



Ghosts, poltergeists, hauntings, disembodied spirits, movement of objects and strange sounds are all here. Gather up your courage and enter if you dare.

500 Questions

What do ghost sound like?

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Ghosts are typically associated with eerie or chilling sounds such as groans, howls, whispers, footsteps, or rattling chains. These sounds are often meant to create a sense of fear or unease.

You want credible information about ghost there relation with us do they exist?

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The existence of ghosts is a topic of debate and there is currently no scientific evidence to prove their existence. Beliefs in ghosts vary depending on cultural and personal perspectives. It is suggested to approach information about ghosts with an open mind and consider various viewpoints before forming your own opinion.

What are some things that move?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some things that move include vehicles like cars and airplanes, animals like birds and fish, and objects like balls and waves. Movement can occur in various forms such as walking, running, flying, or flowing.

Is it possible for someone to lift an object into the air with their mind?

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No, it is not possible for someone to lift an object into the air with their mind. This ability is not supported by scientific evidence and is considered to be a fictional concept in popular culture.

What is the meaning of the colors in the radar ghosts?

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In radar displays, colors are used to represent the intensity of the reflectivity of objects being detected. Typically, green indicates light rain, yellow or orange indicates moderate rainfall, and red indicates heavy rainfall or severe weather. Variations in color shading can also represent different levels of intensity within each category.

How do ghost move stuff?

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In theories of the paranormal, ghosts are said to move objects by manipulating energy or through telekinesis. This ability is believed to be a manifestation of the spirit's lingering presence in the physical world.

How can a ghost kill?

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Ghosts are believed to be entities without physical form, so their ability to harm or kill is generally considered supernatural and not scientifically proven. In legends and folklore, ghosts may harm or frighten people through psychological or emotional means, but physical harm is typically attributed to other entities or forces.

Is MY house haunted?

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There is no scientific evidence to prove the existence of ghosts or hauntings. Any strange occurrences in your house could likely be explained by natural causes. If you are feeling uncomfortable or scared, consider speaking with a mental health professional or bringing in someone to check for any structural issues in your home.

Why do ghosts look scary?

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The appearance of ghosts is often influenced by cultural beliefs and popular media depictions. In many cultures, ghosts are associated with death, the unknown, and the supernatural, leading to their portrayal as eerie or frightening entities. Additionally, their intangible and otherworldly nature can contribute to their perceived scariness.

Do ghosts have a shadow?

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Ghosts are typically considered to be energy or spirits, so they do not have physical form or substance to cast a shadow. Traditional beliefs suggest that ghosts are manifestations of the spirit or soul of a deceased person, so they wouldn't interact with light in the same way as physical objects.

What can ghosts not go through?

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Ghosts are often believed to be able to pass through objects such as walls and doors, but they are commonly associated with being unable to pass through materials such as salt, iron, or specific objects related to their life or death. In some cultures, it is believed that ghosts cannot cross running water or enter holy ground.

How do you calm an angry ghost?

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To calm an angry ghost, you can try respectfully communicating with it, showing empathy, and offering positive energy through prayer or peaceful intentions. It may also help to perform a cleansing ritual or seek the assistance of a spiritual or energy healer to help the ghost find peace and release its anger.

Give reasons that ghost do not exist?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Lack of scientific evidence: There is no empirical or tangible evidence that definitively proves the existence of ghosts.
  2. Psychological factors: Many instances of supposed ghost sightings can be attributed to psychological phenomena such as pareidolia or sleep paralysis.
  3. Cultural influences: Belief in ghosts is often influenced by cultural myths, folklore, and popular media rather than concrete evidence.

In ghost motel 11 what is the right key to the ghost quiz?

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11 ghosts are dancing

R is the letter engraved on the grandfather clock

Spaghetti was the dish served

The Pink in the second row was the color of the necklace

The 4th painting in the second row is the one missing

The 3rd column 4th key

How fast can a ghost bat go?

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Ghost bats typically fly at speeds of 15-20 miles per hour, but can reach speeds up to 25 miles per hour when chasing prey or evading predators.

What was casper's the friendly ghosts brothers name?

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Casper's three mischievous brothers are named Stretch (the tall one), Stinkie (the fat one), and Fatso (the short one).

Why is three O' clock am considered a dead time?

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Three o'clock in the morning is often considered a "dead time" due to various reasons. It is believed to be an hour when spiritual activity is heightened, making people more susceptible to ghostly encounters or paranormal activity. Additionally, some cultures associate this time with the witching hour, a time when supernatural powers are most potent.

Why is h in ghost?

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The "h" in "ghost" is a silent letter, inherited from the word's Old English roots. Over time, pronunciation changed while the spelling remained consistent, leading to the silent "h" in modern English.

How do you know if a ghost is in the same room as you?

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There are no definitive scientific methods to confirm the presence of ghosts. Some people report feeling sudden changes in temperature, hearing unexplained noises, or sensing a presence, but these experiences are subjective and not conclusive evidence of a ghost's presence.

Is ghost hunting science?

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Ghost hunting is not considered a science in the traditional sense, as it does not adhere to the scientific method or have replicable, verifiable results. It is more often associated with paranormal belief and investigation.

How do you make a ghost follow you?

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Ghosts do not exist in reality, so there is no way to make one follow you in real life. If you're referencing a game or a fictional setting, it would depend on the specific rules or mechanics of that world.

Is it true that when ghosts lay on you at night you can't move an inch?

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No, the sensation of being unable to move while experiencing a ghostly encounter is likely due to sleep paralysis, a natural phenomenon where the body's muscles are temporarily immobilized during the transition between sleeping and waking states. It is not caused by actual physical contact with ghosts.

What makes a ghost?

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A ghost is believed to be the spirit or soul of a deceased person that has not moved on to the afterlife. Some people think ghosts are connected to unfinished business or a strong emotional attachment to a place or person. Others believe they may be residual energy imprints left behind.

Can only physics see ghosts?

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No, physics deals with the study of matter and energy, while ghosts are typically considered paranormal entities. Belief in ghosts is not scientifically supported by physics or any other scientific discipline. Ghosts are generally considered to be supernatural or spiritual in nature, not within the realm of physics.

What is the description of a ghost?

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A ghost is believed to be the spirit or soul of a deceased person that appears to the living, often as a pale, shadowy figure or a transparent apparition. Ghosts are often associated with haunting specific locations or people, and are thought to be unsettled spirits unable to move on to the afterlife.