionally, animals are exploited in scientific research where they may be subjected to harmful experiments.

How can viruses be seen?

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Viruses can be seen using an electron microscope, which has the magnification power to visualize these tiny infectious agents. Their small size, typically ranging from 20 to 400 nanometers, makes them invisible to the naked eye and even most light microscopes.

What is the difference between exploitive and exploitative?

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There is no difference in meaning between "exploitive" and "exploitative." Both terms describe situations where one party unfairly takes advantage of another for their own gain.

Can viruses replicate?

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Viruses are unable to replicate on their own and require a host cell to do so. Once inside a host cell, a virus hijacks the cell's machinery to produce more copies of itself.

What are different characteristics of the computer?

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Some characteristics of a computer include processing power, storage capacity, input/output devices, operating system, connectivity options, and the ability to run software applications. Additionally, computers can vary in size, form factor, and portability.

What is a characteristic of viruses?

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Viruses are non-living entities that require a host cell to replicate. They contain genetic material (either DNA or RNA) surrounded by a protein coat. Viruses can cause a wide range of diseases in various organisms.

What should you do if your air condition line freezes up?

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Asked by Wiki User

Turn off the air conditioner to allow the line to defrost. Check for any blockages or restrictions that may be causing the freezing, such as a dirty air filter or low refrigerant levels. Once the line has thawed completely, you can turn the air conditioner back on and monitor it for any further issues.

Is it dangerous when air pops out of can when it is opened?

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Harmful bacteria may contaminate the food if air is forcefully expelled from a can when opened. This can cause foodborne illnesses. Additionally, the abrupt release of pressure can pose a risk of injury if the contents spray out unexpectedly. It's best to discard any canned food that sprays upon opening.

Activated open viruses virus virus i love you viruses 100 active?

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Asked by Wiki User

It seems like you are referring to the concept of computer viruses being activated or active on a system. It's important to have up-to-date antivirus software to protect your devices from these threats. Be cautious of clicking on suspicious links or downloading unknown files to prevent virus infections.

Which scientist used a microscope to view ''animalcules''?

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Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch scientist, was the first to observe and describe microscopic organisms he called "animalcules" using a simple microscope that he designed and built himself in the 17th century. His discoveries greatly contributed to the field of microbiology.

What are the six groups of computer viruses?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. File infectors: These viruses attach themselves to executable files or programs.
  2. Macro viruses: These viruses infect macro-enabled documents like Word or Excel files.
  3. Boot sector viruses: These viruses infect the boot sector of storage devices.
  4. Rootkit viruses: These viruses hide in system files to evade detection.
  5. Polymorphic viruses: These viruses change their code to avoid detection by antivirus programs.
  6. Worms: These are self-replicating viruses that spread independently through networks or the internet.

Once you have been exploited the captor will maintain the exploitation engine process through?

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Asked by Wiki User

Implementing coercive control tactics and psychological manipulation to maintain power and control over the victim. This can involve threats, isolation, gaslighting, and other manipulative behaviors to ensure the victim stays trapped in the exploitative relationship. Furthermore, the captor may use physical violence or other forms of abuse to reinforce their dominance and keep the victim compliant.

What is a Polymorphic virus?

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Asked by Wiki User

A polymorphic virus is a type of malware that can change its code to avoid detection by antivirus software. It does this by encrypting or obfuscating its code in a way that it appears different each time it infects a new system. This makes it difficult for traditional signature-based detection methods to identify and remove the virus.