


Feminism is a movement aimed at defining, establishing and defending rights for women in society. Feminists have been fighting for and defending rights and equality for women in society, employment, relationships, politics and law all over the globe for hundreds of years.

500 Questions

The second wave of feminism differed from the first wave because modern wanted what?

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voting rights, as well as full equality

What is the opposite of a feminist?

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Asked by Melow47


The question asked can be confusing to answer as it can contain various different answers. Technically speaking anti-feminists appose the feminist movement arguing it can cause damage to society. However if the question you were asking is referring to the existence of a male alternative to feminism then the term Masculism applies which is a group of people who campain for men's rights, such as the rights to equal opportunities within parenthood i.e. Fathers for Justice. It must be remembered though that Masculism does not have the same size and political power as Feminism and therefore does not compare well as an opposite.

Who was the first avowed feminist in US history?

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Christine de Pisan

What is the purpose of feminism?

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Asked by Wiki User

The goals of feminism ARE to get women equal rights under the law and equal stature in society. Feminism is an ongoing movement.

Additional thoughts:

Whilst that is all correct. It has grow to be about equality for both genders as well. So eradicating gender stereotypes so it is in men good interests as well. You see men have a lot of responsibility if the women don't have rights. They are responsible for making a flow of income for the home. They are expected to be strong and do all the manual labour. If both genders are treated equally a lot of pressure is taken off men and women (in terms of raising children, cooking and cleaning) which in turn would create a more balanced society. There are so many misconceptions about feminism its actually funny so make sure you don't get into the whole "feminist are lesbians" or "feminist hate men" cause we don't. We just believe and strive for equality which in truth is really the goal for most societies right now.

Are feminists people who hate men?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, feminists are not people who hate men.

Feminism is the movement seeking equality between the sexes, that means bringing women up to equal footing with men socially and economically but not by bringing men down. Feminism recognizes that the patriarchal society damages men too, so rather than hating men feminism actually fights for mens rights by tackling issues such as male rape and inequality in the family courts.

Can a man be a feminist?

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Asked by JolyonKay

Absolutely, there are many feminist men in the world.

Any man who doesn't believe women should have equal rights is living in a delusional world. However this doesn't mean that anyone who supports equal rights is a "feminist". Feminism is a selfish belief that women should be given a special class above men in society.

Why were feminists of the 60's and 70's pro-choice and mainly democrats?

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Asked by Wiki User

All feminists are pro-choice, this is the stance of someone who believes that women should have control over their own bodies - a person cannot be feminist if they believe that women's rights should be taken away by forcing them to continue with an unwanted pregnancy. As for being democrats, within America democrats represent the left and thus are liberal so believe in equality.

What makes a feminist a feminist?

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The answer to this question will vary depending on who you talk to, I call myslef a a feminist and to mean it is a person who believes in equality regardless of gender rules or social rules.

Who popularized womens political advocacy and feminism?

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your mom cheaters

What is the median age for women in Ireland?

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As of 2010, the median age of women in Ireland was 35.8 years.

What is the base of feminism?

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I think it's the political respect for the females.

Where was JFK stationed at?

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What is girl power?

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It's a term of empowerment, linked to third-wave feminism.

Was Mae West a Feminist?

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They said she was more of a sex kitten that enraged alot of conservatives, so in a way, she was a feminst, but not entirely, since she never dumped the sex kitten image