



Eagles are differentiated from other birds of prey mainly by their larger size, more powerful build, and heavier head and beak. The Bald Eagle is the national bird and symbol of the United States.

500 Questions

What is the value of 1933 gold double eagle proof?

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Only about 10 of these coins were not melted. Their ownership is currently a matter of court litigation. IF one were to go on the market it's impossible to say what it would bring but based on other recent rare coin auctions a figure in excess of 10 million might be expected. None of the known 1933 double eagles are described as being proof coins. The questioner may have a miniature replica, probably about 1/2 inch in diameter and containing a minuscule amount of gold. These were made and sold by a private company, have no numismatic value, and a very low bullion value.

Why is the black eagle the national animal of Germany?

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because the eagle stands for strengh and freedom so therefore they choose it to establish and show that they are not weak, but that they are powerful

Is the bald eagle nest made of rocks and mud?

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No, they are made of inter laced sticks.

Who is smartest owl or eagle?

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What's the smartest eagle

Is a eagles beak orange?

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All eagles are different. Most beaks of birds, though, are orange.

What are the qualities of an eagle which Christians should emulate?

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Eagles are fearless. This is often seen when they are attacked by smaller birds while soaring too close to a 'territory'. They will often disdainfully ignore the attacks of the smaller birds and continue to concentrate on the job at hand, their hunt for food, even though they could easily kill their attacker. These qualities can be emulated in terms of a Christian sticking to whatever task the Lord has assigned them, not allowing distractions to take them from the task till completed.

The soaring of eagles, as a picture of soaring above the troubles of life is also the subject of scriptural analogy:

31But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Elsewhere Eagles are noted as being swift. Christians would do well to emulate this in terms of being quick to do what the Lord wants.

Is a sea eagle bigger than a golden eagle?

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Ospreys are not stronger. The golden eagle can kill a siberian wolf and throw a mountain goat off the cliff. An osprey will never have a chance to do those things.

What is the phone number of the Eagle Pass Public Library in Eagle Pass?

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The phone number of the Eagle Pass Public Library is: 830-773-2516.

Can an eagle jump on his prey?

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Do eagles lose talons and beak during a rejuvenation process during their lifetime?

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The eagle has a lifespan of 70 years. By age 40 its talons and beak become too bent and he can no longer catch some prey. He has to make a decision and he has 2 options either DIE or go through a 5 month rejuvenating process. He flies to a mountain top and there goes through the process of knocking its beak until it falls off and and grows back. The talons and old feathers are plucked out and new talons and feathers grow back. The eagle can then live another 30 years This rather fanciful tale, which circulates in the form of a slide presentation, claims that eagles can live for up to 70 years if they go through a prolonged and painful process of rebirth during their 40th year. According to the story, to be "reborn" at forty, the eagle must retreat to its nest on a mountain top, first knock of and then regrow its beak, then pluck out and regrow its talons and, finally, pluck out and regrow its feathers, a process that takes 150 days. Thus renewed, the eagle can take its "flight of rebirth" and go on to live another thirty years.

© Gehrig

Claims that eagles go through a long and painful process of "rebirth" in order to live another 30 years are pure nonsenseHowever, the information in the message is false. Eagles do not undergo the process of rebirth described in the slide show. In fact, the story is simply an allegory about change and does not reflect the real life style of eagles. Presumably, the creator of the slide show invented the eagle rebirth story as a means of illustrating his or her concepts regarding the role of change in our lives. Unfortunately, the author has presented the rebirth story as if it was factual and therefore many recipients tend to take it literally.

Of course a closer review soon reveals the absurdity of the tale. The story does not explain how the eagle could possibly survive without food or water for the five months of its transformation. Moreover, an eagle's talons and beak continue to grow throughout its life and therefore do not grow old and unusable as claimed in the story. And its feathers are also continually replaced. The American Bald Eagle Information website notes: For those of you who have e-mailed me wondering if it's true that an eagle goes into seclusion, plucks all of its feathers, sheds its beak and talons, and then renews itself, is a myth. An eagle's beak and talons grow continuously, because they are made of keratin, the same substance as our hair and fingernails. Eagles molt in patches, taking almost half a year to replace feathers, starting with the head and working downward. Not all feathers are replaced in a given molt. An eagle without feathers, talons, and a beak would die of starvation and exposure. Bald eagles typically live between twenty and thirty years in the wild. The lifespan of other species of eagles may vary, although none are known to reach seventy years in the wild.

