

Gulf War

The Persian Gulf War took place from August 2, 1990 to February 28, 1991 and is often referred to as the Gulf War or Desert Storm.

500 Questions

The 1980-1988 war in the Persian Gulf was fought between?

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The war in the Persian Gulf that was fought from 1980 to 1988 was between Iran and Iraq.
Iran and Iraq

What did the ku klux klan oppose in the 1920's?

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KKK, Ku Klux Klan opposed African-Americans, Jews, Catholics, and Immigrants.

What jet bombers were used in desert storm?

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During Desert Storm, the United States primarily used two jet bombers: the General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark and the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress. The F-111 was used for precision strikes on targets, while the B-52 provided long-range strategic bombing capabilities. These bombers played a significant role in the air campaign against Iraqi forces during the conflict.

When did UN forces liberate Kuwait?

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Kuwait was liberated in Jan. 1991

What Are you Fighting in the Iraq war?

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the American and ENGLISH soldiers are fighting against the taliban and other mast terrorist groups around the area of Iraq

What was George Bush's reason for not invading Iraq after Desert Storm?

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The United States led coalition during the First Gulf War showed remarkable restraint before beginning the air war and ultimate land invasion into Kuwait and Iraq. The coalition operation began with Operation Desert Shield sending the bulk forces to secure Saudi Arabia. Once diplomacy failed to secure Saddam Hussein's withdrawal did the phase of Desert Storm begin.

When did they hang sadam Hussein?

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beacause he was vey very ................. bad provoking hate people like people hate calm dont get inn problems cuz o0f a stuiped man

Who led US troops in the gulf war?

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  1. were supported by the United Nations.
  2. included Islamic countries.
  3. relied heavily on airpower.

Did US enter Iraq during Gulf War?

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Yes. US and other Coalition forces entered Iraq and took the city of Basra, but they did not attempt to take Bagdad.

What was the outcome of the Persian Gulf War?

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The end result of the Persian Gulf War in 1991 was that Iraq withdrew its occupying forces from Kuwait, which regained its independence.
The Iraqi Army was forced to leave Kuwait, and Iraq was no longer a threat to the flow of oil through the Strait of Hormuz. Basra was captured, and criticisms were voiced that Bagdad should have been captured as well. Two no-fly zones were imposed on Iraq, but Iraqi helicopters were excluded and they were used to butcher the Kurds residing in Iraq. Sabotaged Kuwaiti oil wells burned like a scene from hell. The soldiers of the Gulf Coalition returned to their respective countries.

Who conquered Kuwait?

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Iraq invaded Kuwait. This was the first Gulf War with Saddam Hussein.

What USA aircraft carrier used in gulf war?

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The 6th Fleet patrolled the Persian Gulf during the Iran-Iraq War from 1980-1988.

What made the gulf war start?

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Asked by TierraGatlin

Some historians consider the Iran-Iraq War of the 1970's thru the 1980's to be the 1st Gulf War. If the 2nd Gulf War is Desert Storm, then it began on Jan 15, 1991 when Iraq failed to leave Kuwait. They left the following month in Feb, 1991, after the US/Coalition Forces removed them during Operation Desert Storm (which lasted approximately 30 days). The current Iraqi Operation (Operation Iraqi Freedom) started in 2003; and has the mission of restoring law, order, and stability to the nation of Iraq.

Who is responsible for the war between Iraq and the US?

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What war? The United States of America is not at war with any nation on earth. The US is (or was) hunting terrorists in Afghanistan since 2001. The US toppled Saddam H. from Iraq in 2003.

The establishing of law, order, and stability has been an ongoing problem in Iraq since 2003. If Iraq cannot control (police) it's own nation...who can?

The US police's it's country. Britain police's it's country. France police's it country. Russia, China, Iceland, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Jordan, Isreal, etc. etc. etc. all police their own nations. Certainly Iraq can probably police it's own country too.

Loser of Falkland war?

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14 June 1982.

Why did the is go to war with Iraq in the Persian gulf war?

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To prevent the occupation of Kuwait by Iraq and its leader, Saddam Hussein. The US also asked other countries to join in a coalition.

What was the objective of Desert Storm?

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As the name implies, the Persian Gulf War was fought for control of the Persian Gulf. Most of the modern world runs on oil, and most of the world's oil comes comes out of the Persian Gulf on supertankers. Ergo, the Persian Gulf is a very important body of water which Iraq threatened to take control of in 1990, as Iraq had already done with the neighboring country of Kuwait. The main idea of the Persian Gulf War was to prevent Iraq from gaining a choke hold on the world's oil supply.

What was the start of the Persian gulf war?

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The start of the Persian Gulf war was when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990. He invaded Kuwait mostly because he wanted the oil. The United Nations put sanctions on Iraq, but Saddam went on until the United States and a few other countries invaded. On February 28, 1991, Iraq retreated.

What is the name of the country attacked and over run by Iraq on August 2 1990?

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Kuwait, to Iraq's southwest, was conquered by Iraq in 1990.

Kuwait was invaded in 1990 by Iraq who claimed they had been stealing oil by drilling diagonally under the ground and also probably because Iraq did not want to repay the large amount of money they had borrowed from the Kuwaitis during the Iran-Iraq war.

The US and a coalition of other nations then retaliated against Iraq in what is commonly referred to as the Gulf War

How many Americans fought in desert storm?

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Less than 200.

What was not a element of cease fire agreement that ended the gulf war?

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Saddam Hussein was required to step down as the dictator of iraq.

Why did the US enter the second Gulf war?

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The US patrolled the Persian Gulf during the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988). The only US casualties were when an Iraqi jet fired a missile and struck the USS Stark killing approximately 30 US Sailors.