


English Language

This category includes questions and answers related to using and writing the English language properly.

500 Questions

What does no conclusive mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

"No conclusive" means that there is not enough evidence, information, or proof to confirm a definitive conclusion or decision. It indicates uncertainty or lack of finality in a particular situation or outcome.

Are 'infrared light' and 'night vision' the same thing?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, they are not the same. Infrared light is a type of light that is invisible to the human eye but can be detected by certain devices, such as cameras and sensors. Night vision, on the other hand, refers to technologies that amplify existing light (like moonlight or ambient light) to help us see better in low-light conditions.

How much does it rain in wetlands?

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Asked by Wiki User

The amount of rainfall in wetlands can vary widely depending on their location and climate. Some wetlands may receive significant rainfall throughout the year, while others may experience more seasonal patterns of precipitation. Overall, wetlands tend to have higher levels of precipitation than surrounding areas due to their ability to retain water.

How can you show that white is not just one colour?

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Asked by Wiki User

White light is actually a combination of all colors in the visible spectrum. This can be demonstrated through a prism, which disperses white light into a rainbow of colors. Additionally, white objects appear different under varying color temperatures of light sources, showing that the perception of white can change depending on its surroundings.

What is the definition of the prefix cycle?

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Asked by Wiki User

The prefix "cycle" typically refers to a series of events or processes that repeat in a predictable pattern. It can also refer to a circular movement or progression.

What is the definition of radioisotopes?

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Asked by Wiki User

A radioactive isotope of an element

Who is Rebecca Louise Moore?

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Asked by Wiki User

Rebecca Louise Moore is a fitness trainer and YouTube personality known for her workout videos and motivational content. She has a popular fitness channel where she shares exercise routines and healthy living tips to inspire her followers to stay active and fit.

Biochemical tests to confirm micrococcus luteus?

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Asked by Wiki User

Biochemical tests to confirm Micrococcus luteus include catalase positive, coagulase negative, positive reactions for oxidase, nitrate reduction, and maltose fermentation tests. Additionally, M. luteus is non-motile, exhibits yellow pigmentation, and grows well on nutrient agar.

What is the Definition of allied sciences?

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Asked by Shakespearerm

Allied sciences refer to fields of study that are related to, but distinct from, the primary branch of science. These disciplines often provide supporting or complementary knowledge and skills to the main science area. Examples include biochemistry, biophysics, and environmental science.

What is the detailed procedure of hot dip galvanizing and electro galvanizing and acid compounds used in it?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hot dip galvanizing involves immersing steel into a bath of molten zinc to create a protective coating. On the other hand, electro galvanizing uses an electric current to deposit a layer of zinc onto the steel surface. The acid compounds commonly used in these processes are typically acids like hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid for surface cleaning and preparation before the galvanizing treatment.

What is a supporting reason?

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Asked by Wiki User

A supporting reason is additional evidence or rationale that helps strengthen or justify a claim or argument. It provides further details, explanations, or examples to back up the main point being made. Supporting reasons help enhance the credibility and persuasiveness of an argument.

Why is dust particles countable?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dust particles are countable because they are discrete entities that can be physically separated and individually distinguished from one another. When discussing the number of dust particles, each individual speck or particle can be identified and quantified, making them countable.

Do you capitalize the subject science?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, the subject "science" is not capitalized unless it is at the beginning of a sentence or part of a title.

What is the definition of U-tube manometer?

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Asked by Wiki User

A U-tube manometer is a device used to measure pressure differences in a system. It consists of a U-shaped tube partially filled with a liquid, such as mercury or water, and is connected to the system where pressure needs to be measured. The height difference of the liquid levels in the two arms of the U-tube indicates the pressure difference.

What is the difference between lays and lies?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Lays" is the present tense of the verb "lay," which means to place something down. For example, "She lays the book on the table." "Lies" is the present tense of the verb "lie," which means to recline or be in a horizontal position. For example, "He lies down on the sofa."

What is the definition of flat space-time?

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Asked by Wiki User

Flat space-time is a concept in physics that describes a region of space where the effects of gravity are negligible and where the geometry conforms to Euclidean geometry. In flat space-time, the laws of special relativity hold true, and light rays travel in straight lines. It is often used as a reference point for comparing more complex curved space-time geometries.

What is a good compound sentence for the word palpable?

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Asked by Wiki User

The tension in the room was palpable, and everyone could feel it as they waited for the results to be announced.

Small country west of Spain?

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Asked by Wiki User

Portugal is a small country located west of Spain on the Iberian Peninsula. Known for its beautiful coastlines, historic cities like Lisbon and Porto, and traditional fado music, Portugal is a popular destination for tourists.

What is the definition of infrared-red ray?

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Asked by Wiki User

Infrared rays are a type of electromagnetic radiation with longer wavelengths than visible light. They are invisible to the human eye but can be felt as heat. Infrared rays are commonly used in technology such as remote controls and thermal imaging cameras.

What is the definition of thermal conductor?

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Asked by Wiki User

A thermal conductor is a material that allows heat to easily flow through it due to its high thermal conductivity. This means that heat can move from one part of the material to another quickly and efficiently. Metals like copper and aluminum are good examples of thermal conductors.

What is the pronunciation rebus for hydrogen?

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Asked by Wiki User

See Chemistry for Kids website:

It is just a picture of how the word nitrgoen is pronounced.

NI-TRO-GEN can be depicted by as a rebus by drawing a picture of a knight (or nighttime sky) + someone rowing a boat + G + a drawing of a pen (minus the P).

Is frictioning a word?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Frictioning" is not a commonly recognized word in mainstream English vocabulary. It may be an informal or creative term used to describe the action of creating friction, but it is not widely accepted or formally listed in dictionaries.

What is the purpose of dialect in hibernate?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are two concepts here a Dialect and a Driver.

Driver is like English.

Dialect is the different pronunciations of English.

We all know there are different versions of Oracle... Oracle 9i, Oracle8.

The driver we would use would be a common for all of these.

But the dialect we use is specific to each one of them, which helps Hibernate in generating optimized queries to those specific versions of database.

Also not that this is not mandatory to be given in cfg.xml.