

Egg Substitutes

Egg substitutes are used to replace fresh eggs to reduce cholesterol. They are available in liquid and powder form and may or may not contain real egg whites.

347 Questions

What is a good Egg substitute for dipping eggplant to make bread crumbs stick?

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i suggest to use flour batter ins ted of egg batter which can be substitute

just mix some flour and water by whisk. which will be help for coating bread crumb

Calories in 2 cups of Egg Beaters?

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1/4 cup is 30 calories, which means that 1 cup is 120 calories, so 2 cups would then be 240 calories.

When was Egg Beaters created?

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Egg Beaters was created in 1972.

What are egg substitutes?

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There's no single solution that fits all needs. Eggs perform different functions in different recipes. As a general rule, the fewer eggs a recipe calls for, the easier they will be to substitute. Also consider how the substitute will affect the overall taste of the finished dish. Bananas, for example, may add a welcome hint of fruity sweetness to pancakes and cookies, but if you are making a casserole or another savory dish, you will want to use something else.

Cake: In a cake, eggs serve as a leavening agent, helping to make the cake light and fluffy. Replace them with commercial egg replacer. Ener-G is a versatile and easy-to-use commercial egg replacer available in most health food stores and larger, well-stocked grocery stores. It contains Potato Starch, Tapioca Flour, Leavening (Calcium Lactate, Calcium Carbonate, Cream of Tartar), Cellulose Gum, and Modified Cellulose. Bob's Red Mill Vegetarian Egg Replacer contains whole soy flour, wheat gluten, corn syrup solids, and algin (from algae). In a pinch, or with a good recipe, vinegar mixed with water or even plain run-of-the-mill soda can work as a decent egg replacer.

Cookies, muffins, pancakes, and quick breads: In baked goods such as cookies and muffins, the eggs add moisture and act as a binder, gluing all the other ingredients together. You can use the commercial egg replacers described above, or try flax eggs: 1 Tablespoon flax seeds plus 3 Tablespoons water replaces one egg. Finely grind 1 tablespoon whole flaxseeds in a blender or coffee grinder, or use 2 1/2 tablespoons pre-ground flaxseeds. Transfer to a bowl and beat in 3 tablespoons of water using a whisk or fork. It will become very gooey and gelatinous, much like an egg white. Chia seeds also work, and you need only about a teaspoon per tablespoon of water. You can also MASH up or blend about a half a banana or 1/4 cup applesauce to use as an egg replacer in baked goods such as muffins, pancakes, or quick breads. Bananas and applesauce add the perfect amount of thick moisture, like eggs, but they won't help your dishes rise or turn out light and fluffy, so be sure the recipe you are using includes a bit of baking powder or baking soda to help it rise if needed.

Brownies and bar cookies: Silken tofu is an appropriate egg substitute in brownies. To use, blend 1/4 cup silken tofu with liquid ingredients until tofu is smooth and creamy. While it won't alter the flavor of a recipe, using tofu as an egg substitute will make baked goods a bit on the heavy and thick side. You can also try 1/4 cup of soy, rice, almond, or coconut yogurt.

Quiche, fritatta, scramble, egg-less salad, and mayonaise: In recipes where eggs are central to the finished product, you'll probably need tofu to mimic the consistency of the eggs, while making other adjustments to the recipe as well to add flavor and body. The texture of silken tofu or crumbled regular tofu is similar to boiled or cooked eggs. You can add mustard, turmeric, and nutritional yeast to your dish to give it a yellow hue. Because other recipe adjustments are probably needed to make an egg-free fritatta, for example, its best to follow a recipe rather than just replacing the eggs with tofu.

Savory entrees: Commercial egg substitutes are relatively flavorless can be used to bind ingredients together in a vegan casserole or loaf. You can also try using 2-3 tablespoons of bread crumbs or oats.

How many points are Egg beaters?

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An Eggcellent question, baddumtss

How many eggs do you use to substitute for one half cup of frozen egg substitute?

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Probably one large egg. Put it in a measuring cup and add enough milk to make half a cup.

What are some of the health benefits of egg beaters?

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The product known as Egg Beaters are primarily egg whites with added flavor, vitamins and thickeners. Egg beaters doesn't contain egg yolks. In the United States they are marketed as a healthy substitute for chicken eggs. The reason is that they contain no fat or cholesterol and also less energy than normal eggs.

If a person is allergic to eggs can they have an egg substitute instead?

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As long as your not alergic to anything in the product then yes. Ask your doctor for their opinion anyway. Don't worry I am alergic to eggs and take egg substitues. You should try Orgran. It is a very good substitute :)

Why is applesauce a good egg substitute?

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Because it gives the kind of thick liquid substance of a egg. And it's vegan!

A different response:

Applesauce only adds approximately the same volume as the egg it replaces. It does not have equivalent protein, it will not bind ingredients together as an egg does, and it will not cause batter to rise, as a whipped egg does.

What can be an egg substitute in meatloaf?

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One egg equals 2 1/2 tablespoons of powdered egg substitute plus 2 1/2 tablespoons water OR 1/4 cup liquid egg substitute OR 1/4 cup silken tofu pureed OR 3 tablespoons mayonnaise OR half a banana mashed with 1/2 teaspoon baking powder OR 1 tablespoon powdered flax seed soaked in 3 tablespoons water.

Are egg beaters good for your cholesterol?

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If you mean are the better then eggs yes. The contain no fat or chlorestrol and have 30 calories compared to one egg.