

Great Barrier Reef

Located in Australia, the Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest reef and encompasses an area of 133,000 square miles.

500 Questions

What types of rocks are found there at great barrier reef?

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The reef sits on top of thousands of years of compacted coral skeletons that have compressed and fused to form limestone rocks. So yes, there are rocks in the reef as it is principally composed of rock.

The Great Barrier Reef has how many fish species?

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lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's.

What is a physical barrier effect?

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its somthing. thats physical. this website doesnt help at all(:, because random people like me can answer(:

What is the most deadly animal on the great barrier reef?

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black bears are the best bear, and black bears eat beats

What is the length and area of the Great Barrier Reef?

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Figures vary, but according to the Australian Institute of Marine Science, the Great Barrier Reef is approximately 2,300km long. It is located in the Coral Sea and lies parallel to the coast of Queensland. It is actually a series of reefs and atolls, with its northern end just south of Papua New Guinea, and its southern end near Lady Elliott Island, northeast of the city of Bundaberg. This is the equivalent of about 1,430 miles.

Australia has almost one-fifth of the world's reef area and most is located in the Great Barrier Reef, off the eastern coast. The Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, which comprises more than just the coral reefs, atolls and islands of the Great Barrier Reef, covers around 348,000 sq km (134,363 sq miles) while the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park itself covers around 344,400 sq km.

How long ago did the Great Barrier Reef begin to form?

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the Great Barrier Reef is approximately 500,000 years old. However The structure of the current reef is much younger. It is less than around 8,000 years old. So it is hard to put your finger on the exact age of the Great barrier reef.

This is NOT the answer to the question...It is merely speculation.

How many species on the Great Barrier Reef?

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In and around the Great Barrier Reef can be found:

* 1625 species of fish, including 1400 coral reef species

* More than 3000 species of molluscs (shells)

* 630 species of echinoderm (starfish, sea urchins)

* 14 species of sea snakes

* 215 species of birds including 22 species of seabirds and 32 species of shorebirds

* Six species of marine turtle (there are only 7 species in the world)

* 30 species of whales and dolphins

* one of the largest populations of dugong

* 133 species of sharks and rays

As well, there are an estimated 400 species of hard and soft corals, and at least 2195 known plant species.

What words relate to The Great Barrier Reef?

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Our world, Our future, Our reef

What cities are near The Great Barrier Reef?

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Because the Great Barrier Reef extends for 2000 km up the Queensland coast, there are several cities close to the reef. A large city which is closest to where the reef comes in nearest the coast is Cairns. Townsville is a large city along the coast, but the reef is not as accessible and close to shore from there. The southern end of the Great Barrier Reef is around 75km northwest of the port city of Gladstone. Brisbane is the nearest capital city to the Reef, but it is about 530km from the southern end. Contrary to popular overseas opinion, Sydney is nowhere near the Great Barrier Reef, as it is 930 kilometres south of Brisbane.

What are the environmental problems in Paris France?

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The environment affects the people in Paris, France in much of the same ways it does everywhere else. There are various forms of pollution that need to be handled, as well as wastes to be disposed of.

Is the Great Barrier Reef shrinking?

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Australia's Great Barrier Reef could lose 95 percent of its living coral by 2050 should ocean temperatures increase by the 1.5 degrees Celsius projected by climate scientists.

While the Great Barrier Reef is one of the world's healthiest reefs, coral reefs are particularly fragile ecosystems, partly due to their sensitivity to water temperature. When corals are physiologically stressed -- as is the case when water temperatures are elevated -- they may lose much of the their symbiotic algae, an event known as "bleaching." Corals can recover from short-term bleaching, but prolonged bleaching can cause irreversible damage and subsequent death.

Can you use the Great Barrier Reef sustainably?

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The vast majority of the Great Barrier Reef is in Australian waters, so it is managed by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. A Zoning Plan covers the whole Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, and this plan determines where particular activities are permitted or not permitted. The plan also allows for certain areas of protection, while Plans of Management cover the more popular, high-use areas.

More detailed information can be found at the related link below.

Is the Great Barrier Reef classified as a natural or cultural site?

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The great barrier reef is a natural site, as humans did not influence the creation of it, but early Aborigional people and Torres Strait islanders had cultural connections with it.