Although scientists have studied eagles of various species for generations and much has been published about them, no credible sources back up the "eagle rebirth" story in any way. There are, however, plenty of reliable sources that dismiss the story as a foolish hoax.

Rebirth stories, such as that of the mythical phoenix rising from the ashes of its funeral pyre, have been part of human cultures for thousands of years. The philosophical message behind the story - that we often need to undergo a painful and prolonged process of change in our lives in order to spiritually grow and move forward - is certainly worth heeding. However the nonsensical story used as a vehicle for the message all but destroys its credibility.

And there are other anomalies in the presentation. In some slides, the eagle shown in the photographs is a Bald Eagle, but in others a different species, the Golden Eagle, is shown. The story also sprouts the scientifically meaningless claim that "the eagle has the longest life-span of its species". The author perhaps meant to say that eagles live longer than all other kinds of birds, but this is also incorrect. Parrots and other species of birds are known to live longer than eagles.

Can an eagle kill a large timber wolf?

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Yes, eagles are birds that can kill wolves. Wolves can only travel on the land at the top speed of 50 to 60 miles per hour while eagles can fly at the top speed of 60 miles per hour. Eagles can also dive at the top speed of 120 miles per hour while flying in mid air at the same time. Their talons are 5 times more powerful than grizzly bear claws. Eagles can see wolves from very very long distances. Eagles have good eye sights. Wolves are also pretty dangerous but eagles are even more dangerous than wolves. Eagles use their powerful talons to hunt down wolves.

How did the harpy eagle get its name?

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Because it has a white head contrasting the deep brown feathers on the rest of its body.

How far away can an eagle hear?

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Eagles are not distinguished for their hearing, but this does not mean that they have poor hearing. Diurnal birds of prey like hawks and eagles use their hearing to locate prey or Other birds

Can eagles fly without flapping their wings?

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Eagles fly, just like other birds. Sometimes, when they get high enough and weather conditions are good, then they glide, but they will inevitably flap their wings sooner or later. Animals that glide include flying squirrels. They just open their membranous flaps; they don't actually flap their arms and legs to propel themselves.

What color is an eagle beak?

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BLACK,WHITE,AND, white, and a little grey on the birds chest:)

But his ball sak is red

Can a bald eagle swim?

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Bald eagles can swim, although they rarely do. When an eagle swims, it floats on its stomach with its head above the water, like a duck does, and propels itself with its wings. The "stroke" an eagle uses looks almost exactly like the butterfly stroke.

What is the Biblical representation of an Eagle?

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Although an eagle isn't directly mentioned in the book of Genesis, it does have an implied mention. at Gen. 3:24, Cherubs, as well as a flaming sword, are stationed at the entrance to the Garden of Eden to prevent Adam and Eve from re-entering.

These Cherubs have bodies like men, 4 wings, and the hands of a man under the wings, and each one has 4 faces: a man, a bull, a lion, and an eagle--on the 4 corresponding sides of their faces. (Ezekiel 1:10)

Throughout the Law of Moses, eagles are used to symbolize heavenly wisdom, farsightedness, and swiftness. (Job 39:27, 29. Deuteronomy 28:49)

We can gather from this that since the Cherub had a head like that of a "flying eagle", and the role that Cherubs play in carrying out God's will, that this would encompass all of these qualities as they are needed.(Revelation 4:7, 8:13)

Since God's name, יהוה‎, translated YHWH, and pronounced "Yahweh" or "Jehovah" literally means "He Causes to Become", he would undoubtedly put any of this eagle's symbolic qualities to use as he deems necessary, whether swiftness, farsightedness, or great wisdom.

What is the name of the king of birds?

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The greatest of all the cat family is the lion, the king of beasts. The greatest of the cats of the air is the eagle, and he is called the king of birds.

How do eagles and hawks eat their food?

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an eagle soars in the sky looking for spots its prey adn swoops gracefully down attacking it prey with its long sharp talons, it then pecks with its sharp beak adn repeats until its prey is dead then it rips the insides out eating its prey then leaves once it is done.

Are eagles dangerous and deadly birds?

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Like most wild animals they are best admired from a distance and they won't bother you.

What is the group name of eagles?

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The collective noun for owls is a parliament of owls.