



Quack! If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck or swims like a duck, then you are in the right place. We know wild and domestic ducks, farm ducks and pet ducks.

500 Questions

Where are newsletters found?

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Asked by Wiki User

Newsletters can typically be found on a company's website under a "newsletter" or "subscribe" section. They are also commonly sent directly to subscribers via email. Additionally, newsletters may be shared on social media platforms or through other marketing channels.

What kind of plane did Alfred McKay fly?

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Asked by Wiki User

Alfred McKay flew a Cessna 172, a popular single-engine aircraft widely used for training and general aviation purposes.

What is the difference between a duck and a turtle?

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Asked by Gbformeloza

A duck is a bird, while a turtle is a reptile. The bird has smooth feathers, while a turtle has a shell and a rough body. ....Etc.

Do male ducks have balls?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, sexually mature male rabbits that haven't been neutered do have testicles (balls). (Baby male rabbits have testicles, too, but they aren't visible yet.) When rabbits are neutered, their testicles are removed, and the scrotum eventually withers away.

Do ducks eat mice?

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Asked by Wiki User

I know one breed that will actively hunt down and eat mice is the Muscovy duck. My sister raises them and they have not had so few mice in years. I got a young one for my small coup where the mice were even trying to eat eggs. Since the Muscovy duck has been in my coop, the mice have vanished. I haven't actually seen him eat one but they have not been around lately.

The origin of the joke What is the difference between a duck?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's been in my family in Australia for close to 100 years. My grandfather and father both told it to their children.

Don't believe anyone who claims to have started it.

It's older than anyone alive today, who was old enough to hear it in their childhood.

Is the shell of hens egg as brittle as the shell of duck or goose egg?

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Asked by Wiki User

is the shell of a hen egg as brittle as the shell of a duck or a goose egg

What does the loon look like?

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A loon looks like a large, heavy duck, bigger than a duck but not so large as a goose. Its head appears a bit oversized and, along with its neck, is black with a greenish sheen.

You can tell a loon from other similar birds by its diving habits - it will stay underwater for a long time, reappearing several meters away. Also, because its legs are so far back on its body, it cannot walk on land.

Some issues of the Canadian one dollar coin (often called a looney) feature a silhouetted image of the loon on the reverse side (other issues feature the Canada Goose).

What is the mass of a duck?

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Which is the best estimate for the mass of a duck?

Can a pigeon fly better than a duck?

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well its really an opinion so we don't know for sure.

How Do You Fly Backwards On Duck Life 3?

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Asked by AlexEAndreBerimbau

Don't collect any of the speed up coins. Wait until your duck is doing 2 mph, then press up. however, this will make you fly backwards for a short time, and you will crash after. However, you still get the achievement in-game

Do male khaki Campbell ducks quack?

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Asked by Wiki User

male ducks dont quack. they make a noise kind of similar to quacking though

Does a peacock have webbed feet?

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Asked by Wiki User

Nope, they don't swim. Instead they have narrow little toes (or whatever the term for them is) with claws. Look up some images of their feet on Google =)

Do Tapir hatch eggs?

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What do you call 5 ducks?

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Should you feed geese and ducks cracked corn?

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Yes, corn is good for them. Bread is not a good idea, because it can get stuck in their throat.

What duck has a green head and a white body?

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I am pretty sure that the African loon has a green head and a white body.

What do yellow ducks eat?

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the smame as usual duck, ducks love bread!!

Does a boar eat a duck?

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wild boars eat lots of little tiny birds but i don't know what so your probably really annoyed at me now but if you keep reading i will tell you eventual. but the normal people with have given up already because they probably already know that I'm never going to tell you OK. so ha ha for waisting you time by reading this.

Does nicktropolis still exist?

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Asked by Wiki User

no but it could have bean

Why is it that some ducks wont fly?

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Asked by MiraMari

All ducks can fly, even domestic ones.