



The average temperature of the human body is 98.6°F (37°C). When the body's temperature begins to elevate outside of its normal range, it is known as a fever.

500 Questions

What to do with a 8 year old with a 102.4 fever and vomiting?

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Asked by Wiki User

Put a cold rag on his forehead, try to keep him and yourself calm. Call urgent care and ask also. Immediately consult a doctor. Go to the emergency room.

When does rheumatic fever usually occur?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

Just as strep throat occurs most frequently in fall, winter, and early spring, so does rheumatic fever.

What is associated with a low-grade fever?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

Not to be flippant, but a persistent low grade fever is most typically caused by a persistent, low grade infection. There's not a lot else I can tell you without more symptoms present.

When should you go to the doctor for a fever?

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Asked by Wiki User

You should always be concerned when your child has a high grade fever. His/her body is trying to fight off an infection that are causing all of these symptoms. Sorry if this didn't help. Hope you feel better.

Can you have fever and no infection?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes you can. Sometimes you can get a fever without having other symptoms from certain over-the-counter medications. Other times, it can be a trigger that you are ABOUT to get sick. For example: The flu generally starts off with a low-grade fever (which is a temperature of 99-101 degrees measured orally) without any other symptoms present (You'll feel hot, but other than that nothing else). As other symptoms start to develop and they will develop unexpectedly (sudden onset), (sore throat, headache, dry cough, runny nose) your temperature will suddenly rise to 102 or higher (some people with the flu have reported fevers upwards to about 105 degrees).

Does scarlet fever turn you red?

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Asked by Wiki User

No i think a scalet fever make a healthy and balanced person faint

Are tongue blisters that are painful and followed with fever a form of herpes?

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Asked by Wiki User

I would assume a YES!!. Try going to the doctor the next time you get them so they can test you. Then you will know for sure Its hard to say. The first outbreak of herpes can come with a fever, swollen glands, sore throat and pain at the site of the outreak. However, herpes RARELY affects the tongue. See a doctor and they can tell you for sure.

What is the treatment for tomato fever?

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Paracetamol and vitamin B-complex tablets are being administered in large quantities and patients are being advised to consume lots of fluids and take rest. It takes weeks and sometimes months for patients to be completely rid of the disease.

How warm are you when you get a fever?

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Asked by Wiki User

do you sweat whne you have a fever and why or why not

What is persistent fever?

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Asked by Agerald

The fever is called sustained when it does not touch the base line of 98.4 degree Fahrenheit. This term is also used for a fever when it dose not go in reasonable period of time of say one week.

Is 97.4 a fever?

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98.6 degrees Fahrenheit is the accepted "normal" temperature for human adults; however, many people have slightly different normals. For example, I always run a little cooler body temp than normal (97.7). So, I would say 97.6 is perfectly normal.

How can manage hyperthermia?

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How long does a UTI last?

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With treatment, usually around 2 or 3 days. Without antibiotics, they can last longer, but this is dangerous as you risk the infection traveling up into the kidneys and becoming much more serious--if this happens, you may need intravenous antibiotics and an overnight stay in the hospital. The best thing to do is to see your doctor as soon as you suspect a UTI. You can cut down the time by drinking lots of water and cranberry juice, or other cranberry supplements.

Should i medicate for a fever?

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Asked by Wiki User

1. Measure your temperature with a digital thermomether.

2. If your temperature is higher than 37.6 degree celcius, take some medication.

3. Get enough rest,

4. If symptoms persist after 3 days, consult your doctor.

How is trench fever prevented?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

Prevention involves good hygiene and decent living conditions. When this is impossible, insecticide dusting powders are available to apply to clothing.

What is the cause for low fever?

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Asked by Wiki User

low grade infection.

What does yellow fever do?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yellow Fever begins with a severe headache, sensitivity to light and a sense of apprehension (that something bad is going to happen). Then the fever begins and terrible body aches set in along with extreme dizziness. The victim then begins to vomit black blood uncontrollably. The tongue swells and the face flushes as the fever continues to rise. Some victims will begin to gradually recover at this stage. Others will see a continued high fever with delirium and heart palpitations. For some, the fever will suddenly drop and the person will feel very normal, as if they have recovered, but this almost always means the victim is going to die. During this 'normal' phase, any sudden exertion will almost always cause a heart attack in the victim and any food eaten will cause organ failure. After a short while during which the patient feels perfectly healthy, the fever will suddenly return with violent convulsions. The organs in the body shut down and just before the victim dies, jaundice turns the skin and eyes a deep golden-yellow, thus the name 'yellow fever'.

What are signs of having a fever?

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Asked by Wiki User

According to the Mayo Clinic,

You have a fever when your temperature rises above its normal range. What's normal for you may be a little higher or lower than the average temperature of 98.6 F (37 C).

Depending on what's causing your fever, additional fever symptoms may include:

  • Sweating
  • Shivering
  • Headache
  • Muscle aches
  • Loss of appetite
  • Dehydration
  • General weakness

High fevers between 103 F (39.4 C) and 106 F (41.1 C) may cause:

  • Hallucinations
  • Confusion
  • Irritability
  • Convulsions

What to eat when you have a fever?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you're running a fever, you should probably stay with clear liquids like water, tea, apple juice, ginger ale (room temperature) bread and buttermilk. According to WebMD, when a body is running a fever it is also dehydrating and needs fluids such as water, soups, and juices. Nothing was mentioned about bread and dairy products, so I respectfully disagree with those suggestions.

Is 97.5 a fever?

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And it isn't even dangerous.

It is possible in 11% of people (Including me) that the normal body temperature is 97.7!

What is spring fever?

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As the cold and the darkness of winter leaves us and the days become brighter and warmer with the onset of Spring, our hearts and spirits lighten and bring us a dizzying joy that stirs our blood and heats our bodies similar to symptoms of a fever. Answer offered by Ninette Bravo.

Do 6 year molars cause fever?

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Asked by Wiki User


Who sings fever?

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Asked by Wiki User Peggy Lee sang it in the 50s.