What are the endangered species of the Great Barrier Reef?

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Some of the endangered species of the Great Barrier Reef include:

  • Loggerhead turtle
  • Olive Ridley turtle
  • Leatherback turtle
  • Hawksbill Sea turtle
  • Green sea turtle
  • Dugong
  • Humpback whale
  • Grey nurse shark
  • Speartooth shark
  • Whale shark
  • all 4 species of sawtooth shark found in the GBR

What plant life is in the Great Barrier Reef?

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Well The Great Barrier reef in a sense is living as Coral is a living, breathing organism. It terms yes it does support Algae and a wide rang of fish such as the:

  • yellow-faced angelfishes
  • fusiliers
  • blue tuskfishes
  • cardinal fishes
  • tervallies
  • gobies
  • Mandarin fishes
In Terms of Plant life, there are 500 Algae including Red Algae and Brown Algae(also known as seaweed) There is also an abundance of Seagrass. There is over 60 species of Seagrass living on the Great Barrier Reef. The Great Barrier is an oasis for the growth of species.

What is the population of clown fish in the Great Barrier Reef?

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There are some aborigines that inhabit the islands but generally the Great Barrier Reef is off-shore and a wildlife sanctuary. The total population living in the watershed on the Queensland cast is less than two million.

The population of fish, sharks and other creatures is unknown. There are 125 species of shark that populate the Great Barrier Reef.

How many species of coral are there in the Great Barrier Reef?

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Lettuce Coral, brain coral, elkhorn coral, staghorn coral, star coral, fire coral, sea pen, scroll coral, golfball coral, mustard hill coral, rose coral, sea whips, maze coral, rigid cactus coral, orange cup coral.... and many more.

What are the cultural features of Great Barrier Reef?

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The Great Barrier Reef itself is a landform. Some of the features found on the Reef include:

  • Coral reefs and atolls
  • Islands
  • Bays
  • Inlets
  • Peninsulas

What things are endangering the coral reefs?

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There are several things that can harm corals. Most of these are human activities like overfishing and any form of contact with the corals will damage them.

What is the difference between coral reefs and The Great Barrier Reef?

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A fringing reef forms a continuous underwater "wall" for some distance, where as a "barrier Reef" are shorter in distances, and have large gaps in them....and will be between shore and the Barrier Reef..............
Sea Rambo

How long is the Great Barrier Reef along Australia's east coast?

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Figures vary, but according to the Australian Institute of Marine Science, the Great Barrier Reef is approximately 2,300km long. It is located in the Coral Sea and lies parallel to the coast of Queensland. It is actually a series of reefs and atolls, with its northern end just south of Papua New Guinea, and its southern end near Lady Elliott Island, northeast of the city of Bundaberg. This is the equivalent of about 1,430 miles.

What are three benefits of the Great Barrier Reef?

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One of the most biodiverse places in the world.

How have humans interacted positively with the Great Barrier Reef?

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People are helping the great barrier reef in a number of ways, killing and trying to control the population of crown-of-thorns sea stars is just one example. Raising money for it after natural disasters such as the Queensland floods and cyclone is another.

Further information:

There are numerous groups making an effort to help the Great Barrier Reef.

  • The Species Conservation Unit monitors certain vertebrate species in the Great Barrier reef and provide specialised advice to minimise human impact and its associated risks on Protected Species.
  • Naming and recognition of the Great Barrier Reef in 1981 as a World Heritage Area helps raise public awareness of the need to conserve the reef, as well as enabling laws which specifically help protect the Reef.
  • The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority works in assocaition with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Traditional Owner groups to understand how they have managed to conserve the reef yet utilise its resources with minimal impact. Together, these two groups develop and maintain Sea Country Partnerships which will help sustain and conserve the reef.
  • Australia is one of the countries of the world implementing a Biodiversity Action Planwhich helps to protect the Great Barrier Reef.
  • There are regions along the coast near the Great Barrier Reef where use of chemical and pesticides by farmers is being closely monitored, in light of revelations that the chemicals are damaging the ecosystem of the Reef.

Restrictions in boating, fishing, and various other activities have, increasingly, been put in place, to help protect the Great Barrier Reef from further destruction. Nevertheless, it is still an extremely vulnerable ecosystem, and remains threatened.