

Halo 4

Halo 4 is a first person shooter developed for the Xbox 360. It was released November 2012. The setting is in 2557, and the player takes the role of the character, Master Chief.

500 Questions

What do bbfc rate halo 4?

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4 out of 5

Will the second player in halo 4 be spartan 4 in coop campaign?

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Asked by Wiki User

Both players will be Master Chief.

When is halo 4 going to be released?

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Asked by Augy08

at the end of 2012 when the world is going to end...

Who is the new enemy in Halo 4?

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Asked by Wiki User

The new enemy in Halo 4 is the "Didact". A 100,000 year old Forerunner-Promethean Warrior servant. The new enemies found in the campaign and spartan ops are the promethean knights, watchers and crawlers.

How dangerous is the Didact in Halo 4?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Didact (Halo 4 main enemy) is so deadly and dangerous that, let me just say if you have Halo CEA and you found the last terminal in the mission maw then you can hear guilty sparks say, "Without the Librarian to control his temper, well these reclaimers might almost prefer the flood". So people who thought that the flood was the most dangerous thing in Halo, think again. The Prometeans are not organic so the flood can't take them over. So they are more deadly and dangerous than the flood. Also, if you're wondering who is the librarian, she is the Didact's wife. In Halo 3 you could also read conversations between the Didact and the Librarian if you found the terminals. The Didact is the new main enemy because he just plain hates the humans. His symbol is inverted and red. Red in the forerunner society was the color of evil. The Didact was also the leader of the military. Some people say the Didact is dead, others say he's alive; he is dead physically, but he is still alive mentally. Before he was executed by the Master Builder, he combined his mind with Bornsteller. The Didact also has a sort of vehicle called a war sphinx. Now there is not much info as of now on it, but there will be leaked info about it as we are getting closer to launch. Frank O'Conner said that Halo CEA does have some connections to Halo 4 but I'm guessing not that many.

Should 8 year old boys be playing halo 4?

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Asked by Wiki User

Technically not, but the common misconception for the Halo series is that it is violent. The truth is that Halo 4 does not contain that much blood or brutal scenes, and the curse words in it are not strong, and neither do they occur that much. Personally, I believe that Halo 4 is probably one of the least violent "Mature" games out on the market.

Does halo 4 have mild language?

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Yes, not very often but theyre is some curse words used on the later levels

Are there new vehicle's in halo 4?

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Yes, there is a new vehicle called the "Mantis". It's a big walking robot suit with missiles and machine guns and a supreme melee attack in the form of the stomp. However, it is confirmed that they have removed the Covenant vehicle, Revenant.

Why isn't a 12 gauge Eclipse Meteor that is working worth more than 250?

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Asked by Wiki User

Because no one wants to pay that much for an old shotgun that is neither scarce nor useable. There were literally millions of similar guns imported from Belgium from the late 1880s up to World War 1. No one is trying to build a collection of every different trade name used, so even the most dedicated collector of utility shotguns will be satisfied with one hammerless damascus double barrel by Anciens Etablissments Pieper. It is worthless as a hunting gun because it will be chambered for 2 1/2 inch black powder shells, 100-year-old twisted-steel barrels are not considered safe, and repair parts are unavailable. The only buyers are people involved in Cowboy Action Shooting and decorators who want an old shotgun over the mantle in the den. Both of those groups would prefer to have guns with side hammers.

Will halo 4 have survival mode?

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Halo 4 will not have "survival mode" (by the way it's called firefight) like Reach and ODST, but it will have Spartan ops, which is essentially a second campaign based on a spartan other than Master Chief.

Steve Downes Master Chief?

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Yep, Steve Downes is the voice behind Master Chief, though in the upcoming live action series "Forward unto Dawn" he is played and voiced by Daniel Cudmore. The Chief has also been voiced by others in the past, in films like Halo: Lengends, but as far as the games are concerned Steve Downes is the voice actor.

Are there any pre order bonuses for halo 4 yet?

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Asked by Halo4Questionier

not yet its still too early

Is there a way to stop an assassination in halo 4?

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Asked by Wiki User

The person being assassinated can't but a person with a sniper or binary rifle on your side can.

Is a limited edition lithograph by Dali valuable?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes it is, especially if it is signed and numbered by Dali. One of the factors to consider is how large the Edition is, the smaller the number of prints in the " limited edition " the more valuable a print will be. Also bear in mind that the first 11 and the last 11 will be more valuable than any numbers in between.

When do you get your wetwork specialization on halo 4?

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Asked by Wiki User

Actually you dont get it at a certain have to beat a goal that spartan 4 tells you to do then u will get wetwork

How do you turn on bots in Halo 4?

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kill all the aliens

What are the ratings and certificates for Halo 4 Forward Unto Dawn - 2012 Part 5 1-5?

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Halo 4 Forward Unto Dawn - 2012 Part 5 1-5 is rated/received certificates of:



How many gigabit does halo 4 disk 2 need?

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it needs 4gb harddrive or 8gb