

Doctor Who

Questions relating to the television show Doctor Who, from the very first episode in 1963 to the present. Questions about the several actors in the show may be asked here, as a second category, but should more accurately be placed in Celebrites.

500 Questions

Where can you get the eleventh doctors sonic screwdriver?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are lots of places where you can get the 11th Doctors sonic screwdriver but the cheapest one I can recommend is Forbidden Planet who are selling it for £13.99. Other places I know you can get it from are Amazon, Galaxy 4, Ebay but some of those places can be pretty expensive for one as the cheapest on Amazon is £18.99 and then there isn't P&P charges added to it. Hope I can be of help :) x

Which Classic Doctor Who Episode should you buy on DVD?

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Asked by MrWho

If you were going to buy 1 story on DVD I would recommend The Caves of Androzani. A brilliant story starring Peter Davison as the Doctor, it is very fast paced and the tension mounts throughout the 4 episodes. It is truly a classic and should be seen as a definitive purchase.

Other alternatives are The Talons of Weing Chaing (Tom Baker) and Inferno (Jon Pertwee)

Is there an Easter egg on Doctor Who Series 3 Volume 3?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, there is one. First go to the scene selection menu, then go all the way to the end of the list and click on the "Blink" heading. I bet you'll never guess what it is.

Or if you're not using a computer, go to last page of scene selection and highlight the scene in the top right corner. Press up and the title episode "Blink" should be highlighted. Don't blink...

Where can one purchase Dr. Who DVDs?

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Asked by Wiki User

One could purchase Dr. Who DVD's at a number of retailers. There are many DVD collection clubs that offer these DVD's. Amazon and eBay offer a number of DVD collections and many other items, all at a very reasonable price.

How many Doctor Who books have Donna in them?

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Asked by Wiki User

To date (August 2012) there are 39 main Discworld novels.

Sir Terry Pratchett is currently working on another two Discworld novels on this date.

There are also five short stories, four "mapps" (guides to Discworld locations), three "science of Discworld", two quiz books, one diary and ten miscellaneous Discworld books (such as encyclopaedias) by Sir Terry Pratchett.

So, to summarise, to this date, there are currently 39 main novels and 25 non-novels.

In total, there are 64 Discworld-related books by Sir Terry Pratchett, with two more currently being written.

When did Doctor Who comics start?

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Asked by Wiki User

Doctor Who comics first began publication in 1964, based on the popular British science fiction television series. The comics have been produced by various publishers over the years and continue to be a beloved extension of the Doctor Who universe.

What is the Doctor Who Christmas special 2010 about?

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Asked by Wiki User

It will be a Doctor Who twist on the classic tale "A Christmas Carol", by Charles Dickens.

How many countries people do watch doctor who?

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Asked by Wiki User

42 countries in the world:








Czech Republic





Hong Kong









The Netherlands

New Zealand








South Africa



Latin America

South Korea






The United States



Are doctor available in online doctor services can be trustable?

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Asked by Gp18758941213021

Online doctors are trustable to some extent. But nowadays many healthcare start-ups are providing the facility to invite your own doctor's to their site which then can work in team with other doctors for your treatment. One such site that i personally use for doctor consultation is Mediklik.

What happened to the actors from Doctor Who?

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Asked by Wiki User

Which ones- do you mean just the actors who played The Doctor, or are you including his companions and other major stars from the series? You need to try and narrow down your question before it can be answered.

What is the theme for Doctor Who?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's called the Dr Who Theme and has beeen continually tweaked and developed since 1963 to bring in different musical instruments.

Doctor who?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sorry, mistake- I was trying to look up OTHER PEOPLE'S questions on Doctor Who!

What is the Doctor's catchphrase?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are 12 Doctor Who characters as of season 10 with Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor.

Each Doctor had his own catchphrase(s).

Here are just a few that you should recognize:

Tom Baker (4th Doctor): Would you like a jelly baby (or Have a jelly baby)

Chris Eccleston (9th Doctor): Fantastic!

David Tenant (10th Doctor): Allons-y!

Matt Smith (11th Doctor): Geronimo!, Bow ties are cool.

Peter Capaldi (12th Doctor): Shut up!

And everyone's favorite, the Dalek's catchphrase: Exterminate!

What Doctor Who episode is there a line are you my mummy?

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Asked by Wiki User

The two-parter The Empty Child & The Doctor Dances.

The tenth Doctor has a call back for the line in The Poison Sky.

Why did the Eleventh Doctor Dump his Brown Tweed Jacket and TARDIS Interior from The Eleventh Hour?

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Asked by Wiki User

Because they Both Reminded Him Too Much Of Amy and Rory.

Who are River Song's parents?

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Asked by Wiki User

Amy and Rory Pond are the parents of River as you can tell in the episode "When a good man goes to war".

What is doctor who rated?

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Asked by Wiki User

What does the term Fan Girl or Fan Girling stand for?

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Asked by LarryStanley994

The term "Fan Girl" refers to a female fan who is very enthusiastic and devoted to a particular celebrity, TV show, movie, or any other interest. "Fan Girling" is the act of displaying extreme excitement or admiration for something in a fangirl-like manner.

Can the Doctor from Doctor Who be played by anyone who isn't British?

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Asked by Wiki User

Why not. Although all the Doctor actors so far are all from the british empire, I have not come across any rule stating that the actor needs to be British. There isn't even a rule that the doctor has to speak with a british/english/scottish related accent.

Considering that the Doctor is an alien from another planet, why would he have to be British?

Where can you watch classic Doctor Who episodes on the internet for free?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are some on youtube. However, the BBC and UK Government is in the process of whittling out any "Unofficial Broadcasts" which are bound by the BBcs licensing agreements.